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State Of The City reports
Duncan Campbell: 'very disturbing' attacks on 3 Russian ballistic missile nuke early warning radars
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
May 31, 2024, midnight
– Wesley Bear, known as Audit_Ed investigative video journalist, joins Tony and Martin.
– He has been a Police Auditor for a number of years, which started during Covid lockdowns. More tyrant revenue collectors employed to rob members of the public!!
– Diane Abbot MP, last week, on being prevented on standing for Labour Party in Hackney. Diane can now stand. Diane Abbott has vowed to be the candidate for Hackney North
– Michael Gove on anti Semitism in Universities – mentions David Miller. Middle East Eye
– Michael Gove, the housing secretary, will today accuse organisers of pro-Palestinian marches of not doing enough to stop some demonstrators spreading anti-Jewish rhetoric.
– ICJ accuses Israel of starving Gazans – Five ministers are included in Gaza war crimes complaint submitted to UK Met police
– A 60-page complaint by legal advocacy group ICJP accuses Israel of using ‘starvation as a weapon of war’ and ‘wilfully causing great suffering’
– Czech millionaire to buy Royal Mail, investor speaks out to oppose ‘Czech sphinx’ Daniel Kretinsky’s £3.6billion takeover and says the current management can add more
– Rachel Henry from Tax Justice UK – on LBC Martin Stansford show – on how to tax the rich. Fiscal drag. Peter Mandelson on the upcoming election.
– Forbes has released its annual ‘Billionaire List’. It shows that there are more billionaires than ever before, and they have increased their wealth to record levels.
– Nigel Farage on immigration. George Galloway on the massacre in Gaza. Deputy Leader of Workers Party, Peter Ford.
– Just hours after the UN’s top court ordered Israel to stop its Rafah offensive the answer was the obliteration of dozens, bombed in a refugee camp
– Nicholas Jones, journalist, on how Labour may try to rejoin EU, and the power of the growing right wing media.
– Interview with Duncan Campbell, veteran BBC investigative journalist, on Russian nuclear ballistic missile early warning radars being bombed,
– Trawlers threatening to cut undersea cables, blaming Russia for arson attacks in Europe, giving Ukrainian dictator permission to use NATO weapons to strike deep into Russia
– The extent of any damage at the site in Orsk is as yet unclear. But the attack may represent the longest-range Ukrainian drone strike to date,
– Similarity of today’s brinkmanship to nuclear tensions which nearly sparked a nuclear exchange during NATO Operation Able Archer which simulated an attack on Soviet nukes
– Duncan Campbell book ‘War Plan UK’. War Plan UK A reprint-edition of War Plan UK is now available, click here for more information By Duncan Campbell
– Charlie Skelton, journalist, reports from near Bilderberg conference in Madrid. Who is attending Bilderberg this year, and what are the general themes of the conference.
– King of Spain turned up. Who will take over the vacuum of Kissinger’s absence, after his death. AI, drones, and losing control of AI.
– Guardian article by Charlie. War, AI and more war: the 2024 Bilderberg agenda is sure to set off alarm bells. The secretive annual summit has tried to counter its arcane reputation
– Bilderberger John Sawers, MI6, BP, and his tax bizarre avoidance profile. Follow #Bilderberg #Bilderberg2024 and#Bilderberg24 on X. Patrizia Opulenza poem on Bilderberg.
– War is a fantastic opportunity for R&D; as Palantir CEO Alex Karp says: “There are things that we can do on the battlefield that we could not do in a domestic context.”
– Ukraine/Russia war turning in to NATO/West vs Russia. Scott Bennett [long interview below], former US Psychological Warfare Officer, on Ukraine/Russia war
– How badly mainstream press covers this. CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia. – Western imperialism comes out of the closet –
– Boris Johnson brings Azov Brigade to Parliament – Canary Boris Johnson hosting Ukraine neo-Nazi unit in parliament Johnson welcomed the Azov Brigade as “heroes”
– Boris Johnson used to be a joke but he’s become a beast. The man who held the banner of the fascist Azov brigade, desecrating the place where Churchill spat at the Naz*s
– International Criminal Court (ICC) staff were pressured to stop war crimes trial against Netanyahu, prosecutor and her family threatened by Israeli Mossad agent
– Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor and her family over war crimes case: Report claims ex-Mossad chief Yossi Cohen tried to pressure Fatou Bensouda
Part One – Local and National News Review

