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Assange Kiwi Ideas Man on 'Turnkey Tyranny'; Lancet: 186k Gazans dead?
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
July 12, 2024, midnight
– Matt O’Branain from the Julian Assange campaign joins Tony and Martin. Matt, from NZ, had been campaigning to free Assange for many years and came to UK for this reason.
– Matt recently met General Petraeus and asked him whether the incarceration of Julian Assange was good for America.
– It was Matt’s idea in 2022 to have a human chain around Belmarsh high-security prison where Julian was being held but DEA and Stop The War SWP boss John Rees changed it
– No comeback for trigger-happy Israeli killers. Plus 972 Magazine – IDF troops have no rules and can shoot as they please. False flag Buca massacre. ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’:
– What really happened to free Julian Assange after Australian MPs came to Washington and the UK court hearings?
– Assange plea came after warning that U.S. would lose extradition fight
– WIKILEAK ENDS THE IRAQ OCCUPATION 1: WikiLeaks website publishes classified military documents from Iraq By CNN Wire Staff October 25, 2010
– WIKILEAK ENDS THE IRAQ OCCUPATION 2 ­ Fri October 21, 2011 President Obama announced that virtually all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year
– Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital hit in Kiev, Ukraine – false flag? Other false flags involving NATO. Kremlin says Ukrainian fire hit Kyiv children’s hospital
– Russia denied on Tuesday that it had attacked a Kyiv children’s hospital and said Ukrainian anti-missile fire was to blame for Monday’s strike.
– Press infiltrated by secret services. TikTok good for getting information out. Need internet free from censorship with control over privacy.
– Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession (2019) by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte (Author), John-Paul Leonard 18 months on the bestseller list
– Diamonds in the Cesspool – ways to get best out of internet. Armies of trolls – Brigade 77 and Unit 8200. Russia 1/2 million casualties in Ukraine war?
– Inside the British Army’s secret information warfare machine They are soldiers, but the 77th Brigade edit videos, record podcasts and write viral posts.
– Battleground drones – AI swarm drones. ‘Where’s Daddy?’ drone attacks by IDF in Gaza.
– Use of AI in multiple surveillance – war position. Israel’s ‘Where’s Daddy?’ AI system helps target suspected Hamas militants when they’re at home with their families,
– Turnkey Tyranny: Surveillance and the Terror State Connecting Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA surveillance with inequality, climate change and the “war on terror,”
– Artist Trevor Paglen argues that future administrations will respond to environmental and economic crises with the authoritarian tools of a rising “Terror State.”
– War on Gaza: Death toll from Israeli assault could exceed 186,000, Lancet warns Letter published by experts in the medical journal estimated some 10k people could still be buried
– Declassified – US flights to Israel from Cyprus airbase – UK planes with weapons for Israelis – Revealed: America’s secret special forces flights to Israel from UK base on Cyprus
– Crispin Blunt saying UK could be committing war crimes by supporting Israel Crispin Blunt released under investigation Reigate MP Crispin Blunt has been released
– Declassified – Israel money to Labour Kier Starmer track record. Apparatchiks of Political Parties have destroyed political morals Israel lobby funded half of Keir Starmer’s cabinet
– 11 donors boosted Labour Party – Express. Rachel Reeves and private equity story. PR system in NZ. FPTP voting system. Bodies in bags on Clifton Bridge.
– Keir Starmer’s Labour Party boosted by £19.5m from just 11 donors – this is who they are We have taken a look at the 11 donors who have boosted the Labour Party.
– New Bristol MP Carla Denyer if private water companies get their way, your bill could be rising by a whopping 44% – all while they’re still paying their shareholders dividends.
– Together Declaration – Milliband to ban combustion cars quicker. Are diesel cars more polluting than petrol?
– The Conversation. Tesla losing value as electric cars have problems Fact Check: are diesel cars really more polluting than petrol cars?
– Overall CO2 emissions of a diesel car tend to be lower. In use, on average, this equates to around 200g CO2/km for petrol and 120g CO2/km for diesel.
– Britain’s New PM Mistakenly OKs Kiev Hitting Russia with UK Missiles, Ministry of Defence put Starmer back in his box
– UK missiles to Ukraine – Telegraph. Dual state – security state has a veto. What’s in Covid vaccines?. Covid leaked from Wuhan lab.
– Sergei Lavrov says what he thinks of Starmer winning election. UK hasn’t allowed Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia,
– New Security Minister Dan Jarvis – WW3 coming? Russian nuclear missiles.UK has to be ‘incredibly careful’ to avoid direct Russian retaliation – Sir Keir Starmer
– Moscow expecting EU/US to ESCALATE Ukraine war with Russia. Alistair Crooke, former MI6, on Judge Neopolitano show – Russian’s cross after Sevastopol beach attack.
– Kremlin responds to Biden’s latest Putin insult – The US president didn’t just make endless gaffes, Joe Biden also called the Russian leader a “murderous madman”
– Courageous pliticalcandidate Jose Vega shouting – warmongering US must stop before WW3. Pro-war, anti-China politician Matt Pottinger on stage at the Asia Society
– RFK junior – Independent of the broken two party system It’s “We The People” Not “We The Corporations” Learn how Kennedy will end corporate capture.
– Ikbail Mohammed, pro Palestinian, wins Dewsbury and Batley. Newly elected MP speaks at pro-Palestine protest following UK election.
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Matt O’Branain from the Julian Assange campaign joins Tony and Martin. Matt, from NZ, had been campaigning to free Julian Assange for many years and came to UK for this reason. Meet the activist who has worn an orange jumpsuit every day for two years “If we can’t have journalism that ends wars, what the hell are we doing?” A man, now living in Bristol, has been wearing an orange jumpsuit every day for the last two years. Matt O Branain wears clothing resembling those worn by prison inmates to raise awareness over the ongoing Julian Assange extradition case. Originally from New Zealand, Matt arrived in the UK two years ago after organising a human chain for Assange with fellow supporters. Matt – who engages in creative forms of protest to help raise awareness of the Assange case – is currently planning on performing a Haka dance outside the High Court in London. Mr Assange, who founded Wikileaks, is currently being held in Belmarsh prison in London after being charged by the US government under the Espionage Act for publishing thousands of classified diplomatic documents, including the Iraq and Afghan war logs. Mr Assange will attend the High Court in London this Monday (May, 20, 2024) which could conclude a 13-year legal battle over his extradition to the US. The Assange campaigner said his dedication to the cause began four years ago when he was still living in New Zealand and working as a Media Design teacher. At the time, he co-founded his own organisation to raise awareness and wrote letters to various politicians in New Zealand and Australia. He initially set up a crowdfunder to travel to the UK and has since relied on a network of Assange supporters to help fund his full-time activism. He has been living in Bristol for almost a year and regularly attends the pro-Palestine demonstrations locally. Over the last few years, his orange jumpsuit and ‘free assange’ sign that he always wears around his neck has attracted attention from members of the public. But since Israel began bombing Gaza seven months ago, the response from the public to his standard explanation for wearing the costume has changed. Matt said: “When I used to tell people that there’s an award-winning journalist in jail in London for exposing US war crimes, people used to look at me blankly. But now because of Gaza, people have seen images of children’s mutilated bodies on their phones and they know what a war crime looks like, their response is shock.”…

