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State Of The City reports
New UK home needed every two minutes to cope with 750k annual migrants, Nigel Farage Reform UK
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
June 21, 2024, midnight
– 6 Labour MPs secret plan to raise £60 billion. INCREASING inheritance tax INCREASING capital gains tax ’jackpot’ levy on wealth council tax reforms could double bills
– Labour’s Secret Plan To Smash The Middle Class By Ensuring Home Owners Can’t Pass On Their House To Their Children
– The rise of inheritance tax – I think Labour plans to raise even more from inheritance tax (IHT), despite receipts already being at record levels.
– I may be wrong, but I do not expect the removal of IHT exemptions on businesses, including farms.
– Housing Crisis: ‘We need one new house to cope with 750,000 annual migrants!’ Nigel Farage, Reform Party, giving a speech in Blackpool – Brexit, immigration.
– Armageddon warning as Galloway claims PM Starmer will drag UK into WW3 ‘within six months’
– George Galloway disikes both Sir Keir and Labour, the party for which he was first elected as an MP. George Galloway predicts a war if Keir Starmer is elected as PM
– Workers Party candidate Heiko Khoo on why he’s standing f in Putney – The last five years saw the biggest transfer of wealth, from the poor to the rich, in history.
– The Putney Debates Public Meetings Come and Debate the Great Questions of our Time In the historic tradition of the 1647 Putney Debates, The Putney Debates 2024
– Keir Starmer on Port Talbot steel works closure so we have to buy arms from the USA. Tata Steel to press on with Port Talbot job cuts despite Labour call for talks In April,
– British filmmaker Ken Loach has voiced strong criticism of Sir Keir Starmer and Labour’s handling of disputes, especially those related to allegations of antisemitism.
– UK University Tyranny 1: Police trash pastor’s ‘Over 800 babies are murdered in the UK daily & abortion is murder.’ signs.
– Pastor Dia Moodley, on how the police handed his possessions to the University to throw away’ when he was arrested for preaching
– Some UK Anti-Abortion campaigns – Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) – Right To Life Campaign – Life Campaign: Pregnancy Matters, Life Matters
– Hayley’s story: I had not long turned 16 when I had an abortion. It feels like a bad dream
– UK University Tyranny 2: Isaac Rose, author of new book ‘The Rentier City: Manchester and the Making of the Neo-liberal Metropolis’,
– Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) is one of the most corruppt lucrative investments for private equity firms and vulture funds
– Norman Finklestein on a solution to the problems in Israel/Palestine, are we witnessing a historic tipping point? Norman
– Crispin Blunt MP accuses ministers of potential war crimesthenis arrested the next dayfor rape and child abuse by corrupt police
– The week after – Crispin Blunt MP arrested by the Israel lobby Met Police Mafia. Tory MP Crispin Blunt arrested on suspicion of rape
– Serbian President, Alexsandar Vucic, on how the train has left the station for war. Serbian president predicts imminent World War III, urges global alert
– Putin is ‘a saviour sent by God to stop WW3’, says fan of nuclear war
– Vladimir Putin a saviour sent by God to rescue humanity. That was the image projected by Professor Sergei Karaganov
– Stoltenberg, NATO Chief, Dutch PM Mark Rutte set to be NATO’s next chief
– Disastrous replacement of Civil Defence Act (1948) – with Civil Contingencies Act (2004) leaving the population exposed in a nuclear war.
– The Cook Report: Dirty Bomb – acquiring Weapons Grade Plutonium and a SS-20 nuclear weapon on the 1993 Moscow black market.
– Miscarriage of justice? Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr murder convictions Child Sex Abuse by US Airmen at Mildenhall and Lakenheath in Suffolk
– 2002 Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman murders in Soham right next to RAF Lakenheath – Dave Starbuck – Revelation tapes 2003:
– 2016: US Airman found guilty and jailed? Lakenheath sergeant gets 47 years for child sex offences 18 June 2016
– The Satanist, by ex-RAF Wing Commander Dennis Wheatley, the story of horrific sexual rites and an East Anglia-based US Airforce Satanic circle
– 1970s-80s Southern TV rural crafts journalist Jack Hargreaves ‘Out Of Town’ on neolithic calendar Stone Henge.
– How the Druidic priesthood controlled the stone-age population through fear and human sacrifice.
– Tim Dews Airborne Pyrotechnics with his nice quiet Grob motor-gliders he uses for aerial displays flying out of a field near Warminster, Wilts
Part One – Local and National News Review

Labour Party secret inheritance tax hike Labour inheritance tax – ELECTION – Labour busted, the sneaky secret plans they are denying. 6 party MPs – including Keir Starmer have a plan to raise £60 billion. INCREASING inheritance tax INCREASING capital gains tax ’jackpot’ levy on wealth council tax reforms could double bills – Labour’s Secret Plan To Smash The Middle Class By Ensuring Home Owners Can’t Pass On Their House To Their Children Labour’s secret tax plans – explained Mike Warburton 19 June 2024 By July 5, we are very likely to have a Labour government with a working majority, if not a landslide victory – and as Rishi Sunak pointed out repeatedly in last night’s debate, the threat of higher taxes is looming large. I am going to make a few suggestions about how we might prepare. The problem facing the new chancellor has been illustrated by a report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). Simply stated, the economic situation is very tight. Following the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine, Britain’s debt to GDP (gross domestic product) ratio has risen to almost 100pc. Taxes relative to GDP are heading for a post Second World War record, and pressure is rising for higher public spending on virtually all departments including, health, welfare and defence. Labour has said it will keep to the existing rules to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio in five years with capped annual borrowing at 3pc of GDP. Something has to give. I have seen little to suggest that Labour is prepared to make cuts in spending departments, so even higher taxation seems inevitable. Labour wants to help “working people” – so where will the additional revenue come from? As was reported last night, senior Labour figures seem to, at the very least, have sympathy with radical plans to raise taxes. So, what can be done now to prepare? VAT on private school fees There are some tax changes that have already been announced, such as removing the VAT-free status on private school fees, and the reintroduction of the pension lifetime allowance charge. However, in neither case is it clear that these will raise significant amounts of tax, and the changes may even result in a net cost to the new government. I wrote about school fees recently with a suggestion that, although there are risks, it could make sense to pay some fees in advance. The question is how many parents will decide that private education is no longer affordable and attempt to move their children into the state system, thereby placing an additional cost on the education budget. Taxing pensioners Reintroduction of the pension lifetime allowance charge would raise revenue, but it would be very difficult to introduce the appropriate legislation. I wrote about this in January with a suggestion that those with larger pension funds should consider crystallising some or all of their uncrystallised funds ahead of the election. Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, has appointed a team of advisors to help her identify areas where more tax could be squeezed from us, as explained recently by Brian Monteith. The team includes Sir Edward Troup, formally executive chairman of HM Revenue and Customs, who when referring to “codger” pensioners, claimed that many have had it too good and should pay more tax.