Wesley Bear, known as Audit_Ed investigative video journalist, joins Tony and Martin. He has been a Police Auditor for a number of years, which started during Covid lockdowns. More tyrant revenue collectors employed to rob members of the public!! And this time an NHS WORKER!! Words fail me. Covid as a biological weapon. Policing around the Nightingale Hospital during Covid. Wesley has been arrested 34 times for his activities. Kier Starmer during Covid on how to deal with ‘anti vaxxers’. Avon and Somerset Police documentary. PINAC movement (Photographer is Not a Crime). Police breaking the law. Police and Crime Commissioners. Follow Wesley at Audit Ed on You Tube, TikTok, Facebook.

Diane Abbot MP, last week, on being prevented on standing for Labour Party in Hackney. Diane can now stand. Diane Abbott has vowed to be the candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington amidst speculation over her political future. While Labour leader Keir Starmer has said the party has restored the whip, her candidacy remains in jeopardy. This is the first time she has spoken publicly since the row first broke out. Diane Abbott says she intends to ‘run and win’ as Labour candidate. Diane Abbott says she intends to “run and win” as a Labour candidate in the general election

Michael Gove on anti Semitism in Universities – mentions David Miller. Middle East Eye – Michael Gove, the housing secretary, will today accuse organisers of pro-Palestinian marches of not doing enough to stop some demonstrators spreading anti-Jewish rhetoric. Speech by Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and The Rt Hon Michael Gove 21 May 2024 So far right figures – like Nick Griffin, formerly of the BNP, Mark Collett of an organisation called Patriotic Alternative, Jayda Fransen of Britain First, and Jim Dowson, a transatlantic hate preacher – have been invited to share space with Islamist advocates and broadcast from Islamist platforms, where the common focus of concern is Jewish influence, the Jewish state, the Jewish threat. And on the extreme Left, academics such as Professor David Miller and groups such as the Socialist Workers’ Party, the Socialist Party and the Revolutionary Communist Party jostle to share platforms with Islamist groupings, deploy aggressive language about “Zionists”, support calls for intifada and praising te the resistance – a synonym for Hamas – in terms that Jewish students say cause them physical fear. And extreme Islamist groups then weaponise this growing antisemitism to divide Muslim from Muslim. Islamists have demanded that mosques become no-go zones for “Zionists”, that inter-faith dialogue exclude any Jewish voice sympathetic to Israel’s existence, and that believers show that they are truly faithful by demonstrating their commitment in the fight against Israel. By making ardour against Israel and hostility to Jewish voices the litmus test of how good a Muslim you are, Islamists polarise and divide our Muslim communities. That is why none of us can afford to be indifferent to the increasing prevalence of antisemitism in our society. There is a reason television series about the 1930s are called “A Lesson from History”. A growth in antisemitism is both a precursor of greater hate and an enabler of further extremism. Antisemitic tropes which encourage people to think criticism of Israel is muted or censored by Jewish control of the media feed into greater distrust of the “MSM”. That leads to a greater willingness to believe in conspiracy theories and a stronger propensity to seek out “alternative” truth tellers – whether on incel message boards, anti-vax YouTube channels, far-right Telegram groups or Islamist podcasts. And thus,The common ground on which our democracy depends is eroded.

