Mule Re-ducks presents Syrious Triggers. War Drums and other triggers to get you prepped for the latest conflagration. Music for the age of surveillance. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD's and other war preparations represented with music, sound montage, the Android Sisters and the Melvins covering Flipper's Sacrifice. Sounds for the easily swayed.
Paradise Ridge & A Dead Mule (also known as the OK Corral) is heard Thursday nights 11 pm - 2 am PT on KUOI-FM 89.3 in Moscow, Idaho & . The program "Mule Re-Ducks" can contain highlights from Paradise Ridge & A Dead Mule and/or vintage 40 Acres & A Clone Mule programs. It is scheduled to air Saturdays 5:00 - 7:00 pm PT on KRFP 92.5 in Moscow, Idaho and at , but has been starting as early as 4:30 pm PT lately to make room for the entire show before Nardwuar comes on at 7 pm. The Mule shows make heavy use of the fantastic music library at KUOI, plus the KRFP library, internet sources and personal collections of music to create a musical journey.