Matt recently met General Petraeus and asked him whether the incarceration of Julian Assange was good for America. It was Matt’s idea in 2022 to have a human chain around Belmarsh high-security prison where Julian was being held but DEA and Stop The War SWP boss John Rees changed it to the Houses of Parliament. Aucklander Inspires Demonstration Around British Parliament To Free Julian Assange, Aucklander Matt Ó Branáin has inspired a historic demonstration in London on October 8th, to free jailed Australian journalist Julian Assange. Matt’s proposal to #HugBelmarsh prison with a Human Chain of 1,100 people went viral. Due to some difficulties, it has turned into a #FreeAssangeHumanChain of 5,000 to surround British Parliament, where the decision to free Julian can be made. Matt has launched a campaign for kiwis to help him represent New Zealand there. He is asking for help with travel costs and he will add the names of all who donate to special flax ribbons he will weave and take to the event. Matt says ‘I’m really excited at the prospect of getting to London to join this huge event I’ve helped inspire. This is the most crucial Human Rights case this century, and this will go down in history. I feel both humbled and in awe of what a difference any one of us can make, when we inspire others to unite. There’s nothing we can’t do when we stand together.’ Matt says he needs help to pay for his flights because ‘being an activist and also a musician doesn’t pay the bills like it used to.’ Matt was encouraged by other supporters to launch the campaign and represent New Zealand at the event. ‘I’m asking kiwis to get behind me so I can represent them. I know from talking to people everywhere I go, nobody wants an Aussie journalist to die in prison for telling the truth. We gotta get him out. Our Government, Jacinda Ardern, needs to make urgent diplomatic representations to the UK and US, to ensure his release. All our rights are imperilled by his imprisonment, and by the US charges against him. There isn’t a bigger threat to the Western Democratic system than this case.’ Matt will also be part of a public activation in Auckland’s Aotea Square tomorrow, 2pm. He and other supporters will wear orange Guantanamo Bay style prisoner suits, and stand on chairs, like a famous sculpture ‘Anything to Say?’ by artist Davide Dormino, portraying Assange, Snowden and Manning. The group will invite passers-by to get up on a chair alongside them, and share photos on social media to highlight the case. Matt is a teacher, media-designer and musician, who became intensely engaged on the Assange case when he read the findings of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, which concluded that Julian was being ‘tortured to death’ by the UK, US and Sweden, for revealing Human Rights crimes, and the charges against him will make it a crime to reveal state crimes. Julian is detained in solitary confinement in London’s Belmarsh Prison, and hundred’s of Doctors warn he is likely to die in the next few months if not freed. Since then Matt has devoted the vast majority of his time to campaigning on this issue. Matt formed Aotearoa 4 Assange with a group of activists, lawyers, and journalists. He recently committed to wearing what he calls ‘Gitmo Chic’ every day till Julian is free. It’s an orange Guantanamo Bay prisoner suit, and chalkboard sign. Matt says ‘It’s been starting conversations everywhere I go. Kiwis are not at all happy when they hear about what’s happening.’ Matt said he ‘wanted a way to show how important this case is, and express that I don’t feel safe or free if an Australian journalist can be tortured to death for telling the truth. I wouldn’t hesitate to reveal the Human Rights Julian revealed. So I’m a criminal too.’

No comeback for trigger-happy Israeli killers. Plus 972 Magazine – IDF troops have no rules and can shoot as they please. False flag Buca massacre. ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their commanders’ permission. In early June, Al Jazeera aired a series of disturbing videos revealing what it described as “summary executions”: Israeli soldiers shooting dead several Palestinians walking near the coastal road in the Gaza Strip, on three separate occasions. In each case, the Palestinians appeared unarmed and did not pose any imminent threat to the soldiers. Such footage is rare, due to the severe constraints faced by journalists in the besieged enclave and the constant danger to their lives. But these executions, which did not appear to have any security rationale, are consistent with the testimonies of six Israeli soldiers who spoke to +972 Magazine and Local Call following their release from active duty in Gaza in recent months. Corroborating the testimonies of Palestinian eyewitnesses and doctors throughout the war, the soldiers described being authorized to open fire on Palestinians virtually at will, including civilians. The six sources — all except one of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity — recounted how Israeli soldiers routinely executed Palestinian civilians simply because they entered an area that the military defined as a “no-go zone.” The testimonies paint a picture of a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals; the army only hides them from view ahead of the arrival of international aid convoys, so that “images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out.” Two of the soldiers also testified to a systematic policy of setting Palestinian homes on fire after occupying them.

What really happened to free Julian Assange after Australian MPs came to Washington and the UK court hearings? Assange plea came after warning that U.S. would lose extradition fight After years of Justice Department efforts to bring the WikiLeaks founder to the United States to stand trial, the near-collapse of the case in a British court sent prosecutors hurtling toward a plea deal. On April 4, a Justice Department attorney in Europe sent a dire message to colleagues back home: Their five-year battle to bring Julian Assange from Britain to the United States to stand trial for publishing hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic and military files was likely to fail. Sign up for Fact Checker, our weekly review of what’s true, false or in-between in politics. If a deal was not made with the WikiLeaks founder before a U.K. court’s April 16 deadline to provide assurances related to free speech, they would lose all their leverage and possibly their British attorneys, who increasingly saw the case as unwinnable. “The urgency here has now reached a critical point,” the Justice Department trial attorney wrote, in an email reviewed by The Washington Post. “The case will head to appeal and we will lose.” For months, according to multiple people familiar with the case, the U.S. trial team attorneys had been pushing senior officials at the Justice Department to approve a deal that would have involved Assange pleading guilty to multiple misdemeanors, which he could do remotely, rather than in the Virginia court where he had been charged in 2018. A WikiLeaks representative would then appear in court and plead guilty to a felony on behalf of the nonprofit organization. But top officials in the Justice Department did not act on the idea. “Time is short and my understanding is that the present plea proposal is currently on the [deputy attorney general’s] desk,” another member of the trial team emailed to leaders at the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control unit on April 4. Forced into action, the United States managed to stave off Assange’s appeal for two more months. In the end, the plea agreement allowed Assange to return home to Australia after he admitted on a remote Western Pacific island to a felony violation of the Espionage Act. The near-collapse of his prosecution for the 2010 and 2011 exposures of American actions overseas shows how the case was troubled from beginning to end by the implications for free-speech rights at home and by fraught interactions with foreign courts. And it fractured an already contentious relationship between prosecutors on the case, who had been pushing for a plea deal for the past year, and senior officials in the Justice Department who held out for a felony conviction for Assange.