ICJ accuses Israel of starving Gazans – 5 UK Ministers UK: Five ministers included in Gaza war crimes complaint submitted to police A 60-page complaint by legal advocacy group ICJP accuses Israel of using ‘starvation as a weapon of war’ and ‘wilfully causing great suffering’ The International Centre for Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) submitted a new complaint to British police on Wednesday, accusing Israel of using “starvation as a weapon of war” and “wilfully causing great suffering to a civilian population”. Echoing the reasoning laid out by International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan on Monday, the London-based advocacy group highlighted that both accusations were criminal offences under British and international law. The filings by the ICJP this week follow an earlier complaint in January against senior UK politicians, including ministers, alleging their complicity in war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip. Four senior ministers were included in that complaint and the new accusations include the addition of another, totalling five. The organisation says that Wednesday’s complaint is one of the most comprehensive submitted to Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan police, regarding Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. At 60 pages long, it also contains an 800-page annex containing evidence including expert reports, eyewitness testimonies and reports by medical staff who have worked in Gaza. The complaint was compiled by the ICJP teams, which include former British police officers who were collecting evidence to UK police standards.

Czech millionaire to buy Royal Mail. Royal Mail investor speaks out to oppose ‘Czech sphinx’ Daniel Kretinsky’s £3.6billion takeover and says the current management can add more value to the struggling firm A Royal Mail investor has spoken out to oppose ‘Czech sphinx’ Daniel Kretinsky’s £3.6billion take over of the postal firm. Jeremy Smith, a top-ten shareholder in International Distributions Services ­ the parent company of Royal Mail ­ has today said that current management can add more value to the struggling company. It comes after the board of International Distributions Services said it had agreed to an offer of £3.57 billion from Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky’s EP Group. But Columbia Threadneedle Investments believes that Kretinsky’s current offer of 370p-a-share undervalues the postal company. The Times newspaper has reported concerns among investors, that ‘operational benefits’ of an agreement between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union ­ including a workforce pension scheme surplus and property estate ­ have not been properly valued. Businessman Mr Kretinsky, 48, already owned more than a quarter of IDS, which controls Royal Mail, Parcelforce and international mailing service GLS. Jeremy Smith (pictured) co-head of UK equities at Columbia Threadneedle Investments Known as the ‘Czech Sphinx’ for his inscrutable nature, his purchase of IDS ­ which may yet be subject to government scrutiny ­ could take the UK’s 500-year-old postal service into fully foreign ownership for the first time. The IDS’ board rejected EP Group’s initial 320p-a-share offer last month and has since been engaging with investors. According to The Times, shares in the Royal Mail hit a two-year high after the board recommended the takeover by Mr Kretinsky. But the stock actually remains short of the 370-p-a-share value of the offer. There are also doubts that a Labour government, which could potentially be elected in July, would approve the deal and the offer is too low for some shareholders.

Rachel Henry from Tax Justice UK – on LBC Martin Stansford show – on how to tax the rich. Fiscal drag. Peter Mandelson on the upcoming election. Forbes has released its annual ‘Billionaire List’. It shows that there are more billionaires than ever before, and they have increased their wealth to record levels. The Forbes wealth editor stated that ‘It’s been an amazing year for the world’s richest people’. This comes at a time of massive global instability, staggering inequality and an urgent need to combat climate and environmental breakdown. According to Forbes, there are 55 billionaires in the UK. Showcasing the massive intergenerational transfer of wealth, every single billionaire under the age of 30 – of which there are 15 – inherited their riches. Just one billion is a staggering amount of money. In fact, if a teacher on the average salary saved every single penny they earned, it would take over 30,000 years to become a billionaire. Raising revenue The level of wealth on display also highlights how much revenue would be raised by introducing wealth taxes. Our work on just six taxes on wealth shows that up to £50 billion a year could be raised and go straight into public services. That’s money to pay for nurses, doctors and dentists and resuscitate Britain’s ailing health service. As Tax Justice UK Executive Director, Robert Palmer, said on Twitter, world leaders need to ensure the super-rich pay their fair share. You can share his response here.