The rise of inheritance tax – I think Labour plans to raise even more from inheritance tax (IHT), despite receipts already being at record levels. In particular, we should expect greater scrutiny by HMRC of deceased estates. Lifetime transfers are a possible way forward, but I would urge caution not to rush into that without some careful consideration. I may be wrong, but I do not expect the removal of IHT exemptions on businesses, including farms. Farmers have been enduring very hard times financially and I think Labour understands that. What would not surprise me, however, is the removal of IHT relief on let farmland. Many believe that the relief has had the effect of pushing up prices of land to the disadvantage of working farmers. I also think the panel will recommend that pension funds should be treated as part of the estate for IHT by removing the protection introduced by George Osborne. Tax for pension savers Tax relief on pension contributions may be a target with some suggesting that relief on contributions could be limited at 30pc. It may be wise to make any planned contributions before the election accordingly. There must also be a risk that the 25pc tax free lump sum from pension schemes could be targeted by Labour. Described by Nigel Lawson in his 1985 Budget as the “anomalous but much-loved tax-free lump sum”, rumours of its demise have so far been wide of the mark. Nevertheless, I would not be surprised if Labour views it as too tempting a target to ignore, possibly capping the amount that can be taken. Depending on your circumstances you could consider taking a lump sum early, but there are complications involved and it would be appropriate to take advice before doing so. Isa contributions I am not expecting restrictions on Isa contributions, but if you have not yet used up your allowance for this year, it would make sense to contribute now if you can afford it so that more income and gains are sheltered. Changes for non-doms Labour claims that its plans are fully costed, but I am losing count of the number of times it’s claimed that any funding required will come from the removal of the remaining tax breaks for non-doms. I also have serious reservations about the amount that this would raise. This is because it is impossible to predict how many will depart the UK and leave the Treasury worse off. The last time Labour changed the tax position on non-doms was in 2008 to fund the introduction of the inheritance nil-rate band transfers between married couples. Alistair Darling and Ed Balls estimated that they would raise £500m a year from the change. It was revealed two years later that it had raised less than half that amount, at just £226m. Tax for workers Under the current rules, you do not pay National Insurance contributions (NICs) if you continue working after reaching state pension retirement age. Edward Troup has already set his sights on this as an easy win. Alistair Darling introduced the 50pc top rate of income tax just ahead of the 2010 election as a trap for the Conservatives to walk into. When the coalition government duly reduced the rate to 45pc in 2012, Rachel Reeves said in the parliamentary debate: “The tax cut for millionaires is worth more than the money that most of our constituents take home in a year. The hon. Member for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr spoke about a tax cut for the mega-rich that leaves a bad taste in the mouth”. Ms Reeves has said that Labour will not raise income tax and NIC rates. However, I would not rule out an increase in the top rate to 50pc, which could be a reason for taking bonuses early. Capital gains tax changes When the Prime Minister disclosed his personal tax affairs, there was the inevitable outcry that by generating most of his income from capital gains on share sales he paid a 20pc rate, half the higher rate of income tax. There are some very sound reasons why the CGT rate should be less than the income tax rate, but I would not be surprised if this came up for discussion among the Labour advisory team. The outlook for council tax Councils up and down the country are struggling financially. Many voices in Labour have spoken in favour of increasing the tax take from land, so council tax could be seen as a logical source of additional revenue. The last time properties were revalued was in 1991 (2003 in Wales), but it was a mammoth exercise and rather unscientific. Individual properties were not visited. Instead, an army of valuers drove around in pairs at slow speed in second gear and noted down amounts without even stopping the car. These so-called “second gear valuations” were never accurate. More likely, I suspect a revaluation would be the introduction of a higher council tax band for larger properties, as applies in Wales. To misquote the song, things are not going to get better any time soon.

Housing Crisis: ‘We need one new house to cope with 750,000 annual migrants!’ Nigel Farage, Reform Party, giving a speech in Blackpool – Brexit, immigration. Nigel Farage issues a message to the people of Blackpool about why resort voters should back him Blackpool should “join the revolt” for change, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said during his latest visit to the resort. Mr Farage was in town to deliver a speech tonight at the resort’s Imperial Hotel in a sold-out event, having already unveiled a campaign poster in the town. Prior to addressing the party faithful in the grand hotel, the politician was asked what his party could do for Blackpool, a town recognised as one of the most deprived in the country. Mr Farage said people in Blackpool should “join the revolt” because Britain was broken and only Reform could fix it, insisting the party was now the only opposition to a resurgent Labour party. The politician, 60, who attracts both unwavering support as well as outright hostility, told the Gazette: “How can we help Blackpool? Well, we can do one big thing – our main manifesto pledge is to raise the level at which people start paying tax at £20,000 year. “Why? Number one, the lowest earners would keep more of the money. “But the key thing, those on benefits – if they go to do a job and work more than 16 houes a wek, they start to lose their benefits. “They’re better off staying on benefits than going back to work. That is crackers. “If we bring that £20,000 in, they can stay at work, which will help them economically and also psychologically as well, in terms of their feelings of value and benefit to society. “The second thing we can do, for a place like Blackpool, is help small businesses because everything Labour and the Tories do is about the giant multinationals. “What about local self employed people, family-run businesses? They’ve been given a terrible time. Corporation Tax on their companies, up 30 per cent last year. Rules have come in that make it so hard for self employed people who work for big contractors.” Can Reform win resort’s two seats? Mr Farage said: “Huge numbers here voted for me when I led UKIP, huge numbers voted for Brexit and the modern day Labour party doesn’t represent those kind of values. “Keir Starmer voted for a second referendum, doesn’t really believe in it. “There’s always been that Labour vote, particulat in Lancashire that was very patriotic and Labour is now a London-based metropolitan party, run from North London. “We want to fulfil Brexit and the biggest thing was immigration.