WIKILEAK ENDS THE IRAQ OCCUPATION 1: WikiLeaks website publishes classified military documents from Iraq By CNN Wire Staff October 25, 2010 Washington (CNN) — The whistle-blower website WikiLeaks published nearly 400,000 classified military documents from the Iraq war on Friday, calling it the largest classified military leak in history. The latest round of leaked documents provides a new picture of how many Iraqi civilians have been killed, a new window on the role that Iran has played in supporting Iraqi militants and many accounts of abuse by Iraqi’s army and police, according to The New York Times. The Times was one of a handful of news organizations that was provided early access to the papers. According to new documents, the vast majority of slain civilians were killed by other Iraqis. The U.S. military is notifying Iraqis named in the documents, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told CNN. “There are 300 names of Iraqis in here that we think would be particularly endangered by their exposure,” he said. “We have passed that information on to U.S. Forces Iraq. They are in the process right now of contacting those Iraqis to try to safeguard them.” The Pentagon had not previously warned Iraqi civilians who have cooperated with the United States that their names may be posted on the Internet. “We don’t want to start notifying people and then find out that their names aren’t in any of these documents that are released,” Col. David Lapan, a top Pentagon spokesman, said earlier Friday. “Why put people through the trouble and the concern for no reason?” The Pentagon denounced the release, which WikiLeaks said comprised 391,832 reports. “This is all classified secret information never designed to be exposed to the public,” Morrell told CNN Friday. “Our greatest fear is that it puts our troops in even greater danger than they inherently are on these battlefields. That it will expose tactics, techniques and procedures — how they operate on the battlefield, how they respond under attack, the capabilities of our equipment … how we cultivate sources (and) how we work with Iraqis.”

WIKILEAK ENDS THE IRAQ OCCUPATION 2 Obama: Iraq war will be over by year’s end; troops coming home CNN ­ Fri October 21, 2011 President Barack Obama on Friday announced that virtually all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year – at which point he can declare an end to America’s long and costly war in that Middle Eastern nation. … …The negotiations were strained following WikiLeaks’ release of a diplomatic cable that alleged Iraqi civilians, including children, were killed in a 2006 raid by American troops rather than in an airstrike as the U.S. military initially reported. U.S. troops have already started the drawdown. For instance, a brigade from Fort Bliss, Texas, that was originally scheduled to be among the last to leave Iraq was being pulled out of the country months ahead of its planned departure, military officials told CNN last week. Besides withdrawing more units, others will not head overseas as planned. That includes about 775 Georgia-based soldiers from the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, which announced Friday it will not deploy to Iraq in December as previously scheduled. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, has said that Iraq wouldn’t be able to defend its borders if U.S. troops pulled out and also questioned Iraqi forces ability to defend its airspace. But Panetta, en route to Indonesia, said history shows that Iraq will be ready. “We’ve taken out now about 100,000 troops and yet the level of violence has remained relatively low,” the defense secretary said. “And I think that’s a reflection of the fact that the Iraqis have developed a very important capability here to be able to respond to security threats within their own country.” Regardless, officials insisted that the drastic pullback of troops does not mean an end to the U.S. government’s presence in Iraq. …

Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital hit in Kiev, Ukraine – false flag? Other false flags involving NATO. Kremlin says, without stating evidence, that Ukrainian fire hit Kyiv children’s hospital MOSCOW, July 9 (Reuters) – Russia denied on Tuesday that it had attacked a Kyiv children’s hospital and said Ukrainian anti-missile fire was to blame for Monday’s strike. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov repeated Moscow’s insistence that it does not attack civilian targets in Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities say Russia struck the main children’s hospital in Kyiv with a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile and rained missiles on other cities across Ukraine on Monday, killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of airstrikes for months. Advertisement · Scroll to continue The Ukrainian Security Service has said fragments of the rear part of a Kh-101, with a serial number, were recovered at the site, as well as part of the guidance system. “The experts’ conclusions are unequivocal – it was a direct strike,” the Ukrainian State Security Service said on Telegram. The head of the U.N. human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine said its analysis was that the strike was likely caused by a direct hit from a Russian missile. Advertisement · Scroll to continue Peskov, at his daily briefing, was asked how Russia could say it does not attack civilian targets after the tragedy at the hospital. “I urge you to be guided by the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defence, which absolutely excludes that there were attacks on civilian targets and which states that we are talking about a falling anti-missile system,” he said. “We continue to insist that we do not attack civilian targets. Strikes are carried out against critical infrastructure facilities, against military targets that are in one way or another related to the military potential of the regime.”