Nigel Farage on immigration. George Galloway on the massacre in Gaza. Deputy Leader of Workers Party, Peter Ford. Just hours after the UN’s top court ordered Israel to stop its Rafah offensive the answer was the obliteration of dozens, bombed in a refugee camp – ‘It’s over’: Nigel Farage says General Election is a ‘foregone conclusion’ and ‘Labour have won’ Nigel Farage has told LBC that the General Election is a ‘foregone conclusion’ as he claimed the Tories are no longer ‘the opposition’ to Labour. Speaking to LBC’s Nick Ferrari at Breakfast, the honorary president of Reform UK claimed that the General Election is already “done”. Mr Farage said: “The election’s over. Labour have won, it’s a foregone conclusion. That’s done, it’s over. “The question is, who is going to provide opposition? And the Conservative party will be in opposition but they won’t be the opposition. “They hate each other, they’re split down the middle and what we need is a voice in there of genuine opposition and alternative. The Conservatives can’t provide that, Reform if they win seats in parliament can. “If Rishi Sunak and others thought me not standing in a seat meant they’d get a free ride in the election, they’re quite wrong”. Earlier on Tuesday, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride told LBC: “I’ve got a very simple message around Reform and that is if you vote for Reform, you’re voting for Keir Starmer to walk through the doors of No 10.”

Nicholas Jones, journalist, on how Labour may try to rejoin EU, and the power of the growing right wing media. Chris Gray – Brexit and Beyond. Labour to launch twin strategy for closer UK-EU relations if it wins power – The future shape of the UK-EU relationship under a Starmer government was discussed in early March at a two-day retreat for EU ambassadors at Stansted Park, an Edwardian stately home in West Sussex. The Financial Times has spoken to four people who were present at the meeting and who spoke on condition of anonymity because it was a private gathering. Lord Peter Mandelson, the former EU trade commissioner and Labour cabinet minister, outlined in a keynote speech the party’s approach to Europe if it was to win power. “Mandelson said the party leadership had to be very cautious in public about its red lines on the single market and customs union, but also said that privately there was more flexibility on areas like dynamic alignment with EU rules and submitting to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice,” said a person familiar with the contents of the speech. Mandelson said Labour might also look to deepen the relationship with a veterinary agreement and by relinking with the bloc’s carbon trading market in order to avoid frictions caused by the introduction of the EU’s new carbon tax in 2026.

Interview with Duncan Campbell, journalist, on Russian nuclear ballistic missile early warning radars being bombed, trawlers threatening to cut undersea internet cables, blaming Russia for arson attacks across Europe, giving Ukrainian dictator Zelensky permission to use NATO weapons to strike deep into Russia, and other aggressive activity from NATO against Russia. Map Shows Ukraine’s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites Russia’s nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar network has emerged as a key target of long-range Ukrainian strikes, with three facilities having now been attacked by Kyiv’s drones in the past two months. Two such strikes occurred in the past week. First, a drone hit a “Voronezh-DM” radar at the Armavir Radar Station in the southern Krasnodar region on May 22. The site is home to two Voronezh-DM radars with a range of around 6,000 kilometers (3,730 miles). The attack appeared to have damaged a building housing one of the radars, RFE/RL’s Russian Service reported. The site is more than 300 miles from the closest territory currently under Kyiv’s control. The Armavir attack was quickly followed by a more ambitious strike. On May 26, a Ukrainian drone traveled some 930 miles from Kyiv-controlled territory to target a Voronezh-M radar near the city of Orsk, in the Orenburg region close to the border with Kazakhstan.

The extent of any damage at the site in Orsk is as yet unclear. But the attack may represent the longest-range Ukrainian drone strike to date, the list of targets steadily growing as Kyiv prioritizes Russia’s long-range radar and oil-producing facilities. I want to receive special offers and promotions from Newsweek By clicking on SIGN ME UP, you agree to Newsweek’s Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time. The Kyiv Independent cited an anonymous military intelligence source as saying the drone used in Sunday’s attack flew 1,118 miles; further than the 930 miles claimed in a recent strike on an oil processing plant in Russia’s Bashkiria region. Reuters cited an unnamed Ukrainian intelligence source who confirmed the dual drone strikes. Asked why Russia’s long-range radars were being targeted, the source replied: “They monitor the actions of the Ukrainian security and defense forces in the south of Ukraine.”

