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State Of The City reports
FBI raid Scott Ritter: Evidence Gershkovich DID spy on Russia for Pentagon, Will Pakistan nuke Israel for Iran in future conflict?
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Aug. 9, 2024, midnight
Tommy Robinson in alliance with Zionists - The recent Islamophobic riots in the UK should be seen as the latest phase of the State of Israel's war on British Muslims
— Tony Greenstein - Tommy Robinson's links to Zionist groups. Tony Greenstein's Blog To Counter the Riots & Attacks on Refugees
— We Need a New Anti-fascist/Anti-Racist Movement – We Can't rely on the Police or State Stand Up to Racism is NOT that movement – it is a recruiting vehicle for the SWP
— Ex-BNP leader (NOT from Langley Park School like Tony and 'father of Accelerationism' Nick Land, that was ex-BNP and NF leader John Tyndall) — Nick Griffin kicked off Twitter by stealth - why people are upset and rioting on the streets and fake news online. Civil war?
— Nigel Farage on 'how to stop the riots for good' - listen to the people. Sky - Poll says Farage's support reduced since riots.
— Middle East Eye - Farage's support for Israel. 'Growing prejudice against Israel' in public services In late March, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage expressed his surprise when Britain voted for a ceasefire in Gaza at the UN Security Council.
— Tommy Robinson claiming anti genocide marches in UK are pro Hamas. Tommy Robinson defends Israel, calls far-right rioters ‘ordinary people’ in Israeli media interview
— Dr. Stephen Dorril, author of .....MI6... book - his letter to the Guardian on riots - 1981 riots - Brexit and cost of living crisis.
— Blackshirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism Hardcover – 6 April 2006 by Stephen Dorril An important and controversial new biography of Sir Oswald Mosley.
— Starmer promises more police use of facial recognition after UK racist rioting -
— Big tech firms profit from disorder. Don’t let them use these riots to push for more surveillance by Shami Chakrabarti
— The Mail - machete guy - peaceful climate protestors get ten times longer sentences than murderers
— Agony for mother of teen killed in machete attack after learning one of his killers will be released after just SIX MONTHS due to prison overcrowding
— Activists ram-raid Israeli arms firm Elbit's Bristol HQ with prison van; 22 peaceful Drax climate protesters arrested before they can even set up camp
— Palestine Action ram Van in to Elbit building, allegedly injuring cops. Elbit - Iron Sring bomb story. Capitalism in crisis, so starting wars.
— Palestine Action says its activists early this morning (6 August) invaded Elbit Systems’ highly secured Bristol research and manufacturing hub, using a prison van to smash through the outer perimeter.
— Drax: cops nick 22 activists BEFORE they've even done anything Reclaim the Power protestors against Drax - 22 are arrested the same night as the planned riots. .
— Google Search is an illegal monopoly Climate camp cancelled after police raid seizes infrastructure, 22 arrested Reclaim the Power
— Global Alliance for Responsible Media - anti Trust by Elon Musk's Twitter. Power of adverts to steer news. The news came just two days after X filed an antitrust suit
— GARM members Unilever, Mars, CVS, and Ørsted are also named defendants.
— FASCISM AND THE FIGHTBACK - Zimbabwe starts new gold backed currency Zig. The ZiG started trading on April 8 at an exchange rate of 13.56 to the dollar.
— Russia attacked inside it's borders by Ukraine. Russia says British Army and equipment used. Daily Mail - Ukrainian soldiers rushed across borders - UK participated - English was heard.
— First F16 fighter jets arrived in Ukraine. Scott Ritter on how the Russian Ukraine war could develop, and also Iran Pakistan Israeli nuclear weapons in the escalation of the Gaza war. Scott Ritter :
— FBI raid Scott Ritter: Evidence Gershkovich DID spy on Russia for Pentagon, Will Pakistan nuke Israel for Iran in future conflict? Ex US Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector.
— Iran, billboards appeared in Tehran defending Christianity and against the use of the Last Supper at the Olympics ceremony: ‘Jesus was God’s messenger’
— Sharia Jewish & English Christian Church Law more similar than secular parliament law Rowan Williams - Rowan Williams, when he was Archbishop of Canterbury in 2008, on the similarities between Sharia law, Judaic law, and Christian teaching.
— WHITNEY WEBB: FREEDOM IS THE BOYCOTT OF ALL DIGITAL ID: Neil Oliver interviews Whitney Webb - Transhumanism won't work if we don't comply with digital ID. Diplomats …organised crime, secret services, corporate power, the deep state…
— Diplomatic Dispatch: A conversation between - Russian Embassy in London - dialogue between Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Andrei Kelin, and former British Ambassador to Russia, Tony Brenton.
— Rowland Dye on Bristol CND,Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Gathering Tuesday 6th–Friday 9th August 2024 Probably the only four-day peace gathering of its kind in the UK
— NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Despite some clashes on Saturday much publicised Bristol (and other UK cities) far-right racist riots didn’t materialise on Wednesday as thousands of anti racism protestors turn up. An air of media panic and moral panic sensationalising around this. David Miller on X – Tommy Robinson in alliance with Zionists – The recent Islamophobic riots in the UK should be seen as the latest phase of the State of Israel’s war on British Muslims, who it sees as originating the protest movement in the UK. These riots are designed to punish Muslims for their anti-Zionist sentiment after various other methods to suppress opposition to Zionism by the State of Israel have been thwarted. The State of Israel’s attempts to use its assets and operatives in the British political and media class ­ such as Suella Braverman and Michael Gove ­ to thwart pro-Palestinian protests have failed. Zionist counter-protests have failed to mobilise significant numbers. Sporadic Zionist thuggery and the use of other assets ­ such as Iranian secularist extremists ­ have also failed to intimidate Muslims. So now the State of Israel is weaponising its cannon fodder on the white nationalist far-right, who have greater numbers than either Zionist street thugs or Iranian monarchists and secularist extremists.