‘Presstitute’ book by Udolf Ulkotte – press infiltrated by secret services. TikTok good for getting information out. Need internet free from censorship with control over privacy. Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession (2019) by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte (Author), John-Paul Leonard 18 months on the bestseller list in Germany. Now it’s finally here! Ever get the feeling the media tries to manipulate or lie to you? You have plenty of company! And you are right — the facts are in. A world-class media insider has blown the whistle on what really goes on inside the media industry. Author Udo Ulfkotte was a respected journalist for 17 years with Germany’s newspaper of record, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He begins this explosive exposé by first owning up to his own career, where he had to sell out to have the job. He then reveals the deceptive tricks and secret networks of power within the media. How perks are used to bribe journalists and opinion makers to twist their reporting. How the tone of corruption is set from the top — play along or quit. How the long arm of the NATO press office enrolls the media to get Europe to support more foreign wars. Ulfkotte names hundreds of names and gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the organizations that influence the German media with one-sided propaganda, such as The Atlantic Bridge, Trilateral Commission, German Marshall Fund, CFR, and Aspen Institute. He unmasks the intelligence agencies behind these lobbies groups and the propaganda techniques they use, such as US Embassy grants for projects to influence European public opinion. When the CIA holds the hand that holds the pen Would you be surprised to learn that spies sit and write articles in newspaper editorial offices? Which are then published on op-ed pages under the names of well-known journalists? Or which journalists receive bribes for their reporting? Have you heard how prestigious “journalism prizes” are a reward system for cooperation? Much as “Heroes of Labor” were honored for writing the best communist propaganda in the former East bloc. Seen from the inside, the difference between journalist and propagandist isn’t as far as you might like. The elite owners of the media feel it’s their right to think for us, and to mold public opinion to their agendas. Their Freedom of the Press is Freedom to Censor the news. Our nation depends on the media to understand our world, just as each one of us depends on our eyes and ears. The media are our senses. When they hide the truth, or lie to us, they put us all in danger. A million people died in Iraq, Libya and Syria because the press didn’t just report the news, didn’t just lie about the news, but they invented and sold the events that served as pretexts for wars. The author spent years in the Middle East, surviving an attack with chemical weapons supplied by US and German firms. This book is a veteran’s guide to the media spider’s web. It shows how the system works, sharpens your common sense skepticism, and increases your immunity to the controlled media’s attempts to do our thinking for us. You will gain a whole new perspective on media reports. A good idea of how much you can believe the news on TV or the radio: almost nothing. Ulfkotte dissects the German media establishment, which media outlets are owned by political parties, the journalists that are under their influence, and what keeps them there. You will see how whole countries are manipulated – and who is pulling the strings and why. Here is the bad news about the news: our idea of a free press with a broad spectrum of opinion is pure fantasy. Very often, what is called the “news” is simply brainwashing.

Diamonds in the Cesspool – ways to get best out of internet. Armies of trolls – Brigade 77 and Unit 8200. Russia 1/2 million casualties in Ukraine war? Inside the British Army’s secret information warfare machine They are soldiers, but the 77th Brigade edit videos, record podcasts and write viral posts. Welcome to the age of information warfare A barbed-wire fence stretched off far to either side. A Union flag twisted in a gust of wind, and soldiers strode in and out of a squat guard’s hut in the middle of the road. Through the hut, and under a row of floodlights, I walked towards a long line of drab, low-rise brick buildings. It was the summer of 2017, and on this military base nestled among the hills of Berkshire, I was visiting a part of the British Army unlike any other. They call it the 77th Brigade. They are the troops fighting Britain’s information wars. “If everybody is thinking alike then somebody isn’t thinking,” was written in foot-high letters across a whiteboard in one of the main atriums of the base. Over to one side, there was a suite full of large, electronic sketch pads and multi-screened desktops loaded with digital editing software. The men and women of the 77th knew how to set up cameras, record sound, edit videos. Plucked from across the military, they were proficient in graphic design, social media advertising, and data analytics. Some may have taken the army’s course in Defence Media Operations, and almost half were reservists from civvy street, with full time jobs in marketing or consumer research. From office to office, I found a different part of the Brigade busy at work. One room was focussed on understanding audiences: the makeup, demographics and habits of the people they wanted to reach. Another was more analytical, focussing on creating “attitude and sentiment awareness” from large sets of social media data. Another was full of officers producing video and audio content. Elsewhere, teams of intelligence specialists were closely analysing how messages were being received and discussing how to make them more resonant. Explaining their work, the soldiers used phrases I had heard countless times from digital marketers: “key influencers”, “reach”, “traction”. You normally hear such words at viral advertising studios and digital research labs. But the skinny jeans and wax moustaches were here replaced by the crisply ironed shirts and light patterned camouflage of the British Army. Their surroundings were equally incongruous – the 77th’s headquarters were a mix of linoleum flooring, long corridors and swinging fire doors. More Grange Hill than Menlo Park. Next to a digital design studio, soldiers were having a tea break, a packet of digestives lying open on top of a green metallic ammo box. Another sign on the wall declared, “Behavioural change is our USP [unique selling point]”. What on Earth was happening? “If you track where UK manpower is deployed, you can take a good guess at where this kind of ‘influence’ activity happens,” an information warfare officer (not affiliated with the 77th) told me later, under condition of anonymity. “A document will come from the Ministry of Defence that will have broad guidance and themes to follow.” He explains that each military campaign now also has – or rather is – a marketing campaign too. Ever since Nato troops were deployed to the Baltics in 2017, Russian propaganda has been deployed too, alleging that Nato soldiers there are rapists, looters, little different from a hostile occupation. One of the goals of Nato information warfare was to counter this kind of threat: sharply rebutting damaging rumours, and producing videos of Nato troops happily working with Baltic hosts….

Battleground drones – AI swarm drones. ‘Where’s Daddy?’ drone attacks by IDF in Gaza. Use of AI in multiple surveillance – war position. Israel’s ‘Where’s Daddy?’ AI system helps target suspected Hamas militants when they’re at home with their families, report says An Israeli AI system called “Where’s Daddy?” tracks suspected Hamas militants to their homes. Civilians are often “collateral damage” in the following strikes, one unnamed officer told +972 Magazine and Local Call. The IDF has said it “makes various efforts to reduce harm to civilians to the extent feasible.” As civilian casualties continue to mount in the wartorn Gaza Strip, reports of Israel’s use of artificial intelligence (AI) in its targeting of Hamas militants are facing increasing scrutiny. A report by the Israeli outlets +972 Magazine and Local Call earlier this month said that Israeli forces had relied heavily on two AI tools so far in the conflict — “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy.” While “Lavender” identifies suspected Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militants and their homes, “Where’s Daddy” tracks these targets and informs Israeli forces when they return home, per the report, which cites six Israeli intelligence officers who had used AI systems for operations in Gaza, including “Where’s Daddy?” “We were not interested in killing [Hamas] operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity,” one of the officers told +972 and Local Call. “On the contrary, the IDF bombed them in homes without hesitation, as a first option. It’s much easier to bomb a family’s home. The system is built to look for them in these situations,” they added. Another source told the publications that this method had often led to the deaths of civilians, describing them as “collateral damage.” The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement: “The IDF outright rejects the claim regarding any policy to kill tens of thousands of people in their homes.” Misidentification The “Lavender” system is also known sometimes to identify targets with tenuous or no links to militant groups, the sources said, adding that it made “errors” in around 10% of cases. Those erroneous identifications have included people with the same name or nickname as a militant or who were in possession of devices previously used by a militant, the sources added. Brianna Rosen, a senior fellow at Just Security and a strategy and policy fellow at the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government, estimates the margin of error to be even higher. “Israel’s permissive targeting criteria and errors in AI output are likely compounding” the risks to civilians, Rosen said, adding that those risks to civilians increase “as war speeds up.” “So target verification and other precautionary obligations required under international law are much harder to fulfill, implying more civilians will be misidentified and mistakenly killed,” she continued. Officers also told +972 Magazine and Local Call report that human input in the target identification process was minimal, with one saying they essentially “rubber stamp” the machine’s picks after little more than “20 seconds” of consideration — which was largely to double-check the target is male. …

