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BCFM Drivetime
Leah Hunt-Hendrix, heir of key JFK assassination plotter funds Black Lives Matter
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
July 10, 2020, 1:58 p.m.
First hour News Review:  

Matt, former employee of waste contractor May Gurney, discusses the waste service in Bristol and Bristol Waste’s inability to collect rubbish: bullying; Pyrolysis plant at Avonmouth where plastic is turned into diesel, giving off pollutants; Julian Parry’s waste system;

Bristol: St Pauls fly-tipping like living in slum, say residents - Specially designed communal bins were installed in 2010 to be used in place of individual wheelie and recycling bins - Fly-tipping has led to "slum-like" conditions in one area of Bristol, residents claim. People living in St Pauls say communal bins are overflowing with "mountains" of rubbish left on the street and the council is not tackling it. Emma Reynolds described it as "soul-destroying" and said she avoided trips out because she could not cope mentally with the piles of litter. Bristols mayor told residents he has deployed extra waste crews to the area. But residents say that when they have reported fly-tipping to the council, the authority has failed to do anything about it within the promised 48-hour period....

Bulgarian Waste Mafia Arrested: Bulgaria’s deputy environment minister, facing criminal charges, dismissed - Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov has fired Deputy Environment Minister Krassimir Zhivkov, the government press service said on June 1, following Zhivkov’s arrest on May 28 on criminal charges. Zhivkov and nine others face charges related to crimes involving hazardous waste imports and management. He has been remanded in custody, along with business person Atanas Bobokov and three others allegedly involved in organised crime. The Prosecutor-General’s office said earlier that of those facing charges, seven are accused of being part of an organised crime group, while three face tax evasion charges. An investigation began in January after a large amount of unseparated waste imported from Italy was found in Bulgaria’s town of Pleven. Among the allegations are that Zhivkov pressured subordinates to grant permits to process unseparated waste to companies that did not meet the legal requirements to do so. Prosecutors allege that Environment Ministry staff that were unwilling to comply were forced out of their jobs. Prosecutors also allege that the former head of the environmental inspectorate in Pleven was involved in the scheme....

Barrages and tidal energy. David Ord, Merchant Venturer and Tory donor: With these abridged version of events the land was sold to the Bristol Port Company, with the council retaining a 12.5% non-voting share, unconnected to the freehold. The Bristol Port Company owner Terence Mordaunt proclaimed “the city’s decision to sell the freehold is a vindication of the Mayoral system…”. The decision to sell at that value may or may not have been a good one for financial reasons. £1m will be allocated to the Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Partnership. The use of the remaining £9m remains unclear. Yet questions remain about the influence of some of the most powerful people in the city, and country. The Bristol Port Company has routinely been pulling levers to protect their interests at the Port. And David Ord and Terence Mordaunt, “good chaps” as described by Ferguson, have many levers to pull. Over the years, the owners have deployed standard methods of corporate lobbying to stake out their interests in the city and beyond. In the run up to the mayoral election of November 2012, the Port Company offered a donation of £2000 to each of the main party candidates, as well as to George Ferguson’s party Bristol First. Initially, according to the Port Company, Bristol First repaid the sum in December 2012, after the election. This information was subsequently amended in a Freedom of Information disclosure where the Port Company stated that Bristol First refused to accept the donation in the first place, before the election. However, this is still unclear as George Ferguson told the Cable “I did return (emphasis added) a £2000 donation to the Port Co, as I felt that it was inappropriate to accept funding from a company in which the City Council has a shareholding and that I might as Mayor have to take decisions about the future of the port.” ... David Ord, awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by Bristol University 24 days after donating £5,000 to the institution, also gifted £77,500 to the Conservative Party whilst the barrage project was being reviewed in Parliament. His individual donations to the Tories now total nearly £600,000. The barrage project was eventually dropped by the Government. Coincidentally, George Ferguson stated his own opposition to the tidal energy project, citing concerns for the Welsh economy and the Port’s business. The Mayor denies any conflict of interest, saying “I only had one interest and that was to strike an excellent deal for the city, which we did, with best professional advice.” With the freehold now firmly in hand, the Port can crack on and “invest in this important UK asset” and develop the £600m container terminal, unconstrained by local government. To what end we don’t know, although a meeting and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in June 2015 with the Chinese state owned Guangzhou Port Authority may be a sign of things to come...