Tony Greenstein – Tommy Robinson’s links to Zionist groups. Tony Greenstein’s Blog To Counter the Riots & Attacks on Refugees We Need a New Anti-fascist/Anti-Racist Movement – We Can’t rely on the Police or State Stand Up to Racism is NOT that movement – it is a recruiting vehicle for the SWP & a cosy alliance with the Trade Union Bureaucracy After the General Election of 1979 when Thatcher came to power and the NF got a derisory 0.6% of the vote the NF took to thuggery and street violence. As Secretary of Brighton ANL at the time I helped organise the anti-fascist response which drove them from the streets of Brighton although not before there had been 3 fascist demonstrations. I record these events in my book in 2012 The Fight Against Fascism in Brighton and the South Coast. Today’s Stand Up To Racism is a pale shadow of the ANL at its height. It is not only an SWP recruiting vehicle it has effectively become the subcontractor for the trade union bureaucracy allowing them to hive off anti-racism to SUTR whilst actually doing nothing to combat racism amongst their own members. National Front and British Movement members give the Hitler salute at the 1981 demonstration in Brighton at which I was arrested (& acquitted)! We urgently need to recreate a mass anti-fascist and anti-racist movement that involves both the labour movement and Black and Asian communities. At the moment Asian communities themselves are heavily split on communal lines, not only between Hindutva supporters and Muslims but between Sunni and Shi’ite. It is worth reading an article on The Muslim Vote by Craig Murray about the Muslim vote in Blackburn where he was a Workers Party candidate.

Ex-BNP leader (NOT from Langley Park School like Tony and ‘father of Accelerationism’ Nick Land, that was ex-BNP and NF leader John Tyndall) Nick Griffin kicked off Twitter by stealth – why people are upset and rioting on the streets and fake news online. Civil war? Government failure for a long time – not enough affordable housing and services for the people. An “anti-racist” rally today in London. How the Zionist lobby is tearing British society apart playing both sides: – Far right protests are organised by Tommy Robinson who is a well known Zionist stool on the Mossad payroll. Unsurprisingly the counter protests are partially organised by a very well funded group, “Stand up to racism” UK, who are also known for their involvement with the Zionist group “Friends of Israel”, allowing them to co-opt anti racist marches waving Israeli flags and expelling pro Palestine supporters from the demonstrations. On the video the yellow and pink placards belong to “Stand up to racism”, and the yellow ones to the Trotskyist group “Socialist workers party”… This unrest is happening the same week the British PM stopped the sales of weapons to Israel, and just now you have two Israeli funded groups fueling up tensions… Coincidence? As Britain teeters on the brink of civil war, this is the finest and most timely wake up call anyone has made. Here’s what a civil war looks like, explained by a man who has been through one. Why “Mass Deportations” is a monstrously stupid slogan, and why wanting civil war is utterly insane. You may not want to hear these truths but, believe me, White nationalists and Muslim militants alike need to see this. Watch it. Think about it. Get real. Stay away from trouble, not least because when the provocateurs blow the lid off, your people will need you.