Turn Key? Turnkey Tyranny: Surveillance and the Terror State Connecting Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA surveillance with inequality, climate change and the “war on terror,” artist Trevor Paglen argues that future administrations will respond to environmental and economic crises with the authoritarian tools of a rising “Terror State.” By exposing NSA programs like PRISM and Boundless Informant, Edward Snowden has revealed that we are not moving toward a surveillance state: we live in the heart of one. The 30-year-old whistleblower told The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald that the NSA’s data collection created the possibility of a “turnkey tyranny,” whereby a malevolent future government could create an authoritarian state with the flick of a switch. The truth is actually worse. Within the context of current economic, political and environmental trends, the existence of a surveillance state doesn’t just create a theoretical possibility of tyranny with the turn of a key—it virtually guarantees it. For more than a decade, we’ve seen the rise of what we might call a “Terror State,” of which the NSA’s surveillance capabilities represent just one part. Its rise occurs at a historical moment when state agencies and programs designed to enable social mobility, provide economic security and enhance civic life have been targeted for significant cuts. The last three decades, in fact, have seen serious and consistent attacks on social security, food assistance programs, unemployment benefits and education and health programs. As the social safety net has shrunk, the prison system has grown. The United States now imprisons its own citizens at a higher rate than any other country in the world. While civic parts of the state have been in retreat, institutions of the Terror State have grown dramatically. In the name of an amorphous and never-ending “war on terror,” the Department of Homeland Security was created, while institutions such as the CIA, FBI and NSA, and darker parts of the military like the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) have expanded considerably in size and political influence. The world has become a battlefield—a stage for extralegal renditions, indefinite detentions without trial, drone assassination programs and cyberwarfare. We have entered an era of secret laws, classified interpretations of laws and the retroactive “legalization” of classified programs that were clearly illegal when they began. Funding for the secret parts of the state comes from a “black budget” hidden from Congress—not to mention the people—that now tops $100 billion annually. Finally, to ensure that only government-approved “leaks” appear in the media, the Terror State has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers, leakers and journalists. All of these state programs and capacities would have been considered aberrant only a short time ago. Now, they are the norm. Terrorism works by instilling so much fear in a society that the society begins to collapse on itself. Politicians claim that the Terror State is necessary to defend democratic institutions from the threat of terrorism. But there is a deep irony to this rhetoric. Terrorism does not pose, has never posed and never will pose an existential threat to the United States. Terrorists will never have the capacity to “take away our freedom.” Terrorist outfits have no armies with which to invade, and no means to impose martial law. They do not have their hands on supra-national power levers like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. They cannot force nations into brutal austerity programs and other forms of economic subjugation. But while terrorism cannot pose an existential threat to the United States, the institutions of a Terror State absolutely can. Indeed, their continued expansion poses a serious threat to principles of democracy and equality.

War on Gaza: Death toll from Israeli assault could exceed 186,000, Lancet warns Letter published by experts in the medical journal estimated that some 10,000 people could still be buried in the rubble in Gaza – A letter written by experts and published in the medical journal, the Lancet, estimates that the actual death toll of Palestinians killed in Gaza could exceed 186,000. The official death toll of Palestinians killed since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October is 38,153, according to Gaza’s health ministry. However, the letter emphasised that this figure is likely a dramatic underestimate and does not account for the thousands of people buried under the rubble or for the mounting “indirect” deaths as a result of Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s food distribution, healthcare and sanitation systems. “The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organizations still active in the Gaza Strip,” the letter said. The letter estimated that the number of bodies still buried in the rubble is likely to exceed 10,000, as 35 percent of Gaza’ buildings have been destroyed, according to UN data. Citing the transparency watchdog Airwars, which conducts detailed investigations of incidents of civilian harm in areas of conflict, the names of identifiable victims are often omitted from the ministry’s fatalities lists. It added that data collection is becoming increasingly difficult for the Gaza health ministry.

Declassified – US covert flights to Israel from Cyprus airbase – UK planes with weapons for Israelis – Revealed: America’s secret special forces flights to Israel from UK base on Cyprus – The US military has been flying covert planes to Israel from RAF Akrotiri since the bombing of Gaza began, Declassified has discovered. Unmarked planes are being used by US forces to fly from Cyprus to Israel, including as recently as June 26 The aircraft are believed to be used by highly secretive 427th Special Operations Squadron and the CIA Declassified also finds 26 huge US military transport planes have landed at UK base on Cyprus, believed to be carrying weapons for Israel Revelations could further implicate British ministers in war crimes The US Air Force has been sending unmarked planes from Britain’s base on Cyprus to Israel since it began bombing Gaza, it can be revealed. The planes are all C-295 and CN-235 aircraft, which are believed to be used by American special forces. Declassified has found 18 of these aircraft which have gone from the sprawling British air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri, to Israel’s coastal city Tel Aviv since October 7. Akrotiri is the key node in the international effort to arm and provide logistical support for Israel’s assault on Gaza. But the UK government has always refused to divulge any information about US activities at Akrotiri, which is known to include transporting weapons to Israel. Asked in May how many US Air Force (USAF) flights had taken off from the base since October 7, defence minister Leo Docherty said: “The Ministry of Defence does not comment on the operations of our Allies.” But Declassified discovered the unmarked planes that flew from Akrotiri to Israel from November to June have a serial number showing they are operated by the USAF. Most of these journeys had the flight number GONZO62. Six more unmarked C-130 planes have gone from Akrotiri to Tel Aviv since the bombing of Gaza began, which are believed to be USAF, but it was not possible for Declassified to locate their operator. The C-130 can carry 128 combat troops and almost 20 tonnes of cargo. The new information could further implicate British ministers in war crimes in Gaza. In November 2023, a US military official revealed that American special forces were stationed in Israel and “actively helping the Israelis”. A spokesperson for the UK Ministry of Defence would only tell Declassified: “In response to the situation in Israel and Gaza, we are working with international partners to de-escalate the conflict, reinforce stability and support humanitarian efforts in the region. Any use of UK bases will be in line with these objectives.”