PMQs Cumbria tidal barrage.

PMQs Steve Baker – border between Northern Ireland and Britain.

Big 4 auditors need to break up - Britains Big Four auditors have just three months to outline how they will break up their businesses after a string of scandals - Britains Big Four auditors have just three months to outline how they will break up their businesses after a string of scandals. The accounting watchdog has told EY, PwC, KPMG and Deloitte they must submit plans by October on how they will split their audit arms from their consulting businesses. It comes after the major accountancy firms were accused of poor practice and conflicts of interest, following their oversight of a number of corporate failures, including Wirecard, Carillion, Thomas Cook and BHS. The incidents prompted a series of reviews into the auditing industry, which eventually resulted in a recommendation to break up the heavy-hitting Big Four. The orders from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to push ahead with the splits mark the first major shake-up of the accounting industry in decades. Sir Jon Thompson, the watchdogs chief executive, said the FRC has delivered a major step in the reform of the audit sector by setting principles for operational separation of audit practices from the rest of the firm. For investors and customers, auditing is arguably the most important job the Big Four firms undertake. Many shareholders rely on an auditor to flag concerns about the companys finances – though in cases such as Wirecard and Thomas Cook, where the parlous state of their balance sheets remained unnoticed until shortly before their collapse, this proved unreliable...

Craig Murray – government tendering to friends STORY LINK**.

Hargreaves Lansdown – Woodford as ‘best buy’ JEFF PRESTRIDGE: A welcome revamp but Hargreaves Lansdowns shortlist still has faults - The wealth managers move is long overdue, coming more than a year after it was deservedly criticised for labelling investment fund Woodford Equity Income a best buy right up until the day it was suspended. It will do little to appease those who kept faith with Woodford – or bought into the Woodford fund – because of Hargreaves Lansdowns unremitting (and erroneous) faith in his ability to make proverbial investment silk purses out of sows ears. The losses they made from investing in Equity Income on the back of its support for the fund will not be made good. The revamp is not without its faults. Eyebrows will be raised at the continued involvement of Mark Dampier in the overseeing of the so-called Wealth Shortlist. It was Dampier, as head of research at Hargreaves Lansdown, who did more than anyone to champion Woodford and ensure his funds (Equity Income and Income Focus) remained on the Wealth 50 – the precursor to the Shortlist. In keeping him on board, it could be argued that Hargreaves Lansdown has not made a clean enough break from its past problems...

UK pandemic has so far cost £133 billion of bailout/borrowing. Economic crisis and Covid 19. Finance minister Rishi Sunak has rushed out emergency measures worth an estimated 133 billion pounds ($163.7 billion) since the start of the crisis, mostly to keep people in jobs after many businesses were forced to close due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The economy shrank 25% in March and April as entire sectors were shuttered. With the economy beginning to re-open, Sunak will give an economic update on Wednesday where he is expected to outline further measures of support for workers and businesses...

PMQs Covid 19 spreading to care homes is governments fault. Serbia – riots as parliament stormed, in complaint about lockdown LINK?**. Lockdowns infringement of civil liberties?

