This event was organized by Stand with Assange NY and the Assange Defense Committee, and was held at the People's Forum in NYC on June 10, 2021.
From the Organizers: The Shiptons are arriving in the US from Australia to conduct a month-long country-wide speaking tour in their ongoing battle to save Julian's life.They will be in New York City for one day only. Please support their efforts and give them a hearty New York welcome.
Introductory remarks by Randy Credico, satirist and radio host, Chris Hedges, journalist and TV host, Aaron Mate, journalist at the Grayzone, and Roger Waters, composer, Pink Floyd co-founder and activist.
(There was another introductory speaker not mentioned in the orgaizers' blurb: Jocelyn Gay, of Haiti Liberte. Also, the moderator was Patricia Dahl, of Stand with Assange NY, and her intro was a speech in and of itself.)
See the livestreamed video here:
Audio edited by Wilton Vought (last name rhymes with thought) of Essential Dissent.
If you broadcast this audio, please:
1. Credit Essential Dissent, Stand with Assange NY, the Assange Defense Committee, and the People's Forum. 2. Notify Wilton via the Contact Contributor button.
Follow the Essential Dissent podcast on iTunes:
There are 4 versions of this event on the R4A server. All versions are the full event minus introductory housekeeping remarks and the Q&A. (Run time 01:24:18), lightly edited for pacing and content, mostly removal of "uh, you know" and false starts. I didn't add my own intro/outro to any version:
Version 1: A -24 LUFS Mp3 optimized for RADIO PLAY. Includes potentially offensive words.
Version 2: Same as Version 1, but with the potentially offensive words silenced ("Clean").
Version 3: A -19 LUFS Mp3 optimized for downloading onto a computer or mobile device for INDIVIDUAL USE. Identical content to Version 1, but a louder file encoded at a lower bitrate so it takes up less space. Includes the potentially offensive words.
Version 4: Same as Version 3, but with the potentially offensive words silenced ("Clean")
Contact me for a link to the audio in .wav format, which is best if you want to do your own edit.
Potentially Offensive Words (hence the broadcast advisory):
00:33:52 pissed off 00:34:05 piss off 00:34:39 shit list 01:05:35 fucking 01:07:11 ass 01:09:39 prick 01:09:58 fucking 01:11:32 fuck 01:12:28 fucking 01:12:31 fucking
The first three are in Randy Credico's segment. The rest are in Roger Waters' segment.
Approximate Times:
00:00:00 Patricia Dahl (Run time 11:38) 00:11:38 Jocelyn Gay (9:19) 00:20:57 Patricia Dahl (1:32) 00:22:29 Randy Credico (14:05) 00:36:34 Patricia Dahl (1:33) 00:38:07 Chris Hedges (13:19) 00:51:26 Patricia Dahl (1:13) 00:52:39 Aaron Mate (10:24) 01:03:03 Patricia Dahl (1:28) 01:04:31 Roger Waters (8:10) 01:12:41 Patricia Dahl (:32) 01:13:13 Gabriel Shipton (2:40) 01:15:53 John Shipton (8:25) 01:24:18 End
DISCLAIMER: By using my audio for radio broadcast, you agree and acknowledge that it is solely your responsibility to ensure your uses of it comply with all FCC regulations.
Essential Dissent - Stand with Assange -24 LUFS
Optimized for RADIO PLAY (but note BROADCAST ADVISORY)