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The return of apartheid, Israeli style -The annexation of any land, Palestinian land included, is a violation of international law
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Aug. 7, 2020, 2:33 p.m.
First hour News Review: RIP activist Steve Norman, who accused Bristol mayor Marvin Rees of being an establishment puppet: Where Marvin Rees is now is a direct result of what his dad did for the establishment. Plus on the Merchant Venturers buying part of Avonmouth Port: Facing down councillor opposition, and armed with a supportive independent valuation report and the backing of senior council bureaucrats including the Director of Property (a former corporate property consultant), the Mayor argued that the £10 million represented a “very good deal” and a much needed windfall for our austerity-hit city. Credible arguments were also laid down that the Port needed the freehold in order to attract investment and add to the local economy, whilst at current the freehold represented little active value to the council. Pressing ahead and under no legal constraints by the councillor rebellion, the Mayor succeeded in passing a motion to sell at the executive decision making cabinet meeting two weeks later. All members of the cabinet conceded to the terms of the sale. Except one, who had changed his mind about the sale citing sustained frustration with the process and concern regarding public interest safeguards. That one was Labour Assistant Mayor Mark Bradshaw. Bradshaw was unceremoniously fired with an email by Ferguson within hours. The drama in the council continued, with Mayor Ferguson accusing the other politician and Labour mayoral candidate hopeful of ‘playing politics’. And so with these abridged version of events the land was sold to the Bristol Port Company, with the council retaining a 12.5% non-voting share, unconnected to the freehold. The Bristol Port Company owner Terence Mordaunt proclaimed “the city’s decision to sell the freehold is a vindication of the Mayoral system…”.

I hope the bastard dies... 1986 - National newspaper headlines from St Pauls Community Association spokesman Kuomba Balogun remarks, in response to Operation Delivery commander Malcolm Popperwell having a suspected heart attack - This was the week in September 1986 when Bristol was beginning to feel the backlash from Operation Delivery, in which 600 men from the Avon and Somerset police force had gone into St Paul’s to make a series of arrests for drug offences. This had led to an outbreak of stone throwing, cars set on fire, a smash and grad raid on a local store and a mugging. To make matters worse the Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Popperwell was taken off to hospital after a suspected heart attack. How Thatcher destroyed Britain and all the upheavals of the time. Interview with Kuomba Balogun, anti Apartheid campaigner in the UK in the 1980s: racism in the police and how he got in all the newspapers; Said of Chief Suerintendent Malcolm Popperwell who was alleged to have had a heart attack I hope the bastard dies and is reported in the national press. Community Worker Cleared, Guardian story; Balogun’s account of machete attack by present mayors father Valentine Walker; crack cocaine introduced into St Pauls community; CIA and drug dealing; Steve Norman on how Valentine Walker was a police informer; Balogun on his past in UK and his present life in Ghana. And Tom Turvey, the police authority chairman, was asked to stand down after objecting to a Labour party statement about the police raid. He said that there were differences between his view of the events in St Paul’s and those contained in the statement which demanded a full, independent public inquiry into Operation Delivery. There were angry scenes at a Police Liaison Committee over the fact that the police did not consult community leaders before the raid and that it had been provocative and heavy handed. And Avon County councillor Roger Berry described the extent and duration of the raid as "totally unacceptable." It was an unhappy day for the police who were, this very week, staging a parade on College Green to celebrate 150 years of city policing. Some 45 retired police officers joined 140 police officers for the event which was attended by Bristol’s Lord Mayor, Joan Jones and the Lord Lieutenant of Avon, Sir John Wills. Malcolm Popperwell did in fact survive another thirty four years until he passed away in January 2020 at the ripe old age of 86: Malcolm Robert Popperwell passed away peacefully on 11th January 2020 at Williton Community Hospital, aged 86 years. A beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather. Former Assistant Chief Constable of The Avon and Somerset Constabulary. He will be sadly missed by all of his family and many friends. There will be a Private Committal. A Service of Celebration for his Life will be held in St. Andrews Church, Burnham-on-Sea on Thursday 13th February at 1.00 p.m. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired for The Stroke Association (for the research funding department to support research into the prevention of Aphasia and the support of people and their families with this particular aspect of stroke) may be sent to Burnham Funeral Services. 97 Oxford Street, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1EW. Telephone (01278) 795009.

Community worker is cleared of machete attack on Rastafarian - The Guardian (London) April 9, 1988 - A jury yesterday cleared a community worker on charges of attacking Rastafarian Mr Kuomba Balogun with a machete. Earlier, Mr Balogun, aged 26, was fined £150 by the judge at Bristol crown court for turning up late on the second day of the trial. Mr Justice Smithies told his counsel, Mr Ian Glenn: A fine would be a proper way of expressing public disapproval. The judge also ordered Mr Balogun to pay £100 towards his defence costs but Mr Glenn said that he did not intend to claim them. The jury found Mr Valentine Walker, aged 36, of Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, not guilty of unlawfully wounding Mr Balogun with intent. An alternative charge of unlawful wounding was also dismissed. The prosecution claimed that Mr Walker, former vice-chairman of the St Pauls Community Association, of which Mr Balogun is chairman had struck a 2ft 6in machete into Mr Bologuns neck. Mr Mark Horton, prosecuting, said the blow came within one centimetre of severing his jugular vein. The court was told that Mr Balogun did not initially report the incident to the police and discharged himself from Bristol Royal Infirmary after treatment. In his address to the jury, Mr Nicholas OBrien, the defence counsel said: Mr Balogun is an evil man who does not share societys standards or values. Mr Walker did not appear during the two-day hearing and the judge said that an arrest warrant still stood but was now with bail so that he would not have to be immediately arrested when found.