Armageddon warning as Galloway claims PM Starmer will drag UK into WW3 ‘within six months’ George Galloway has made little secret of his distaste for both Sir Keir and Labour, the party for which he was first elected as an MP. George Galloway predicts a war if Keir Starmer is elected as PM George Galloway, Workers Party, giving a speech – Starmageddon is coming. Britain will be dragged into a full-scale war with Russia “within six months” if Labour leader Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister, George Galloway has controversially claimed. The Workers Party of Great Britain leader, who is standing in the Rochdale seat he won in a by-election earlier this year, made his controversial remark during the launch of his party’s manifesto yesterday. Mr Galloway, who once again dismissed Sir Keir and Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as “two cheeks of the same backside”, told reporters: “We are potentially headed to Armageddon. “And if we don’t get out of this death spiral, then none of this will be worth arguing over at all.” He added: “I want to make a prediction. If Keir Starmer becomes the Prime Minister, within six months, Britain will be a war. “I don’t mean a proxy war. I don’t mean Special Forces dressed up as Arabs or Russians or Ukrainians. “I mean, an actual war, with British forces deployed within six months of Keir Starmer becoming Prime Minister. “And then it’s game on, I’m afraid to say. Mr Galloway has made little secret of his opposition to Britain’s support of Ukraine in its fight against Russia, recently claiming Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson would show people the Russian president is “not Vlad the Mad or Bad and that they’ve been lied to about him”. The manifesto itself commits to “a referendum on membership of NATO with a view to a national debate on all our collective security arrangements”. It adds: “Our own position is clear – under current circumstances, we will continue to campaign for Britain to leave NATO as a clear and present danger to the security of the British population and seek new collective security arrangements centred on the protection of peoples and not of states or industries.” It also states: “Our position on Ukraine centres on a condemnation of the expansionary provocation of NATO in alliance with another ethno-nationalist government that throws its own people into a perpetual meat grinder.

Workers Party candidate Heiko Khoo on why he’s standing for the Workers Party in Putney – The last five years saw the biggest transfer of wealth, from the poor to the rich, in history. Hundreds of millions around the world were driven into poverty and hunger, exacerbating conflicts and accelerating waves of global migration. In Britain, the price of energy, food, rent, mortgage repayments and other basics of life rose dramatically, forcing millions into penury. I joined the Labour Party in 1980 and supported Jeremy Corbyn from 2015 onwards. As Labour became the biggest party in Europe, Corbyn’s leadership was sabotaged. The Israel lobby smeared him with false allegations of anti-Semitism, lies that were promoted by Keir Starmer. Starmer backs Israel’s genocide and said that Israel has the right to cut off power and water to Gaza, which is a war crime. British warplanes conduct reconnaissance missions for Israel and our weapons have rained down on women and children. I stand with the people of Palestine in their liberation struggle against Israeli occupation and apartheid. The Labour Party no longer represents the working class. Tory MPs are welcomed with open arms while long standing party members are smeared, slandered, silenced or expelled. We in the Workers’ Party are building a mass socialist party to replace the Labour Party. Under Covid, as Dominic Cummings explained to a House of Commons investigative committee, an international pandemic “network of Bill Gates-type people” pressured national governments to act as if we were at war, imposing dictatorial powers, repressing free speech and free movement, and curtailing our democratic right to protest. While Downing Street held parties, people were brutally arrested for petty breaches of lockdown regulations. Big Tech and Big Pharma assumed command over decision-making and accumulated trillions, while our children were deprived of education, patients were denied essential treatment and the elderly died alone, parting from their families on Zoom. In fact the measures taken – social distancing, masks, lockdowns, the closure of work, leisure and entertainment etc. – were based on flimsy scientific evidence. Science that was manipulated to serve malign interests.

The Putney Debates Public Meetings Come and Debate the Great Questions of our Time In the historic tradition of the 1647 Putney Debates, The Putney Debates 2024 are public meetings and general hustings where the candidates and parties standing in Putney Constituency share their views and present their solutions to the great questions of our time. Series of Putney election hustings – the Putney Debates. The Putney Debates aim to revive grass-roots democratic participation in the electoral process. The Putney Debates will be the most intensive and comprehensive election debates taking place anywhere in the country. All candidates or their nominated representatives will be allotted equal time to speak and respond to your questions. The Putney Debates include general hustings and in depth debates on specific themes and subjects The public, the media and citizen journalists are encouraged to video and live stream The Putney Debates. The Candidates Peter Hunter Reform UK Kieren McCarthy Liberal Democrats Heiko Khoo Workers Party of Britain Lee Jamie Roberts Conservative Fleur Anderson Labour Fergal McEntee Green Felix Burford-Connole The Rejoin EU Party The Putney Debates are held in publicly funded meeting places booked under the Representation of the People Act 1983 – Section 95 & 96 for the purpose of promoting or procuring the giving of votes in the forthcoming election. All the Putney Debates are non-selective hustings and are open to the public.

