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Program Information
Takes on the World
Prof. James Phillips, Southern Oregon Univ.
 Jeff Blankfort  Contact Contributor
July 10, 2019, 1:11 p.m.
Breaking through the mix of a national media blackout, James Phillips exposes the role that the Obama and Trump administrations, and Hillary Clinton, in particular, have played in the destabilization of Honduras, the coup against Pres. Miguel Zelaya in 2009, and the fraudulent elections of 2013 and 2017 that have helped maintain the corrupt regime the corrupt regimes of Porfirio Lobo (2010-2013) and Juan Orlando Hernandez (2013to the present) in power.

Phillips describes the actions taken by Zelaya, a businessman, to benefit the Honduran people, which led him to be seen as a traitor to his class by his fellow businessmen and his outreach to Cuba and to Hugo Chavez in Venezuela was more than the US would tolerate in what it considers its “backyard.” When it comes to the Americas, Phillips points out, there is no fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Phillips traces the history between the two countries in which Honduras plays the role of a colony as well as a key staging ground for military activities in the Americas such as support for the Contras against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

From an economic standpoint, Honduras, a country, rich in natural resources, has been a serial victim of the extraction of those resources for the benefit of private and foreign investors which has been a major factor in the depressed state of the nation’s economy which feeds the very violence which has caused thousands of Hondurans to flee to the US where they have said whatever happens to them at the border is better than living in fear in their country

In the days before, after and during the 10th anniversary of the June 28, 2009 coup, there were major protests throughout the country which the US media largely ignored while, for example, NPR carried multiple stories about protests in Sudan as if what happens in that country some relevance to a US audience (which would have a hard time following either country on the map. JB)

And much more!
Interviewed by Jeff Blankfort
You are encouraged to read. "Honduras at Ten Years After the Coup: A Critical Assessment," by James Phillips, from CounterPunch, 6/28/19, published on the tenth anniversary of the coup.

Link to article on CounterPunch:

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