Leah Hunt-Hendrix, granddaughter of a key JFK assassination plotter H.L. Hunt, is funding Black Lives Matter - And the dialectic continues... George Soros is funding Black Lives Matter through the Democracy Alliance (DA). The DA also includes Leah Hunt-Hendrix, the "Occupy heiress," who is the granddaughter of Texas oil tycoon H.L. Hunt, the JFK conspirator who also funded the Nation of Islam despite his ties to the Klan and the John Birch Society. - Major donors consider funding Black Lives Matter - Activists for the protest movement are meeting in secret with liberal funder club -  According to a Democracy Alliance draft agenda obtained by POLITICO, movement leaders will be featured guests at a Tuesday dinner with major donors. The dinner, which technically precedes the official conference kickoff, will focus on “what kind of support and resources are needed from the allied funders during this critical moment of immediate struggle and long-term movement building.” The groups that will be represented include the Black Youth Project 100, The Center for Popular Democracy and the Black Civic Engagement Fund, according to the organizer, a DA member named Leah Hunt-Hendrix. An heir to a Texas oil fortune, Hunt-Hendrix helps lead a coalition of mostly young donors called Solidaire that focuses on movement building. It’s donated more than $200,000 to the Black Lives Matter movement since Brown’s killing. According to its entry on a philanthropy website, more than $61,000 went directly to organizers and organizations on the ground in Ferguson and Baltimore, where the death of Freddie Gray in police custody in April sparked a more recent wave of Black Lives-related protests. An additional $115,000 went to groups that have sprung up to support the movement... 

Adrian Hayday, immunologist at Kings College London, and part of Francis Crick Institute, on BBC World Service, discussing how autopsies have shown Covid 19 to have an AIDS element to it. Is Covid 19 a bio weapon? PMQs Corona virus hitting young people hard. - Like HIV, corona hits immune cells: Studies - NEW YORK: Researchers have discovered that in many Covid patients, the immune system is threatened by a depletion of certain essential cells, suggesting eerie parallels with HIV. In May, John Wherry, an immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and his colleagues posted online a paper showing a range of immune system defects in severely ill patients, including a loss of virusfighting T cells in parts of the body. Another study, conducted by Adrian Hayday, an immunologist at King’s College London, found an increase in levels of a molecule called IP10, which sends T cells to areas of the body where they are needed in Covid patients. Ordinarily, IP10 levels are only briefly elevated. But in Covid-19 patients IP10 levels go up and stay up. The result: a confused response from the immune system...

Ian R Crane on how Corona virus is difficult for young people….fund raiser - Ian R Crane is an ex-oilfield executive who now lectures, writes and broadcasts on the geo-political webs that are being spun; - YouTube channel - with particular focus on US (Global Corporatist) Hegemony and the agenda for absolute control of all global resources. Primarily Ian focuses his attention and research on the geopolitical arena and raising awareness of the Unconventional Gas (Fracking) agenda but has a deep personal interest in folklore, mythology and the cosmological belief systems of ancient and indigenous cultures. In fact, it is Ians research and understanding of these systems and beliefs which provides him with a unique insight into the unfolding global drama providing the catalyst for humanitys evolution into a new plane of existence (Homo Luminous perhaps?)...

Are masks necessary? Hector Drummonds graph of Covid 19 cases - Covid-19 hospital deaths in England by date of death, with 3-day moving average trendline (the thicker line). (Note that numbers in grey area may increase over the next few days.) NHS England data. - Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy - By Dr. Russell Blaylock - “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” — Russell Blaylock, MD Researchers found that about a third of the workers developed headaches with use of the mask, most had preexisting headaches that were worsened by the mask wearing, and 60% required pain medications for relief. As to the cause of the headaches, while straps and pressure from the mask could be causative, the bulk of the evidence points toward hypoxia and/or hypercapnia as the cause. That is, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia). It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving around alone in his car wearing an N95 mask, causing him to pass out, and to crash his car and sustain injuries. I am sure that we have several cases of elderly individuals or any person with poor lung function passing out, hitting their head. This, of course, can lead to death. A more recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask. Some had pre-existing headaches that were precipitated by the masks. All felt like the headaches affected their work performance. Unfortunately, no one is telling the frail elderly and those with lung diseases, such as COPD, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis, of these dangers when wearing a facial mask of any kind—which can cause a severe worsening of lung function. This also includes lung cancer patients and people having had lung surgery, especially with partial resection or even the removal of a whole lung...

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