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Program Information
Class War Battlefield Podcast
Vphiamer Adis Ogaarwa (Host); Various
 Mahoka Mwako Asili Temple  Contact Contributor
June 25, 2023, 2:48 p.m.
Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.0A.00
Published on June 25th, 2023
The History Winds Swirl Alerting us to a Coming Storm
What Frightens me about Donald Trump's Indictment
With Clips from NBC News Special Report, Channel 4 News, Roland Martin Unfiltered, Democracy Now, Midas Touch
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Trump’s indictment has been discussed, ridiculed, praised and analyzed for its effect on the 2024 election. In this Episode Segment I start by discussing the concern I have concerning Black Americans concerning our ability to appreciate what Late Stage Capitalism is creating in this country. Then I dive into the true topic in this segment; though that topic is trump’s indictment, the hidden truer topic is a discussion on America’s choices at critical turning points. Specifically I focus in on “American Expansionism” and the deeper question, after the conquered were subdued and the borders to the country were extended to their maximum extension, what would become of that Expansive nature and energy? This is a topic that has, to my knowledge, never been broached in a podcast setting. I then tie this back to Trump’s indictment and the future that is quickly being sown together by the Regressive Nihilist in America’s right-wing.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.0A.01
Published on June 25th, 2023
Bidens Betrayal mandates a Generational Commitment to Restructure this Society Sooner Rather than Later
With Clips from The White House (President Joe Biden) and Democracy Now
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After reading about the agreement Biden struck with House Republicans to avert a financial disaster which Republicans were more than willing to make a reality to achieve what they wanted – which they did; I recorded this episode segment under the title above to discuss the possible historical implications of this agreement. Please take note, I am not passing judgment on the 2024 Election altogether. What I am trying to convey is the impact this agreement will have on people’s motivation to vote for Biden in 2024. To that point I encourage people to vote for Biden, but to make his next term about the House being under Progressive leadership. It’s time to build the type of political juggernaut we say we want and need, the only way that is going to happen is extensive organization (at street level) and institution building (at all levels), this is the true reason why this country changed in the past.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.0A.02
Published on June 25th, 2023
An Episode Long Overdo, My Response to the Overturning of Roe V. Wade
With Clips from George Carlin and Bryan Tyler Cohen
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Do white lives matter, that isn’t a question I tackle directly in this episode, but indirectly – I take it on viciously. The answer to this question in the contexts of women’s reproductive rights is No. What the decision overturning Roe v. Wade means to the valuation of white life in this country screams throughout this land. White life is as valuable as the Nihilists, Conservatives and Regressives say it is. And that value is minimal outside the womb, but inside the womb. . . . well, I can’t speak on that number as it hasn’t been given anywhere. But what I can speak on is the soft and hard power dynamics that have been utilized against the White European-American Peasant throughout the past five centuries to push them into becoming the amnesic ill-informed settler state colonial American resident they are today. What I can also talk about is the often covered over anti-black women’s history that paints their support for Donald Trump and white nationalists presently, in a whole new light. Oh this is not an easy episode to listen to – no I’m not about victim shaming, nor am I laying the blame on all women; what I am doing is calling a bed sheet a bed sheet and a Klanswoman a member of the party opposing women’s rights for body autonomy.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.0A.03
Published on June 25th, 2023
The One true Responsibility of Government is to Build Institutions that Build a Police State or so Joe Biden Says
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In episode segment 2023.0A.01 I played Biden’s remarks on the debt ceiling agreement; in those remarks he made a statement that echoed in my mind. He said the one true responsibility government has is to take care of soldiers and military personnel; a very Romanesque statement. This statement prophesizes a military heavy state where violence reigns, especially from those who are “in power” or “hold power” or those who “capture power”. Now upon listening to this episode you may want to roll your eyes and say “that’s just a statement, you’re reading far too much into what he is saying”. I don’t believe that, mainly because I see the same sentiment on the right and throughout history, especially European history (to the extent I have had the ability to study that history). More, I see the aggressiveness of the police apparatus as an extension from this line of thinking. But I’ll not argue all my points here, I will let the podcast do the talking.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2023.0A.04
Published on June 25th, 2023
A Libertarian Nightmare is Producing the Exact Results it Claims to be Avoiding
With Clips from ABC News
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I had no intension of adding a libertarian episode segment to this June Topical Episode, but alas, the OceanGate tragedy punched me in my solar plexus as I saw the tragedy as what it was; symbolic of libertarian argument for deregulation and ignorance of previously created problem solving and injury preventing guidelines. Now I know what many libertarians will say to this charge – we don’t believe that, we just believe the private sectors would do a better job of implementing and following those guidelines than the government would do. OceanGate, along with countless countries where deregulation is not only debated but national policy, disproves your assertion. OceanGate’s entrepreneurial spirit was centered around the ego madness of its founder who literally stated he was not following previous guidelines because they inhibited his innovative genius (he didn’t use the word genius, but it was implied). That innovative genius put him and his passengers in a new league of their own; which if that their implosion under severe pressure is not seen as a metaphor for NeoColonial (that’s Neoliberal-Neoconservative Libertarian) Capitalism, then I don’t know what is.
Music Used in the opening, Curtis Mayfield’s Think, Brandy’s The Definition and Marvin Gaye’s Inner City Blues
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me at
Follow me on Facebook @ClassWarBattlefieldPodcast, on Twitter @VphiamerAdisOgaarwa

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