Similarity of today’s brinkmanship to nuclear tensions which nearly sparked a nuclear exchange during NATO Operation Able Archer which simulated an attack on Soviet military command centres in 1983. New Documents Reveal How a 1980s Nuclear War Scare Became a Full-Blown Crisis Over 10 days in November 1983, the U.S. and the Soviet Union nearly started a nuclear war. Now newly declassified documents reveal just how close we reached a mutual destruction ­ because of an exercise. That exercise, Able Archer 83, simulated the transition by NATO from a conventional war to a nuclear war, culminating in the simulated release of warheads against the Soviet Union. NATO changed its readiness condition during Able Archer to DEFCON 1, the highest level. The Soviets interpreted the simulation as a ruse to conceal a first strike and readied their nukes. At this period in history, and especially during the exercise, a single false alarm or miscalculation could have brought Armageddon. According to a diplomatic memo obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by National Security Archives researcher Nate Jones, Soviet General Secretary Yuri Adroprov warned U.S. ambassador Averell Harriman six months before the crisis that both countries “may be moving toward a red line” in which a miscalculation could spark a nuclear war. Harriman later wrote that he believed Andropov was concerned “over the state of U.S.-Soviet relations and his desire to see them at least ‘normalized,’ if not improved.”

Duncan Campbell book ‘War Plan UK’. War Plan UK A reprint-edition of War Plan UK is now available, click here for more information By Duncan Campbell Year: 1983 Pub: Paladin (revised ed.) Secret civil defence plans stress sealing off roads against refugees, interning protestors and pacifists, and impounding food and fuel supplies. There will be no rescue and no medical aid for the trapped and dying in the aftermath of a nuclear attack. Millions will die in nuclear target areas as a direct result of government civil defence policies. Protection for the ‘privileged few’ -full details of hundreds of bunkers. ‘If all the great trees and much of the brushwood are felled, a forest may not regenerate for centuries. If a sufficient number of the great trees is left, however, if felling is to some extent selective and controlled, recovery is swift. In its way, a nation is like a forest and the aim of war planning is to secure the survival of the great trees’ – THE NORTH EAST THAMES REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY WAR PLAN War Plan UK is the result of more than five years research into the real face of British civil defence. Duncan Campbell reveals the incredible history of how one government after another has planned to protect itself and survive. See maps of tunnels here “An unprecedented break in the secrecy surrounding civil defence planning… quotes confidential government documents” – Andrew Wilson THE OBSERVER “Astonishingly thorough… chilling documentation from official sources.” – Martin Walker, Literary Review

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Charlie Skelton, journalist, reports from near Bilderberg conference in Madrid. Who is attending Bilderberg this year, and what are the general themes of the conference. King of Spain turned up. Who will take over the vacuum of Kissinger’s absence, after his death. AI, drones, and losing control of AI. Guardian article by Charlie. War, AI and more war: the 2024 Bilderberg agenda is sure to set off alarm bells. The secretive annual summit has tried to counter its arcane reputation, but its guest list still reads like a conspiracist’s who’s who of who rules the world. Charlie Skelton in Madrid – This year the Bilderberg summit, now under way in Madrid, turned 70 years old. But the controversial and secretive gathering of the world’s elites shows no signs of slowing down. For decades the Bilderberg meeting, where the rich and the powerful gather behind closed doors to talk about what ails the world, has been the subject – understandably – of conspiracy theories. In recent years, Bilderberg has sought to remake itself and open up a little: more Davos than Illuminati. But it still raises hackles from many observers. Its beady eyes, twinkling with billionaires, are this year fixed firmly on the future. Specifically, the “future of warfare”. And with conflicts raging from Sudan to Ukraine to Gaza, it feels like it is the spirit of the age. This grim subject is being thrashed out under the hum of police drones hovering over the hotel, making sure such luminaries as the king of the Netherlands and the head of Nato are safe inside. Even by Bilderberg standards, the security at this year’s conference is intense, but it managed to gear up even more when the Spanish king’s entourage swept into the venue past a traffic jam of police vans.