"Where Marvin Rees Is Now Is A Result Of What His Dad [Valentine Walker] Did For The Establishment" Steve Norman. Tributes paid to Steve Norman, Bristols well-known, relentless and loudest activist - “Steve always fought for the underdog, the poor, the homeless and the working class – a true hero and inspiration to so many" - Mr Norman’s closest political ally was John Langley. He described Mr Norman as: “A colleague, campaigner, confidant, blood brother, political ally, agent and above all, selfless and generous friend who I proudly stood shoulder to shoulder with and battled alongside, even when at times the odds felt against us. “Yet we won through perseverance and sheer bloody-mindedness,” he added. Writing on the Bristolian website, Fred Hampton said Mr Norman was one of the ‘great community activists in Bristol’. “And on top of all this he did day-to-day case work from tribunals to legal advice to helping the elderly with PPI claims,” he said. “He was a go to man for many who have no voice. Steve did all of this work for free, because he cared and because he wouldn’t take the cruelties of this world lying down. The ‘Avon mouth’ would never be silent and would never be bought off. “In this world of so-called ‘professional activism’ and paid ‘social justice’ consultants, of politicians with no principals, of neo-liberal PR bullsh**, of corruption and nepotism and the rich getting richer, Steve Norman stuck two fingers up and did something about it. A shining example of what we need and a lesson to us all,” he added...

The return of apartheid, Israeli style -The annexation of any land, Palestinian land included, is a violation of international law. In occupied Palestine, such a move not only deprives the people of their land but also their freedom of movement and their status as residents. Moreover, annexation will create more obstacles for the moribund peace process. It is now 53 years since Israel annexed East Jerusalem. - Israel’s apartheid system.  The possibly temporary postponement of Israel’s annexation of swathes of the occupied West Bank and Jordan Valley arose out of disagreements from within the Zionist state itself as well as other voices warning of the consequences of such a move. The fear is that Israel will be portrayed even more strongly as an apartheid state, recreating the disgraceful, disgraced and dismantled South African apartheid system. Indeed, that annexation will be seen as the return of apartheid, Israeli style. Such accusations have been in the public domain since the 1970s, especially in Europe and North America. Israel, it has been said and demonstrated for decades, already imposes apartheid across the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as on its Palestinian Arab citizens who, although forming 20 per cent of the population, have local authorities and municipalities covering barely 2.5 per cent of the country’s land. Congestion in housing within Arab communities across Israel is 11 times greater than in Jewish areas and state finance for education provision, for example, is a fraction of that paid for the education of Jews. As a result, Israel has been persistent in its efforts to persuade the world that it does not apply such a policy against its Arab citizens such as preventing equal employment opportunities for Arabs and Jews; complete segregation on public transport and in schools, universities, housing, the beaches; Arab autonomy; and the deprivation of political rights to Palestinians. The reality is that even if it does not reproduce all aspects of South African apartheid, it uses the principles of “separate development” — apartheid — to control the lives of the Palestinians. What’s more, it will continue to use the tools of apartheid to deny them their rights, within Israel and in the occupied territories.... 

Craig Murray. Chief Executive of Serco is Rupert Soames, brother of Nicholas Soames - Nicola Sturgeon on why they have to lock down in Aberdeen despite ZERO actual illness. - Serco are running hotels for illegal immigrants, and conducting Track and Trace. Lockdown in Aberdeen 

Peter Hitchens’s quote about Covid 19. Judith Brown discusses a DNA altering Covid 19 vaccine. Journalist Peter Hitchens writes - "The most common symptom of Covid-19 is that you feel just fine. "A huge number of those now being absurdly listed as ‘infected’ with this bogeyman disease are perfectly healthy. "If the trained hunters of the Government’s National Panic Service had not tracked them down, most of them would never have known they were supposed to be ill. Why do we take this seriously? "It is a fact, not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that the power of the state is now being used to keep us in a condition of perpetual alarm. "We are ceaselessly threatened with a ‘second wave’ for which there is, in fact, no evidence."

CENSORSHIP: Robin Campbell discusses how his You Tube channel has been taken down and how the West’s mass media is going the way of China – The Lockstep document from The Rockefeller Foundation; Dr Mohammed Abdil on how Covid 19 tests aren’t that reliable. Neil Ferguson saying ‘R’ number may rise if schools open..
Community worker is cleared of machete attack on Rastafarian
The Guardian (London) April 9, 1988 LENGTH: 255 words
A jury yesterday cleared a community worker on charges of attacking Rastafarian Mr Kuomba Balogun with a machete.
Earlier, Mr Balogun, aged 26, was fined Pounds 150 by the judge at Bristol crown court for turning up late on the second day of the trial.
Mr Justice Smithies told his counsel, Mr Ian Glenn: 'A fine would be a proper way of expressing public disapproval.'
The judge also ordered Mr Balogun to pay Pounds 100 towards his defence costs but Mr Glenn said that he did not intend to claim them.
The jury found Mr Valentine Walker, aged 36, of Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, not guilty of unlawfully wounding Mr Balogun with intent. An alternative charge of unlawful wounding was also dismissed.
The prosecution claimed that Mr Walker, former vice-chairman of the St Paul's Community Association, of which Mr Balogun is chairman had struck a 2ft 6in machete into Mr Balogun's neck. Mr Mark Horton, prosecuting, said the blow came within one centimetre of severing his juglar vein.
The court was told that Mr Balogun did not initially report the incident to the police and discharged himself from Bristol Royal Infirmary after treatment.
In his address to the jury, Mr Nicholas O'Brien, the defence counsel said: 'Mr Balogun is an evil man who does not share society's standards or values.'
Mr Walker did not appear during the two-day hearing and the judge said that an arrest warrant still stood but was now with bail so that he would not have to be immediately arrested when found.

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