UK Parliamentary general election 2024 Clacton constituency
Liberal Democrats, Matthew Bensilum
Reform UK, Nigel Farage
Climate Party, Craig Jamieson
Independent, Tony Mack
Green Party, Natasha Osben
Labour Party, Jovan Owusu-Nepaul
Heritage Party, Tasos Papanastasiou
UK Independence Party (UKIP), Andrew Pemberton
Conservative and Unionist Party, Giles Watling

UK Parliamentary general election 2024 Rochdale constituency
Conservative and Unionist Party, Paul Ellison
Workers Party of Britain, George Galloway
Reform UK, Michael Howard
Liberal Democrats, Andy Kelly
Green Party, Martyn Savin
Labour and Co-operative Party, Paul Waugh

UK Parliamentary general election 2024 Putney constituency
Labour Party, Fleur Anderson,
Rejoin EU, Peter Hunter
Reform UK, Felix Burford-Connole
Workers Party of Britain, Heiko Khoo
Liberal Democrats, Kieren McCarthy
Green Party, Fergal Joseph McEntee
Conservative and Unionist Party, Jamie Roberts

Keir Starmer on Port Talbot steel works closure so we have to buy arms from the USA. Tata Steel to press on with Port Talbot job cuts despite Labour call for talks In April, Tata Steel confirmed it would close its blast furnaces in Port Talbot after rejecting a last-minute union plea to change its plans. A Welsh Conservative spokesperson said: “We are committed to ensuring steelmaking stays at Port Talbot. “The UK Government took bold action to invest £500million to support Tata to transition to electric arc furnaces, with an extra £80million to help workers to retrain. “Labour has no plan on how to keep steelmaking in Wales. In fact, they’ve been doing the opposite. Opting to go for cheap, low quality, imported coal, instead of supporting Welsh jobs at the Ffos-y-Fran mine which supplied ideal coal to Tata. “We are investing millions into the south-west Wales economy to boost high skilled jobs with the Celtic Freeport and the Swansea Bay City Deal, which helps businesses to grow and create jobs.” Luke Fletcher MS, Plaid Cymru’s economy and energy spokesperson, said: “Tata has made clear that whatever happens in the General Election it is determined to continue with the closure of the furnace at Port Talbot. “At this point, if we are serious about saving the jobs at Port Talbot and secure the blast furnaces, there is now only one option. Nationalisation. “Labour have committed to £3billion for steel. A portion of that will be allocated for Port Talbot. If the money is there to give to Tata, then it’s there for us to take control of the future of our steel industry here in Wales. “If the polls are to be believed, it’s now on Labour to put its money where its mouth is and save our steel.”

Ken Loach on Keir Starmer – witch hunt against ‘anti-Semites’ in Labour Party. Ken Loach hits out at Starmer and questions Labour’s antisemitism stance British filmmaker Ken Loach has voiced strong criticism of Sir Keir Starmer and Labour’s handling of disputes, especially those related to allegations of antisemitism. A staunch supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, Loach rejoined the Labour Party in 2017 but faced expulsion in 2021 during the party’s antisemitism crackdown. He has consistently challenged such allegations, hinting at political motivations aimed at destabilising the leadership of the former Labour leader. Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s World At One programme to discuss his new film The Old Oak, Loach expressed his profound lack of confidence in Sir Keir, suggesting he often backtracks on his statements. He also claimed Jewish members of the Labour Party are “four times more likely to be expelled than non-Jewish members”. Asked about Labour’s position on migration, given his new film is a story of two traumatised communities thrown together when a group of Syrian refugees is housed in a neglected former mining village in the north east of England, he said: “I have no confidence in Sir Keir Starmer whatsoever. “Everything he says he rejects a few months later. I don’t believe a word the man says. And I don’t think people should either. “They moved so that they are one millimetre closer to the centre than the Tories. I have no trust in Starmer personally or the clique he represents.” On whether his criticism of Sir Keir stems from the fact that “in your own words, you said you were kicked out of the party”, the director and screenwriter, 87, replied: “It was like an abusive relationship, to be honest. “I mean, the Labour Party is … its whole processes of dealing with disagreements is very flawed. I mean, it’s something I think BBC News should examine more closely. “The fact that now, I think, Jewish members of the Labour Party are four times more likely to be expelled than non-Jewish members.” The interview with BBC presenter Sarah Montague then took a particularly heated turn when she told him the Campaign Against Antisemitism complained to the BBC about their involvement in one of his other films because of his “appalling” views on antisemitism. In response, Loach accused the public broadcaster of diverting serious conversations into “fraudulent campaigns” aimed at discrediting interviewees.

UK University Tyranny 1: Police trash pastor’s ‘Over 800 babies are murdered in the UK daily & abortion is murder.’ signs. Pastor Dia Moodley, preacher for Spirit of Life Reformed Baptist Church, in Lockleaze, Bristol, on how the police handed his possessions to the University to throw away’ when he was arrested for preaching on abortion and Islam outside Bristol University. Street preacher arrested outside Bristol University after incident. Pastor Dia Moodley took his controversial sermons about abortion to the street outside Bristol University – A controversial street preacher has been arrested after an incident outside the University of Bristol. Pastor Dia Moodley, who has regularly preached on a step ladder in Broadmead for the past seven years, was detained by Avon and Somerset police after setting up placards and beginning to preach outside the university’s Beacon House. An altercation allegedly occurred between Pastor Moodley and a number of people outside the building, on the corner of Whiteladies Road and Queen’s Road, and police were called. Pastor Moodley has told Bristol Live that he was arrested for allegedly pushing a woman who was standing on one of his placards, which had been knocked to the ground, and said he was also assaulted in the melee. Pastor Moodley is the leader of the Spirit of Life Reformed Baptist Church in Lockleaze, and said he went near the university to preach his beliefs about abortion and to have discussions with students there. A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset police said they received several calls at around 2.20pm on Thursday, March 21, from people reporting a public order offence at Queen’s Road. “On arrival, several people told officers they felt harassed, alarmed and distressed by a man they said was shouting in the street,” the spokesperson added. “A woman in her 20s also reported that a man had pushed her. “A man in his 50s was arrested on suspicion of common assault and a public order offence and later released on bail pending further enquiries. An allegation that he was pushed off a stepladder has also been recorded by police as an assault. No-one has as yet been charged with any offences.