John Sawers, MI6, BP, and his tax bizarre avoidance profile. Follow #Bilderberg #Bilderberg2024 and#Bilderberg24 on X. Patrizia Opulenza poem on Bilderberg. War is a fantastic opportunity for R&D; as Palantir CEO Alex Karp says: “There are things that we can do on the battlefield that we could not do in a domestic context.” Meanwhile in Palestine, Palantir technology is being used by the IDF “in support of war-related missions”. The onslaught has been excellent for the company’s bottom line. “Our products have been in great demand,” enthuses Karp. Karp’s fellow Bilderberg insider and Pentagon favourite Eric Schmidt, who used to run Google, is said by Forbes magazine to have been so “inspired by Ukraine’s use of drones on the battlefield” that he has spent the past year “working on a secret military drone project”. But for now, if Ukraine is to win the drone war, Schmidt says that it needs “sustained financial and technical support from Kyiv’s allies”. This sentiment will surely be echoed by Ukraine’s representative at the Madrid conference, the foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, who will no doubt be doing his best to coax some extra billions out of the crowd. This year’s Bilderberg is thick with senior ministers and EU commissioners, not to mention the heads of the European Investment Bank and the Bank of Spain. The event itself is being hosted by Ana Botín, the executive chair of Banco Santander, and the heads of numerous other finance giants are attending, including Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and Societé Générale. Big business tends to pick up the tab for Bilderberg, because it’s such a high-end investment opportunity. Bilderberg is the boardroom of the western alliance, so they get to participate in the shaping of the grand strategy and hopefully get a jump on the market.

Ukraine/Russia war turning in to NATO/West vs Russia. Scott Bennett [long interview below], former US Psychological Warfare Officer, on Ukraine/ Russia war and how badly mainstream press covers this. CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia. – Western imperialism comes out of the closet – Putin has made it clear in several interviews that he is well aware of how US Presidents come and go, and US policy never changes. Vladimir Putin: “I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but the politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.” Putin is well aware that it is the CIA who directs US policy. And it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades. In the Tucker Carlson Interview at the Kremlin, President Putin seemed to be speaking directly to the CIA. Twice, playfully hinting that Tucker is a representative of the Intelligence organization. Tucker Carlson: “With the backing of whom?” Vladimir Putin: “With the backing of CIA of course. The organization you wanted to join back in the day as I understand it. We should thank God they didn’t let you in. Although it is a serious organization, I understand.” Tucker Carlson: “Who blew up Nord Stream?” Vladimir Putin: “You for sure.” Tucker Carlson: “I was busy that day. Do.. do you have… I did not blow up Nord Stream, thank you though.” Vladimir Putin: “You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.” And the CIA responded to Putin via their New York Times media outlet in the recent article, The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin. The article admits that the CIA, operating through three different presidential administrations, has transformed the Ukraine into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin.” They have secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers over the past decade. And constructed a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border used to launch cross-border attacks on Russian territory. This means the CIA is responsible for the attacks on oil refineries and energy infrastructure. The article describes secret underground command centers established near the Russian border. Financed and equipped by the CIA. A CIA program called ‘Operation Goldfish’ enabled Ukrainians to hack into Russian military networks, break into satellites and decode secret conversations. Two years after the 2014 Western backed coup in Ukraine, the CIA set up training programs for an elite Ukrainian commando force known as Unit 2245. The CIA trained Ukrainian spies who operate inside of Russia, across Europe, and in other places where Russia operates. The article points out that this operation may have even been hidden from Trump. While Trump’s rhetoric was friendly to Russia, his administration of anti-Russia war hawks, such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, kept Western aggression moving forward. Which is what Putin has been pointing out for years. Presidents come and go, and the policy never changes. The article says nothing about the several bio-weapons labs that the US admitted to having along Russia’s border. Some of these labs were seized by the Russian federation, who say they are preparing to release a report on them, but have so far remained silent. Putin has made it clear that Russia’s actions in Ukraine was in response to decades of hostile US-NATO military expansion on Russian borders. And the CIA is now admitting this to be true.