Crispin Blunt saying UK could be committing war crimes by supporting Israel Crispin Blunt released under investigation Reigate MP Crispin Blunt has been released under investigation following his arrest last year. He was detained by police in October on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances and released on conditional bail pending further inquiries. Mr Blunt, who served as a justice minister between 2010 and 2012, was re-bailed in January, having previously identified himself as the man detained by the force and released on conditional bail. In a statement on Tuesday, Surrey Police said a man in his 60s who had been arrested on October 25 in Horley on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances has not had his bail extended and has been released under investigation. The decision not to re-bail Mr Blunt will be further reviewed in July, Surrey Police said, adding that the investigation remains ongoing. Mr Blunt, 63, has said he will “co-operate fully” with the investigation and is “confident” he will not be charged. He was first elected to parliament in 1997 as a Conservative. He had the Tory whip withdrawn following the arrest and currently stands as an independent MP.

Declassified – Israel money to Labour Mug shots. Kier Starmer track record. Apparatchiks of Political Parties have destroyed political morals by extracting faith from major parties. Israel lobby funded half of Keir Starmer’s cabinet Exclusive: Labour’s top team has accepted hundreds of thousands of pounds from pro-Israel funders. Pro-Israel lobbyists have donated to 13 out of Labour’s 25 cabinet members since they were first elected to parliament, Declassified can reveal. The list of recipients includes prime minister Keir Starmer, his deputy Angela Rayner, chancellor Rachel Reeves, foreign secretary David Lammy and home secretary Yvette Cooper. Jonathan Reynolds, who will oversee arms exports to Israel as UK trade secretary, is another beneficiary, alongside Labour’s election mastermind Pat McFadden, whose responsibilities now include national security. Some of the donations were provided by Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), a lobby group which takes MPs on “fact-finding” missions to the region. Reeves, McFadden, Reynolds and technology secretary Peter Kyle were recently listed as vice-chairs of LFI. Other major funders include pro-Israel businessmen Trevor Chinn and Stuart Roden. The total value of the donations amounts to over £300,000. Labour Friends of Israel LFI does not disclose its funders, but was revealed during an undercover Al Jazeera documentary in 2017 to have close relations with the Israeli embassy in London. The organisation’s parliamentary officer, Michael Rubin, was secretly filmed saying LFI and the Israeli embassy “work really closely together, but a lot of it is behind the scenes”. Joan Ryan, a former Labour MP and LFI chair, was also filmed discussing a potential £1m payment with an Israeli embassy official. Seven members of Starmer’s cabinet have accepted LFI funding to visit Israel, including Reeves, Lammy, and health secretary Wes Streeting. While Starmer has not received funding from LFI, he has addressed a number of the organisation’s events. In a keynote speech to its annual lunch in November 2021, he repeated the racist and colonial adage that Israel was founded by “social democrats who made the desert flower”. In October 2023, Starmer said that LFI was “an invaluable source of energy and ideas for me and my team”. His health chief Streeting meets regularly with LFI inside Westminster, according to Middle East Eye. Israel lobby organisations have also funded advisers to Starmer’s cabinet team.

11 donors boosted Labour Party – Express. Rachel Reeves and private equity story. PR system in NZ. FPTP voting system. Bodies in bags on Clifton Bridge. Keir Starmer’s Labour Party boosted by £19.5m from just 11 donors – this is who they are We have taken a look at the 11 donors who have boosted the Labour Party. Labour has received a massive £19.5million cash injection from 11 donors, we have taken a look at who these people are and why they are boosting the party’s funds. Labour has accepted 1,949 cash donations totalling £53.3m since Keir Starmer became leader in April 2020, according to the latest figures on the Electoral Commission website. As of early July, it had received 39 more, totalling almost £9.3m, according to the Telegraph. Here is a look at the 11 donors who have contributed £19.5m: Lord David Sainsbury of Turville: £7.6m Lord Sainsbury has donated over £40m to political parties since 2004 – including nearly £16m to Labour. From 1992 to 1997, he served as the Chairman of Sainsbury’s (a supermarket chain established by his great-grandfather John James Sainsbury in 1869) and was made a life peer in 1997 as a member of the Labour Party. He’s handed over £5.1m during the Starmer years, plus another £2.5m cheque that’s waiting to be accepted. Ecotricity £3.3m The Labour Party has accepted donations from company Ecotricity which was founded by Dale Vince, a wealthy climate change activist. Mr Vince has also funded Just Stop Oil, an environmental group, and has also given cash to Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion. Speaking to Sky News ahead of the Election, Mr Vince has said he donated to Labour to “help them win, to help them into Government so they have the chance to deliver their agenda, which is my agenda, social justice and a green economy”.

Water bills to increase – but not enough. Carla Denyer – water story. Private water companies need to tap out, it’s time to nationalise It is deplorable that if private water companies get their way, your bill could be rising by a whopping 44% – all while they’re still paying their shareholders dividends. That would mean an extra £183 coming out of your pocket over the next five years. Regulator Ofwat has stepped in and said it wants firms to limit rises for households to an average of £19 per year (which is 21%) until 2030. Of course, the water companies have warned that the regulator has ‘got this wrong’ and that increase won’t be enough to sufficiently address problems like sewage leaks. The proposed price hikes can be challenged by the water firms, with a final decision due at the end of the year. But I believe these demands should not be accepted and this reward for failure must not continue. That’s why the Green Party has called on new PM Keir Starmer to take water companies into public hands. The provision of such a basic human need as water should not be based on profit. Public ownership is a matter of both social and environmental justice. It is also a pragmatic necessity. Payouts in dividends to shareholders of water companies between 1991 and 2019 amounted to £57billion. This is nearly half the amount spent on investment in infrastructure (£123bn) over the same period. With water back in public hands, the Government can invest in crumbling infrastructure and in cleaning up our rivers, waterways and coastlines, without such colossal sums leaking out to shareholders and spilling over into fat-cat salaries. But how feasible is it to take water companies into public ownership? About 90% of water services around the world are publicly owned, but over 90% of the English water companies are owned by international investors, private equity funds, and banks, according to lobbying group, We Own It. Taking back control of water is largely a matter of political will. If the Government committed to this course of action, it could use existing regulations to bring failing private companies into becoming publicly owned and publicly accountable. For example, the water regulator has powers to stop the payment of dividends if such payments risk the company’s financial resilience. They can also take enforcement action against water companies that don’t link dividend payments to performance.