Some Anti-Abortion campaigns in the UK – Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) – and – Right To Life Campaign – Life Campaign: Pregnancy Matters, Life Matters – Hayley’s story: I had not long turned 16 when I had an abortion. It feels like a bad dream most days now, but it haunted and ate at me for years. When I was 15, I met Scott. He was the cool older guy with the nice-ish car, his own house, and a loud group of friends who all seemed to look up to him in some way – a bit of a ringleader. He already had two children from a previous relationship. He was too old for me at 20; I didn’t think so at the time, though. When I was invited to his house for a party by a friend and he looked my way, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t think anyone like him would ever look twice at me. I had very low self-worth and a deep need to feel like I belonged somewhere. When I met Scott’s children, I fell into the role of glorified babysitter very easily. I loved playing mum with them. I grew very close to them and them to me over the months we were together. Of course, it was all a fantasy. I was being blatantly used. Scott had countless other sexual partners and made me aware that if I didn’t do something for him, then they would. It was a very abusive relationship, but I didn’t know any different after my childhood. It felt like he was all I had. So, I went along with everything he asked of me, like an obedient puppy. I found out that I was pregnant when I had just turned 16. Of course, Scott didn’t want to hear about it. He demanded that I have an abortion. I spoke to my uncle; he called me many hurtful names and threw me out. I went to live with my biological father and his family, but my step mum was pregnant, and they didn’t have room for me to stay long-term. My dad tried to get me rented accommodation. I was a child. I was scared. In that moment, I felt more lost and alone than ever. Nobody wanted me around. I wanted Scott back. “I need him” was all I could think. I only felt seen and wanted when I was with him – which was crazy, I know. My uncle agreed for me to come back. This was a mistake, because Scott lived around the corner and, of course, the abuse started again. He would go between sweet nothings and trying to run me over with his car. I really wanted my baby, but in that moment, I felt like I needed him more. He kept telling me it was just cells, anyway; it wouldn’t feel anything or know anything about it. When the time was right, we could have more children. I booked the appointment. I was 12 weeks pregnant, maybe a few days before. Scott got me to borrow £10 from my uncle for fuel and he and his friend drove me to our nearest clinic about 40 miles away. He left me there and I went through it all alone. A counsellor had to see me. I told her that I couldn’t speak to her because, if I did, I would change my mind. She sent me back to the waiting room. I was given pessaries to put inside my vagina and then I had to wait. I cried the whole time. I just wanted someone to say, “STOP don’t do it.” But nobody did. I remember they came to take me in and lay me on the bed to be put to sleep. I was crying so hard. The nurse was stroking my hair and saying, “It will all be ok.” The last thing I said before I went to sleep was, “No, it won’t. Nothing will ever be ok again.”

UK University Tyranny 2: Isaac Rose, author of new book ‘The Rentier City: Manchester and the Making of the Neo-liberal Metropolis’, answering questions – how Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) is one of the most lucrative investments for private equity firms and vulture funds and they pack them in bypassing all normal planning regulations gaining annual returns on investment of 20% – In cities across the world, gentrification and the housing crisis are facts of life. But how did we get to this point? And is there any way we can fight back? A good place to begin answering these questions is Manchester, England. Over the last thirty years, corporate developers, rentier capitalists and boosterist politicians have reshaped Manchester in their image, replacing its working-class communities, public spaces and affordable housing with skyscrapers, luxury developments and a private rental market that creates wealth for rentiers and impoverishes everybody else. The Rentier City traces this story, showing how it fits within the longer history of Manchester. In doing so unveils a larger story of the relationship between capital and our cities, between rentier and rentee, and gives us a blueprint of how fight back against rentier capitalism and take back control of the cities we live in.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Norman Finklestein on a solution to the problems in Israel/Palestine …. Imagine what Israel did to the Palestinians when we couldn’t see their crimes on our phones. Israel, the ICC and the global structures of power | Norman Finkelstein | The Big Picture S4E12 We are living through a moment of social and political upheaval – one that has somehow aligned the Houthi rebels in Yemen, South Africa’s greatest legal minds and students across the wealthiest campuses in the world. They’re all fighting for Gaza, and against an increasingly isolated Israeli government and its Western backers. So are we witnessing a historic tipping point? Norman Finkelstein has documented the Israel-Palestine conflict for over 4 decades, with a particular focus on Israel’s actions in Gaza. As the son of Holocaust survivors, he became particularly critical of Israel’s use of history as a propaganda tool to shut down critique – something he documents in his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’. Since October 7, he’s been one of the most prolific voices speaking out – accusing Israel of carrying out a Genocide – and describing Gaza as a concentration camp. In this episode of The Big Picture podcast, we speak to him about the value of international law, the historic turning point in Palestinian advocacy and his view on Israel’s moral argument for its own existence.