Boris Johnson brings Azov Brigade to Parliament – Canary Boris Johnson hosting Ukraine neo-Nazi unit in parliament Johnson welcomed the Azov Brigade as “heroes” The media outrage is nowhere to be seen. But former prime minister Boris Johnson has welcomed a delegation from Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Brigade to UK parliament. Johnson said: My message to you is very simple. Thank you to the heroes from the Azov Brigade who have honoured us with their presence tonight In 2015 a spokesperson for the Azov Brigade downplayed comments from an Azov drill sergeant that half the unit are Nazis. Andriy Diachenko said only 10 to 20% are in fact Nazis. Former leader of the unit Andriy Biletsky and said in 2010 that Ukraine’s purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade… against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”. At the meeting in parliament Johnson was pictured holding an Azov banner that shows the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol.

Boris Johnson used to be a joke but he’s become a beast. The man who held the banner of the fascist Azov brigade, desecrating the place where Churchill spat at the Naz*s

International Criminal Court (ICC) staff were pressured to stop war crimes trial against Netanyahu, prosecutor and her family threatened by Israeli Mossad agent – Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor and her family over war crimes case: Report claims ex-Mossad chief Yossi Cohen tried to pressure Fatou Bensouda into abandoning a 2021 war crimes probe. One individual briefed on Cohen’s activities said he had used “despicable tactics” against Bensouda as part of an ultimately unsuccessful effort to intimidate and influence her. According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.” Khan also applied for arrest warrants for three Hamas leaders – Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri (also known as Deif) and Ismail Haniyeh – for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Israel is not a member of the ICC and does not recognise its jurisdiction. Israel has also faced accusations of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest United Nations court, which, like the ICC, is based in The Hague. Experts believe ICC indictments further undermine the legitimacy of Israel’s war on Gaza and complicate its exceptional relationship with European allies who are members of the Rome Statute. But the US, the key ally of Israel, is believed to be shielding the Israeli government from the consequences of its international law violations. US President Joe Biden called Khan’s move against the Israeli officials “outrageous”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested that the White House would be willing to work with members of Congress on legislation to penalise the international tribunal. Several US lawmakers have also urged Washington to impose sanctions against the ICC after the court’s request for the arrest warrants. Palestinians fear that Israel and the US will pressure ICC judges into rejecting Khan’s requests.

Radio4All download pages COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr 20min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Duncan Campbell attacks on Russian nuke defences and allegations of Russian sabotage across Europe 00:25:00
#3 – Rachel Henry Tax Justice UK tax not high or low but on whom Election 2024 – 00:10:00
#4 – Peter Mandelson bursting with enthusiasm at the general election his UK P2 City of London committee has precipitated – 00:13:00
#5 – Labour have won Nigel Farage admits defeat six days into election campaign LBC – 00:12:00
#6 – Diane Abbott’s speech in Hackney after Labour threaten candidacy – 00:07:00
#7 – Peter Ford is Fylingdales now a legitimate Russian target and workers party general election – 00:20:00
#8 – Scott Bennett NATO attacks Russias early warning radar conservative loved by Africa Middle East Asia – 00:20:00

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
#1 - Complete 3hr 20min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Duncan Campbell attacks on russian nuke defences and allegations of Russian sabotage across Europe 00:25:00
#3 - Rachel Henry Tax Justice UK tax not high or low but on whom Election 2024 - 00:10:00
#4 - Peter Mandelson bursting with enthusiasm at the general election his UK P2 City of London committee has precipitated - 00:13:00
#5 - Labour have won Nigel Farage admits defeat six days into election campaign LBC - 00:12:00
#6 - Diane Abbott's speech in Hackney after Labour threaten candidacy - 00:07:00
#7 - Peter Ford is Fylingdales now a legitimate Russian target and workers party general election - 00:20:00
#8 - Scott Bennett NATO attacks Russias early warning radar conservative loved by Africa Middle East Asia - 00:20:00

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