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Program Information
Building Bridges
Weekly Program
 Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg  Contact Contributor
Jan. 18, 2022, 10:26 a.m.
The Revolutionary King: MLKs The Three Evils of Society, "the sickness of racism, excessive materialism and militarism" and his prophetic work then for the path forward today!
Dr. Clayborne Carson, African American professor of history at Stanford University, and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. Since 1985 he has directed the Martin Luther King Papers Project, a long-term project to edit and publish the papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.

For anyone that is preoccupied with the current local-global condition affecting the human family with the visible ravages of racism eating at our soul, poverty's death march and the ever expanding military industrial complex cancer devouring everything in sight our two-hour special The Revolutionary King will truly aid us on our journey to become more affective agents for social change.

On Aug. 31, 1967, Reverend Martin Luther King delivered The Three Evils of Society speech at the National Conference on New Politics, which is the most prophetic and revolutionary address to date on the questions of militarism, poverty, and racism. "We are now experiencing the coming to the surface of a triple prong sickness" was how MLK framed the problem that "has been lurking within our body politic from its very beginning." Identifying "the sickness of racism, excessive materialism and militarism" and considering the three problems as the "plaque of western civilization." Dr. King understood that the Civil Rights and Black Liberation Movement was from the outset a battle against the system itself.

At the time of the speech, MLK was facing increasing white opposition to black empowerment and equality, an expansion of crony capitalism and open ended commitment to military expenditures on the Vietnam war that all together led to deepening poverty and rising discontent in the African American community. The conditions in today's America and the world resemble what MLK described in "The Three Evils of Society" speech in 1967.

MLK spoke of America's "schizophrenic personality on the question of race" with two conflicting personalities. One professing "the great principles of democracy" and another that practices its antithesis. Every step forward in confronting racism in America has an equal step backward, which MLK perceptively identified as the white backlash -- the "old prejudices, hostilities and ambivalences that have always been there. The white backlash of today is rooted in the same problem that has characterized America ever since the black man landed in chains on the shores of this nation." Racism, for MLK, was that "corrosive evil that will bring down western civilization" and white backlash was nothing more than good old White Supremacy that is never content with equality.
produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash
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