Crispin Blunt MP accuses ministers of potential war crimesthenis arrested the next dayfor rape and child abuse by corrupt police – his thoughts on the Israel/Hamas conflict Israel-Hamas war: UK could be complicit in Gaza war crimes, Tory MP warns Crispin Blunt, who is co-director of a pro-Palestinian group, told Sky News he is not sure his colleagues in Westminster are aware of the “legal peril they are in”. He spoke as Israel faces criticism for ordering more than a million people in Gaza to leave their homes. Saturday 14 October 2023 UK Conservative MP Crispin Blunt has warned that the UK could be complicit in war crimes in Gaza and could face legal action if it does not do more to ‘restrain’ Israel. The UK could be complicit in war crimes in Gaza and could face legal action if it does not do more to “restrain” Israel, Tory MP Crispin Blunt has warned. The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) – of which Mr Blunt is co-director – announced it has written a notice of intention to prosecute UK government officials for “aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza”. The move comes in response to Israel’s warning for 1.2 million people living in the northern part of the Gaza Strip to immediately leave their homes and move south. Israel launches first ground missions in Gaza – Israel-Hamas war latest Mr Blunt told Sky News he is “not sure [his] colleagues have grasped the legal peril they are in” and “everyone must act to restrain people” if they know war crimes are going to happen. “If you know that a party is going to commit a war crime – and this forcible transfer of people is a precise breach of one of the statutes that governs international law and all states in this area – then you are making yourself complicit,” he said. “And as international law has developed in this area, the fact of being complicit makes you equally guilty to the party carrying out the crime.” ICJP co-Director Crispin Blunt speaks to BBC on complicity of UK politicians in War Crimes in Gaza Co-Director of the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) Crispin Blunt spoke to BBC News on the potential complicity of UK politicians in Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip. ICJP has issued Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Leader of the Opposition Keir Starmer with a stark warning that UK politicians could be individually liable for their role in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes.

The week after – Crispin Blunt MP arrested by the Israel lobby Met Police Mafia. Tory MP Crispin Blunt arrested on suspicion of rape Tom Sanders Oct 26, 2023, Conservative MP Crispin Blunt has revealed in a statement that he has been arrested on suspicion of rape. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the MP for Reigate wrote: ‘It has been reported that an MP was arrested yesterday in connection with an allegation of rape. I am confirming that MP was me. The fact of the arrest requires a formal notification of the Speaker and then my Chief Whip. ‘I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this incident, the first time three weeks ago, when I initially reported my concern over extortion. ‘The second time was earlier this morning under caution following arrest. The arrest was unnecessary as I remain ready to co-operate fully with the investigation that I am confident will end without charge. ‘I do not intend to say anything further on this matter until the police have completed their inquiries.’

Serbian President, Alexsandar Vucic, on how the train has left the station for war. Serbian president predicts imminent World War III, urges global alert ALBAWABA – Aleksandar Vucic, the president of Serbia, has issued a warning, claiming that World War III is imminent and that it may break out in the next four months. He said this in an interview with the Swiss publication “Weltwoche.” Also ReadIsraeli Media: Netanyahu government prepares to declare defeat of Al-Qassam brigadesIsraeli Media: Netanyahu government prepares to declare defeat of Al-Qassam brigades According to a report by Sky News, Vucic has unique insights into the growing tensions between Moscow, Washington, and NATO because of his strong relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vucic underlined how crucial it is to preserve Serbia’s vital supply of commodities. He questioned the belief held by the West that Putin could be simply overthrown by depleting his resources in Ukraine. When assessing Putin’s motives and possible future actions, Vucic counseled Western leaders to proceed with the utmost care. In order to preserve strategic deterrence and the balance of power in the world, Russian President Putin has reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to developing its nuclear capabilities on land, at sea, and in the air. U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has asked the United States to start talks with Putin in order to stop a conflict from breaking out in response to Vucic’s words. According to Sky News, the continued rivalry between the United States and Russia raises concerns about who would start the next round of hostilities or manage to escape accountability for acts that have the potential to spark nuclear war, which would have a global effect.

Putin is a saviour sent by God – says Moscow hawk Karaganov – Putin is ‘a saviour sent by God to stop WW3’, says fan of nuclear war – Vladimir Putin would like you to believe he’s a saviour sent by God to rescue humanity. That was the image projected by Professor Sergei Karaganov, a former advisor to President Putin, who spoke at the Kremlin-organised ‘Russian Davos’ on Friday. He’s hawkish, even next to Putin, having previously urged the president to launch tactical nuclear strikes against the West to warn them off supporting Ukraine. Karaganov echoed that again at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday, where he suggested holding a ‘nuclear pistol’ to the head of the West. But it was his description of Putin that was perhaps most revealing of the 71-year-old Russian president’s worldview. Addressing Putin onstage, Karaganov, 71, said: ‘I clearly remember 1998-99 when our country was on the edge… of falling apart. The situation was dire. ‘I remember me and my comrades fighting without any hope left. And at some point, God Almighty took pity on us [and Putin arrived]. ’Now Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] you have a difficult task. Not only to win but also to save the world which is sliding and being pushed into a World War.’ An accompanying propaganda video showed images of British soldiers fighting under the Union Jack, trunks overflowing with treasure and slaves in chains. It blamed ‘the colonial march of the West’ for the world’s ills and framed Russia as the only country in history capable of resisting it. The narrator said: ‘European civilisations plundered Africa and China, India, the Middle East and the Americas. ‘Ancient cultures were destroyed, indigenous peoples driven into reservations. Tens of millions of people were sold into slavery. ‘In the modern world, the colonial march of the West has not stopped. The plunder has taken an even more hypocritical form of dollar dependency. ‘Centuries of living at the expense of others has shaped the Western world into a coloniser’s psychology and mindset. ‘We made up the rules, [says the West], you must obey them. ‘But a new time has come, a time of justice, honesty, law and order. ‘Russia is a civilised state, the only one in the history of mankind that was able to resist Western colonisation. ‘For more than 1,000 years of history, Russia has repeatedly repelled invasion attempts. ‘Russia refused to fulfil someone’s invented rules to obediently play along with the coloniser.’ But there is a reason Russia is the largest country in the world, with its capital located in Europe despite 77% of its landmass sitting in Asia. Other European countries have lost most of their empires, but Russia hasn’t. Russia has invaded, conquered and colonised vast swathes of the world over the centuries, with many of those countries only gaining independence when the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s.

