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Program Information
The Secret Truth
Chris Bollyn, Solving 911
Chris Bollyn, Solving 911
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
July 22, 2019, 4:33 a.m.
9-11 Criminal Elite are Zionist Mafia. Chris Bollyn May 2015
Peter Borenius
Published on 17 Aug 2015

Israel is a nation which was founded by terrorists, ruthless men with histories of committing genocidal crimes and false flag terror attacks. Israel was created in 1948 in Palestine on land that had been "ethnically cleansed" of its indigenous Christian and Muslim inhabitants.

Ariel Sharon, the former prime minister who has been in a coma since January 4, 2006, is a prime example of an Israeli terrorist. Sharon came to power in early 2001, about the same time as George W. Bush, some eight months before 9-11. Sharon is a well-known terrorist and génocidaire, i.e. a person who has been involved in genocide.

Sharon has supervised numerous terrorist atrocities, such as the 1982 massacre in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, in which thousands of innocent people were massacred. Sharon is a Zionist extremist who believes that every Jew should live in Israeli-occupied Palestine. Realistically, what else besides terrorism and bloodshed should one expect from such fanatical and genocidal terrorists?

Ariel "Arik" Sharon (smiling on left) with Moshe Dayan and members of his notorious "anti-terror" Unit 101 (1953-56) which committed a number of atrocities such as the Qibya Massacre of October 1953 in which 69 Palestinians were killed, many whose houses were blown up over their heads. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed. Sharon, a well known terrorist, became Israels prime minister in 2001.

The sons and daughters of the original Zionist terrorists have occupied the highest positions of power in the Israeli government. Tzipora Malka "Tzipi" Livni, for example, the foreign minister (2006-09), is the daughter of the former terror chief of the Irgun. Born in Tel Aviv in July 1958, "Tzipi" is the daughter of Eitan Livni (born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Grodno) a Polish-born Irgun terrorist associated with the King David Hotel bombing.

Steven Erlanger, in a New York Times article about Livni entitled "Israels Top Envoy," dated February 5, 2006, wrote:

Tzipi Livni, 47, is the first woman to serve as Israels foreign minister since Golda Meir. Some think she may be the first since Ms. Meir to be prime minister.

She is also a deeply Israeli figure, the daughter of Zionist guerrillas - terrorists in some eyes - who met in the Irgun, the underground organization that fought the British and the Arabs, and that blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people.

Her father, Eitan, was the Irguns head of operations, and on his gravestone is the map of Greater Israel, extending over both sides of the Jordan River. Erlanger suggests that blowing up a hotel and killing 91 people is only seen as a terrorist act "in some eyes."

Eitan Livni (born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Grodno, 1919) was head of operations for the Irgun. Livni was part of the Irgun mission sent to Britain in the 1940s to kill British political and military leaders.

The fact that the Israeli political leadership and military command decided to launch a vicious attack on a defenseless U.S. reconnaissance ship, the USS Liberty, off the coast of Gaza and kill every man on board illustrates that the Israelis are fully capable of committing such atrocities in their attempts to blame their enemies and achieve their strategic goals. Dedicated Zionists will either deny or defend these acts of Israeli false flag terrorism as the "pragmatic" thing to do -- and attack those who disagree as anti-Semitic.


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