Together Declaration – Milliband to ban combustion cars quicker. Are diesel cars more polluting than petrol? The Conversation. Tesla losing value as electric cars have problems Fact Check: are diesel cars really more polluting than petrol cars? Diesel cars have recently become subject to considerable negative publicity thanks to the amount of toxic emissions they produce. Some governments are planning to discourage their use or even ban them from urban areas altogether. Yet some diesel car owners have reacted angrily, arguing they bought the vehicles because they were supposedly the environmentally friendly option. Diesel was promoted as a more environmentally friendly fuel as part of the EU’s response to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). Diesel engines are “lean-burn”, meaning they use less fuel and more air to get the same performance as a petrol engine. So, while diesel fuel contains slightly more carbon (2.68kg CO2/litre) than petrol (2.31kg CO2/litre), overall CO2 emissions of a diesel car tend to be lower. In use, on average, this equates to around 200g CO2/km for petrol and 120g CO2/km for diesel. We want to ensure the knowledge of scientists reaches millions. Join us. But even when governments were promoting diesel cars, we knew there were issues with toxic emissions (those immediately harmful to humans, not CO2). Heating air in an engine produces nitrogen oxides (NO?) which include the toxic nitrogen dioxide (NO2), greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO), which reacts with oxygen to form NO2. In a petrol car, these can be cleaned up by a three-way catalytic converter so that it emits on average around 30% less NO? than a diesel car, without after-treatment. We know that long-term exposure to nitric oxide can significantly increase the risk of respiratory problems, and so these emissions have been regulated for some time. The fine particulate matter (PM) that diesel engines produce also causes cancer and can have acute respiratory effects. Particulate filters in car exhausts can reduce PM emissions by more than 90%, but they require good operating conditions and regular maintenance. They can also produce more nitrogen dioxide, making diesel one of the main sources of this toxic gas.
Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

UK missiles to Ukraine – Telegraph. Dual state – security state has a veto. What’s in Covid vaccines?. Covid leaked from Wuhan lab. Sergei Lavrov says what he thinks of Starmer winning election. UK hasn’t allowed Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia, MoD clarifies Zelensky appears to distance himself from earlier comments after source says no permission has been granted Britain has been forced to clarify it has not given permission for Ukraine to use Storm Shadows to strike inside Russia in an awkward diplomatic moment for Sir Keir Starmer. Downing Street said on Thursday, government policy “had not changed” regarding the deployment of the long-range missiles, despite comments from the Prime Minister that suggested he was loosening restrictions on how the missiles are used. The British Government has allowed Kyiv to fire the missiles against targets in Crimea and mainland Ukraine since they were delivered last year, but has banned the country from using them to hit targets inside Russia. Officials are concerned such a move would escalate the war, and could draw the UK into a conflict with Russia. Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president – who has been meeting world leaders at Nato’s 75th anniversary in Washington – announced on Wednesday evening that he had been granted permission to use strategic cruise missiles in Russia. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, Mr Zelensky shared a photograph of himself and Sir Keir, with the caption: “This morning, I learnt about the permission to use Storm Shadow missiles against military targets in Russian territory. Today, we had the opportunity to discuss the practical implementation of this decision.” Sources confirmed the missile has not been used this year and stressed that Mr Zelensky would have to “seek assurances elsewhere” before Ukraine could fire the cruise missiles into Russian territory. They added that these assurances were not a done deal. A senior defence source said the situation was “more nuanced” than Ukraine’s president had suggested. They added that permission to launch the strategic missile into Russia would require a sign off from three countries, one of which is the United Kingdom. France manufactures the Storm Shadow alongside the UK. “It’s not going to happen,” the source added when asked if Ukraine will fire Storm Shadow into Russia. On Thursday night Sir Keir told the Nato summit that he had “reaffirmed our unshakeable support for Ukraine’s ultimate victory.” He said the alternative was “unthinkable” as he described Russia using “some of the deadliest weapons in its arsenal on innocent children”, when it struck a children’s cancer hospital in Kyiv earlier this week. Sir Keir said Britain would provide £3 billion per year to Ukraine and speed up the delivery of military aid. As the “generational threat” from Russia demands a “generational response”, he confirmed plans to boost British defence spending to 2. 5 per cent of gross per cent of their GDP on defence,” he said. “But in light of the grave threats to our security, we must go further.” Earlier this year Lord Cameron, the former foreign secretary, met president Zelensky in Kyiv, where he made comments about Ukraine’s right to defend itself which were interpreted by Russia as a “dangerous” threat to use British-gifted missiles on Russian territory. Adml Sir Tony Radakin, the Chief of the Defence Staff, later clarified that the cruise missile could only be used inside Crimea and the mainland of Ukraine.

New Security Minister Dan Jarvis – WW3 coming? Russian nuclear missiles.UK has to be ‘incredibly careful’ to avoid direct Russian retaliation – Sir Keir Starmer has told the Ukrainian president that British missiles can be used for defensive strikes against targets inside Russia. We’ve just been speaking with the new security minister, Dan Jarvis, and we started with the news that Sir Keir Starmer has told the Ukrainian president that British missiles can be used for defensive strikes against targets inside Russia. Asked how concerned we should be about Russian retaliation, Mr Jarvis said Ukraine is “a massively important security issue” and the UK has “a massive stake” in what happens in the war. “We will want to work closely with all of our allies to make sure that our partners in Ukraine get the support that they need to respond to Putin’s illegal invasion.” Pushed on the question of Russian retaliation, he replied: “Of course, we’ve got to guard against that, and of course, we’ve got to be incredibly careful.”

Moscow expecting EU/US to ESCALATE Ukraine war with Russia. Alistair Crooke, former MI6, on Judge Neopolitano show – Russian’s cross after Sevastopol beach attack. Scott Ritter new book ‘Covering Ukraine’. Stupidity and desperation of comparing Putin to Hitler – Alistair Crook as we explores this critical question and uncover the profound shifts in global geopolitics. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s stark declaration to the U.S. ambassador marks the dawn of a low-intensity conflict era with the United States. We’ll break down Russia’s strategic responses, examining the formation of an alternative security framework with BRICS nations and other nuclear powers. This episode promises to shed light on Russia’s perspective regarding Western intentions to escalate the conflict in Ukraine and the broader consequences for international relations. Listen closely as we dissect the West’s fundamental misunderstandings of Russian policy and the intricate web of global commodity management. Learn about the United States’ manipulation of commodity prices for financial and political leverage and Russia’s potential pivot towards a new security and financial architecture. Alistair Crook provides keen insights into whether Western leaders grasp the enormity of losing Russia and the significant transformations this loss entails, including the creation of a potential BRICS currency and the hurdles of expanding its membership. We also tackle the internal disconnect between Western leaders and their electorates, challenging the capability of Western policymakers to understand and respond to the global shifts initiated by Russia and other rising powers.