Stoltenberg, NATO Chief, Dutch PM Mark Rutte set to be NATO’s next chief after last rival pulls out Romania’s president has withdrawn from the race to become NATO’s next secretary general, leaving outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte all but certain to head the world’s biggest military organization from October. The office of President Klaus Iohannis said in a statement that Romania’s security council [which NATO control, ed.] has backed Rutte’s bid. It also said that Iohannis had informed NATO late last week that he intended to pull out. His withdrawal removes the last real hurdle Rutte might face. It should allow NATO to put on a show of unity and demonstrate solidarity with war-ravaged Ukraine when U.S. President Joe Biden and his counterparts meet in Washington on July 9-11 to mark NATO’s 75th birthday. Rutte’s appointment could be sealed by a meeting of NATO ambassadors in coming days, or by the leaders when they meet in Washington. He would officially start work on Oct. 1. NATO secretaries-general are responsible for chairing meetings and guiding sometimes delicate consultations among the 32 member countries to ensure that an organization that operates on consensus can continue to function. On Tuesday, Hungary lifted its veto on Rutte’s candidacy after the long-serving Dutch prime minister gave written guarantees that he would not force Budapest to take part in the military alliance’s new plans to provide support to Ukraine should he be appointed. NATO makes all of its decisions by consensus, giving any of the 32 member countries an effective veto, including on whether they should take part in any joint effort or operation. Turkey had also voiced opposition to Rutte’s bid but lifted its objections in April. Rutte has for months been the preferred candidate of the majority of NATO allies, including big members like the United States and Germany. In office for a decade, outgoing Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has been a steady hand at NATO’s helm and has proved difficult to replace. Biden and the NATO leaders had been due to name a successor when they met in Lithuania in July 2023, but no consensus could be found about a replacement. At the White House on Monday, Biden joked that he would like the former Norwegian prime minister to stay longer, even though Stoltenberg has made it clear he will leave office this time after several extensions to his mandate. “I mean it sincerely, you’ve been great. I just wish you’d extend your term another 10 years,” Biden said. Iohannis is nearing the end of his second five-year term as Romania’s president and announced his intention to run in March. Romania, a NATO member since 2004, borders Ukraine and played an increasingly prominent role in the alliance throughout Russia’s full-scale invasion, including hosting a NATO meeting of foreign ministers in November 2022.

Disastrous replacement of Civil Defence Act (1948) – with Civil Contingencies Act (2004) leaving the population exposed in a nuclear war. The Cook Report: Dirty Bomb extract – Roger Cook acquiring Weapons Grade Plutonium and a SS-20 nuclear weapon on the 1993 Moscow black market. Civil defence planning today after replacement of Civil Defence Act 1948 – Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Civil Defence as we know it is now virtually unrecognisable in the 21st Century. As a result of the end of the Cold War, “war planning” has now stopped and the councils are no longer required to prepare for war. So does Civil Defence really exist today? The answer is to ask another question, What is Civil Defence?. According to the Cold war document “Civil Defence – Why do we need it”, Civil Defence is “to adapt ourselves to the reality that we at present must live with, and to prepare ourselves so that we could alleviate the suffering which war would cause if it came.” Military defence is concerned with stopping a threat that would require Civil Defence, however in nuclear war there is no military defence so Civil Defence is required. And this form of Civil Defence had a face – much of it secret, but things we now know a lot about, such as nuclear bunkers, food rationing, food depots, emergency communications networks etc. That was the Cold War and this is 2024. If we take an alternative view of Civil Defence then we could define it as “to plan for the situation after a terrible event and make sure civilian life can continue.” This would include the right to food, shelter, warmth, sanitation and importantly a democratic system of Government (as opposed to overthrow by military invasion!). That view opens up a whole new area which this site is dedicated too. Its why we discuss the National security strategy because this gives us a clear explanation of the main threats, and that primarily is terrorism. The new threat needing Civil Defence The main threat we face today is International Terrorism but with roots here in the UK. Its aim is to specifically target our way of life but generally in one specific area – i.e. a particular right (i.e. to live etc). The need therefore to plan for a complete break down in society (which would have followed a war) is therefore defunct. Equally the need for “hard” measures such as bunkers and depots is also no longer applicable. The face to Civil Defence are therefore “soft strategies” which relate to plans for how the emergency services should respond and deal with catastrophies when they happen. Regional planning plays a crucial part to make sure a co-ordinated response occurs. Civil Defence therefore no longer has any secrets. The old “spies for peace” won’t find much here. However the police and MI5 have radically altered the way they operate but in comparison with the Cold War threat – they could now be considered the Military defence – i.e. offensive response / proactive mechanisms to stop against an attack. Secrets relating to MI5/Police exist for our own good (rather than the survival of the select few) and this site does not seek to expose those. But … There are 2 (very small) war planning Civil Defence “hard” measures still in place. One is the Pindar nuclear bunker under Whitehall and the other is the National attack warning system – a BT system to get an attack warning message out to the public. The latter however is no longer considered core to the Governments warning systems and further reduces the “war related” measures still active. Pindar is a very active nuclear bunker under the MOD building which is still used for emergencies but is not specifically a civil defence bunker.