Tommy Robinson’s security advisor, says Martin, is Kevin Fulton ex British Army Intelligence infiltrator in to the IRA. National Front infiltrated previously. Nigel Farage on ‘how to stop the riots for good’ – listen to the people. Sky – Poll says Farage’s support reduced since riots. Nigel Farage sets out three-point plan to end riots as he warns UK at ‘perilous point’ Mr Farage, one of five Reform MPs in the 650-seat House of Commons, went on: “I talked in the General Election about societal breakdown… communities being split apart, people not even recognising the centres of some of our towns and cities as even being vaguely English any more. “And when it comes to the issue of two-tier policing…I promise you this perception began back at the time of Black Lives Matter. Most of us think that ethnic minority groups are policed entirely differently to that of white British people. “That is what the country feels, that is what the country thinks and there is evidence.” Mr Farage said riots could be stopped in the short term but that would deal with the symptom rather than solve the problem. He urged a crackdown on legal and illegal immigration, with police ordered to “treat everybody in Britain equally”. He added: “If we do those things we’ll remove many of the underlying tensions. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. Read our Privacy Policy “We must deal with violence wherever it comes from and deal with it ruthlessly. But please Prime Minister, don’t use the narrative that anybody that is concerned about excess immigration, about illegal immigration, about population explosion, about change in our communities…do not allow them to think they’re what you’re calling ‘far-Right’ because I’m telling you they’re not.”

Middle East Eye – Farage’s support for Israel. ‘Growing prejudice against Israel’ in public services In late March, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage expressed his surprise when Britain voted for a ceasefire in Gaza at the UN Security Council. Referring to this and an incident in which two Israelis were questioned at the UK border, Farage suggested there is a “growing prejudice against Israel and the people from Israel” in Britain’s public services. He suggested there had been a “shift in our attitudes towards Israel and Israelis” from “[foreign secretary] Lord Cameron right the way down through Border Force and our public services”. Asking how many Palestinian refugees would back Hamas In May, after 50 MPs and peers called for Britain to take in Palestinian refugees escaping Israel’s war on Gaza, Farage made his concerns known on his GB News show. “I really wonder when it comes to Gaza, and I say that because if already 46 percent of the established British Muslim population are according to a recent poll supporters of Hamas, what would that percentage be of people that come from Gaza?” he said. “I worry about integration, I worry about a group of people that come into the country with whom not only do we have nothing in common, but who support an organisation who is – from our perspective – a proscribed terrorist group.” The study Farage cited about British Muslims was published in April, and has been accused of being “designed to spin-up support for Hamas as high as it could” and “generate sensationalised headlines”.

Tommy Robinson frequently on media in Israel – claiming anti genocide marches in UK are pro Hamas. Tommy Robinson defends Israel, calls far-right rioters ‘ordinary people’ in Israeli media interview Middle East Eye Far-right activist Tommy Robinson said in an exclusive interview with Israel’s Channel 13 that “the average British person stands with Israel” and warned that if Israel loses the war in Gaza, “they are coming straight for Europe”. Tommy Robinson, who changed his real name from Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, is known for his anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric. He co-founded the English Defence League, a far-right, anti-immigrant organisation, in 2009 and led the group until 2013. He has also been involved with other far-right organisations, including the British National Party (BNP) and Pegida UK. In 2018, Tommy Robinson faced contempt of court charges for live-streaming a Facebook video outside Leeds Crown Court. He filmed and broadcast footage of defendants involved in a sexual grooming gang trial, violating a reporting ban. However, he only served 2 of his 13 months. The Middle East Forum (MEF), a pro-Israel conservative think tank, claimed to have funded Robinson’s legal expenses. They stated they were assisting Robinson by financing his legal defence, applying foreign pressure on the UK government for his safety, and organising rallies in his support.

Dr. Stephen Dorril, author of …..MI6… book – his letter to the Guardian on riots – 1981 riots – Brexit and cost of living crisis. Blackshirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism Hardcover – 6 April 2006 by Stephen Dorril An important and controversial new biography of Sir Oswald Mosley. Hated and adored, trusted and feared, respected and scorned – public opinion has never been luke warm or indifferent to Oswald Mosley. This book provides the answers to many questions, amongst them: How did Mosley get his funding for the Fascist Party? What was the real relationship between Mosley, Hitler and the Nazi party? Did Hitler have plans for Mosley if the invasion of Britain had taken place? Blackshirt proves how very dangerous Mosley was. Over the years many have worked hard to guard Mosley’s reputation but this book casts new light on the man. Dorril has been given access to new information and made important discoveries. He has interviewed many of those who knew him, including his widow Diana, to come closer to the truth about Mosley and his politics.