Kremlin responds to Biden’s latest Putin insult – The US president didn’t just make endless gaffes, Joe Biden also called the Russian leader a “murderous madman” at the NATO summit in Washington US President Joe Biden’s latest insult of Russian President Vladimir Putin is “unacceptable,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday. During a press conference following this week’s NATO summit in Washington, Biden stated that “some of the oldest and deepest fears” in Europe had “roared back to life because once again a murderous madman was on the march,” referring to the Russian president. Biden suggested that the Ukraine conflict has been “a rude awakening” for those “who thought NATO’s time had passed.” Commenting on the NATO summit and Biden’s remark, Peskov stressed that the Kremlin sees the US president’s behavior as “absolutely unacceptable, impermissible for a head of state.” The spokesman added that such statements “do not paint the American leader in a good light,” and noted that Moscow continues to “pay direct attention” to such outbursts. Peskov was also asked to comment on the numerous gaffes that plagued Biden’s speech during the summit, including mixing up Russia and Ukraine, announcing Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky as “President Putin” and referring to former President Donald Trump as the US vice president instead of Kamala Harris. The spokesman stated that “we have paid attention to the fact that the whole world has paid attention to this,” but stated that Moscow can offer no other comments on this matter, other than stating that “it is clear that these are slips of the tongue.” Biden confuses Zelensky with Putin (VIDEO) READ MORE: Biden confuses Zelensky with Putin (VIDEO) He noted that the resonance caused by Biden’s continued gaffes are all in the context of US domestic political discussions, and that “this is none of our business, this is an internal matter for the United States.” Biden’s repeated gaffes have recently led to a number of high-ranking Democrats and major donors to call for the aging president to withdraw from the race and give way to another candidate. Concerns over the 81-year-old’s mental and physical prowess deepened following his debate with Republican frontrunner Donald Trump last month. During the debate, Biden appeared to struggle finishing his sentences, repeatedly mixed up words, and lost his train of thought on several occasions. Nevertheless, Biden has dismissed concerns over his age and mental decline and has vowed to stay in the race and serve out a full second term if reelected, arguing that he is the best person to defeat Trump in November.

Jose Vega shouting – warmongering US must stop before WW3. When pro-war, anti-China politician Matt Pottinger was on stage at the Asia Society earlier this week, audience member Jose Vega stood up and spoke the simple truth: it was not China that was causing problems around the world but the US — and it would be better for the US to work with China. He was dragged out. Our government’s policy of genocide is pushing the world toward thermonuclear war. You personally can make all the difference. Join our campaign. Meet Jose, Bronx Warrior Bronx warrior, US patriot, and world citizen. Jose Vega is a 25-year-old political organizer and leader in the international youth movement for peace through development founded by the late Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Hundreds of millions of people across the planet have watched Jose and his associates challenge the war-mongering US political elite. Jose has courageously intervened at events by Joe Biden, Mike Pompeo, Kamala Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Times, Washington Post, and NY-15’s own AIPAC airhead Rep. Ritchie Torres.

RFK junior – look up his policies. Independent of the broken two party system and the corporate corruption of our government, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pursue new policies in the best interests of the American people. Our Policies: It’s “We The People” Not “We The Corporations” Learn how Kennedy will end corporate capture. People Who Work Hard Should Be Able to Afford a Good Life. Learn how Kennedy will address the affordability crisis. Homeownership and the American Dream Learn how Kennedy will offer government-backed 3% mortgages to rescue first time home buyers from skyrocketing prices. End the Forever Wars Learn how Kennedy will unwind the military industrial complex so we can invest our resources in the middle class. The Humanitarian Crisis at Our Southern Border Learn how Kennedy will secure the border and save our cities from the crippling migrant crisis. The Best Environmental President in American History Learn how Kennedy will protect our environment from corporate corruption and contamination. End the Chronic Disease Epidemic Learn how Kennedy will end the chronic disease epidemic, reduce costs and lead our nation back to good health. Regenerating America’s Soil, Farms, and Food Learn how Kennedy will get toxins out of our food, help family farmers, and restore agricultural soils. Politics As Usual Has Failed the Black Community Learn about Kennedy’s plan for Black America. Righting Old Wrongs Is Long Overdue for Native Americans Learn how Kennedy will address long neglected needs of Native Americans and tap their wisdom to help heal our country. Restore Our Rights Learn how Kennedy will protect our liberties and freedom of speech. Veterans Must Be a Top Priority Learn how Kennedy will give Veterans a seat at the table and protect benefits. Expand Americorps Learn about Kennedy’s plan to expand Americorps and restore the American Dream. More Choices, More Life This policy will dramatically reduce abortion in this country, and it will do so by offering more choices for women and families, not less. Every American Can Be an Energy Entrepreneur Read more about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s free-market approach to energy. Tax Fairness Learn how Kennedy will close the loopholes and reduce the tax burden on working people. Recovering America with Healing Farms Learn how Kennedy will help Americans recover from addiction and mental illness. Defend Labor, Uplift Workers Learn how Kennedy will protect and strengthen workers’ rights.

Ikbail Mohammed, pro Palestinian, wins Dewsbury and Batley. Newly elected MP speaks at pro-Palestine protest following UK election. Middle East Eye. Newly elected independent MP Iqbal Mohamed, who secured a seat in Yorkshire in the UK general election for the first time since 1907, delivered a speech at a pro-Palestine demonstration in London on Saturday, urging the new Labour government to take action on Palestine. Muslim voters credited for election of five independent pro-Palestinian MPs. Candidates running on a ceasefire ticket won more than 300,000 votes, forcing Keir Starmer’s party into second place in seats across the UK Four pro-Palestine independent candidates beat Labour in General Election FOUR pro-Palestine independent candidates have won seats at Westminster in the General Election. Although the news has mostly been about Labour winning a landslide majority and the SNP performing poorly, four independent candidates who openly support Palestine have won in their constituency. Jeremy Corbyn, Adnan Hussain, Iqbal Mohamed, and Shockat Adam have all won seats at Westminster with a few of them causing a shock upset. Adam might be the biggest surprise as he beat Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth in Leicester South by just shy of 1000 votes as he said “this is for Gaza” in his winning speech.
#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download] ~
Full interviews with...
#2 - Arcane parliamentary ceremony as king Charles confirms new five year parliament - 00:50:00
#3 - New Security Minister Dan Jarvis UK has to be 'incredibly careful' to avoid direct Russian retaliation Ukraine War - 00:10:00
#4 - Alastair Crooke How the West lost Russia on Judge Napolitano - 00:30:00
#5 - US President Joe Biden makes string of gaffes in crucial NATO DC press conference - 00:03:00
#6 - Jose Vega Bronx NYC to Matt Pottinger Asia Society 3 Front WWIII its America not China you fool - 00:03:00

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