Miscarriage of justice? Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr murder convictions Child Sex Abuse by US Airmen at Mildenhall and Lakenheath in Suffolk protected by US law in UK – 2002 Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman murders in Soham right next to RAF Lakenheath – Dave Starbuck – Revelation tapes 2003: Technical Sergeant Randy Fitter 23rd July 2003 alleged Court Marshall inside Lakenheath for child abuse – then – 2016: US Airman found guilty and jailed? Lakenheath sergeant gets 47 years for child sex offences 18 June 2016 A USAF sergeant described as a ‘multi-child molester’ has been jailed for 47 years after a court martial at RAF Lakenheath. The USAF Office of Special Investigations (OSI) on Thursday posted a brief report on Facebook of the conviction earlier this month of former Technical Sergeant Brandon S Justice who was found guilty by a military judge of ‘multiple specifications of sexual assault’. He was charged under the US military’s Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) with abusive sexual contact, aggravated sexual contact with a child, sexual abuse of a child and viewing/possessing child pornography. Justice, who is understood to have rented property in Red Lodge before moving to base housing in Lords Walk, Eriswell, was sentenced ‘47 years confinement’, was reduced in rank to Airman Basic and given a dishonourable discharge. The OSI says his term of confinement is capped at 35 years in accordance with his pre-trial agreement. The report says the OSI’s Detachment 512, based at RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, received a formal complaint against Justice in October 2015, alleging various crimes against both child and adult victims. After being questioned, Justice ‘made a number of incriminating statements to investigators’. The OSI obtained the legal authority to search Justice’s home to seize evidence, then questioned him further. As a result of his statements made in multiple interviews, and other evidence gathered, Justice was ordered into pre-trial confinement at RAF Lakenheath. Brig Gen Keith Givens, OSI Commander, told Detachment 512: “Excellent work putting this multi-child molester behind bars for a very long time. I know this was a complex case to prove, but you persevered.” He particularly praised Special Agent Keith Harper for leading the investigation. Col David Eaglin, Lakenheath’s 48th Fighter Wing Vice Commander, said: “Certainly for the victims, we are grateful the trial resulted in a conviction, and hopefully the outcome will provide the victims and their families with some closure.”

The Satanist, by ex-RAF Wing Commander Dennis Wheatley, is the story of a young man and woman who are prepared to acquiesce in appalling blasphemies and take part in horrific sexual rites in order to penetrate a East Anglia-based US Airforce Satanic circle in an attempt to solve a foul and brutal murder. The man, Barney Sullivan, is a secret agent who, horrified by the death of one of his colleagues whose body is virtually unrecognisable, becomes involved in the bestialities of the Devil whilst investigating Communist activities which threaten the security of the West; the girl, Mary Morden, has a past which enables her to put moral scruples aside – as she knows she must if she is to triumph over evil and bring the Devil worshippers to justice… First published: August 1960. This book proved to be one of Wheatley’s most successful. The 1960s saw a massive increase in his readership due entirely to the popularity of paperbacks. Wheatley said that when ‘The Satanist’ went into paperback in 1966 it sold over 100,000 copies in ten days.(note 1) All of Wheatley’s novels were kept in print by Hutchinson in their imprint Arrow and by 1966 Wheatley could claim that he had sold twenty million copies of his books

1970s-80s Southern TV rural crafts journalist Jack Hargreaves ‘Out Of Town’ on neolithic calendar Stone Henge. How the Druidic priesthood controlled the stone-age population through fear and human sacrifice. STONE-DEAD Inside Stonehenge’s dark past on the summer solstice – from human sacrifices to skinned corpses and a twin torture site Professor Wolfgang Neubauer, who worked at the site, believed the bodies were from around 3,800BC and explained the “very peculiar burial rituals”. He said: “They had defleshment, they had cutting off heads – heads were actually treated completely differently than the other parts of the body. “There was preparation of the bones to be put into this large tomb, which was a tomb for the whole community.” Not only was all skin and flesh prized off but the bones were broken into small pieces that were then buried. Once the tomb was full, Professor Neubauer believed they submerged it along and left other tributes to either the dead or the gods.

Tim Dews Airborne Pyrotechnics with his nice quiet Grob motor-gliders he uses for aerial displays flying out of a field near Warminster, Wilts. Airborne Pyrotechnics are Based near Warminster, we are a father and son team. Team Leader Tim Dews has been flying the Grob 109b for over 30 years all over the world. Tom Dews is the second pilot and went solo in the Grob on his 16th birthday as did his brother Ben. Matthew, the youngest of the three, not wanting to be outdone by his brothers, went solo in a glider at 14 as the rules had changed. We all fly gliders locally along with the motor gliders. Tim and Ben import the Grob motor glider for customers all over the UK and run a composite aircraft repair business from the airstrip. Airborne Composites ( the other half of Airborne Pyrotechnics ) developed the systems used in the pyrotechnic display over the last five years. We can offer spectacular, quiet or loud, affordable displays with one, two or three aircraft, for weddings, garden parties and air displays. OUR AIRCRAFT Two Grob 109b motor gliders, super efficient, quiet and graceful . They can fly at night, have thousands of coloured LEDs, engine smoke and have 4 kgs of pyrotechnics on each wing tip. The Twister is a small aerobatic home built aircraft with LEDs engine smoke and pyros on the wing tips for day and evening displays. The Grob twin two is a two seat aerobatic glider with smoke and pyros on the wing tips for day and evening displays. We can offer model aircraft with LED’s and pyros as well as ground fired fireworks.

#1 - NTBCFMPS-full-show-21Jun24 - 03:05:00
#2 - Nigel Farage Blackpool Reform UK one new house every two minutes for migrants - 00:20:00
#3 - George Galloway Workers Party of Britain manifesto launch War Within Six Months Under Starmer - 00:25:00
#4 - Heiko Khoo - Putney candidate Workers Party General election 2024 - 00:30:00
#5 - Pastor Dia Moodley no further action after arrest but property handed to university by police and destroyed - 00:13:00
#6 - Isaac Rose book launch Rentier City Manchester and gentrification Bristol Transformed - 01:30:00
#7 - Norman Finkelstein Israel, the ICC and the global structures of power The Big Picture - 01:25:00
#8 - Aleksander Vucic Serbian president the train has left the station, war is coming - 00:06:00
#9 - Jens Stoltenberg NATO outgoing SG interviewed by Joe Barnes - 00:12:00
#10 - David-Starbuck-Miscarriage-The-Trial-of-Ian-Huntly-and-Maxine-Carr-for Holly-Jessica-Chapman-Murder-USAF-Lakenheath-Court-Martial-23-Jul-2003 - 01:00:00
#11 - Tim Dews Airborne Pyrotechnics Airborne Composites Wing Farm Longbridge Deveril - 00:30:00

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