Starmer promises more police use of facial recognition after UK racist rioting – Big tech firms profit from surveillance – Chakrabahrti in Guardian. Elon Musk on X. Big tech firms profit from disorder. Don’t let them use these riots to push for more surveillance by Shami Chakrabarti Live facial recognition can seem like a solution to criminality. But it magnifies injustice, and violates our civil liberties Far-right riots may not be the calmest moment for a reasoned debate about the regulation of big tech, but the eruption of racist violence in England and Northern Ireland raises urgent questions about the responsibilities of social media companies, and how the police use facial recognition technology. While social media isn’t the root of these riots, it has allowed inflammatory content to spread like wildfire and helped rioters coordinate. Keir Starmer has pledged to address online impunity and increase the use of live facial recognition technology. We should applaud the former but be very wary of the latter idea. Both technologies have profound implications for democratic accountability. Take social media. We are used to the adage that what’s illegal in the real world is illegal in the virtual universe too. But in practice, years of cuts to the justice system have left it ill equipped to deal with the growth in racist and inflammatory content online. Explicit violent threats, and incitements to violence, have gone unpoliced, and dangerous and deliberate misinformation has spread. Both can be weapons used by hostile actors, including enemy states. The great elephant in the room is the wealth, power and arrogance of the big tech emperors. Silicon Valley billionaires are richer than many countries. Some believe they can buy current and recently retired politicians, and see themselves as above both democracy and the law. That mature modern states should allow them unfettered freedom to regulate the content they monetise is a gross abdication of duty, given their vast financial interest in monetising insecurity and division. Is Elon Musk the legitimate arbiter of whether Mr Yaxley-Lennon’s social media broadcasts are a threat to public order and security in the UK or anywhere else? Isn’t it time we had judicial processes that would allow for the removal of particular material and the proportionate blocking of certain users?

The Mail – machete guy – peaceful climate protestors get ten times longer sentences than murderers Agony for mother of teen killed in machete attack after learning one of his killers will be released after just SIX MONTHS due to prison overcrowding under new Labour scheme The mother of a teenage boy who was killed in a machete attack faces fresh agony today after being told one of his killers will be released just six months into his jail term due to prison overcrowding. Gordon Gault, 14, died in hospital six days after he was attacked with a blade during an ongoing feud in Elswick, Newcastle, in November 2022. After a trial at Newcastle Crown Court Carlos Neto, 18, and Lawson Natty, also 18, were convicted of manslaughter and unlawful wounding. Neto, from Manchester, was jailed for nine years and two months, while Natty, from Newcastle, was handed two years and eight months at their sentence hearings in March. But Gordon’s mum Dionne Barrett was left devastated when she received a letter confirming Natty’s early release at the weekend. Amid prison overcrowding the Conservatives began early releases prior to the election, with the new Labour government confirming this would continue amid a prisons crisis. A Ministry of Justice spokesperson told MailOnline that any violent offender with a sentence under four years is eligible for early release under the scheme. Although those convicted of sex offences and domestic abuse are exempt, other violent offenders, including killers convicted of manslaughter, can be released. Ms Barrett said: ‘We are absolutely devastated. They rang me on Friday and said he was getting out because of the overcrowding and then they put it in writing to me. ‘Fair enough letting petty criminals out for shoplifting but he has been done for manslaughter and he has only done a few months. ‘I just cannot get my head around it. This is the same week those girls were murdered in Southport and he is getting out. What kind of example is that?’…

Palestine Action ram Van in to Elbit building, allegedly injuring cops. Elbit – Iron String bomb story. Capitalism in crisis. Palestine activists crash prison van into Elbit research hub Six activists arrested after causing damage inside northern Bristol arms factory ­ Palestine Action says its activists early this morning (6 August) invaded Elbit Systems’ highly secured Bristol research and manufacturing hub, using a prison van to smash through the outer perimeter. The facility in Filton is described as a research, development, and manufacturing hub for electronic warfare, land vehicle, simulation, and vision technologies. According to Palestine Action, Filton’s is a key premises for the Israeli arms company’s UK business, and Freedom of Information disclosures show it has existent export licenses for the sale of weaponry to Israel. The group published a video showing “a glimpse of how actionists used a repurposed prison van to break inside” the facility. This is the first time the group targets the Filton site, while Elbit’s “UAV Engines” site in Staffordshire has been disrupted for five consecutive days by activists locking-on and community mass pickets. The Filton site was opened in July of last year, with Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotevely in attendance. Products seen inside the factory are the same as those used in the Gaza genocide, including Elbit’s Torch-X command and control systems, Thor quadcopter drones, and nv33 Night Vision technologies. Elbit Systems, more broadly, supplies up to 85% of Israel’s military drones and land-based equipment, while its British exports to Israel mostly concern drone and aircraft components, military electronics, and target and acquisition systems.

The Canary – Drax: cops nick 22 activists BEFORE they’ve even done anything Reclaim the Power protestors against Drax – 22 are arrested the same night as the planned riots. . Drax owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. Electric car sales tanking. Google Search is an illegal monopoly Climate camp cancelled after police raid seizes infrastructure, 22 arrested Reclaim the Power activists held for conspiracy to disrupt Drax power station, while violent far right faces no pre-emptive raids ­ Reclaim the Power has announced the cancellation of the weekend’s climate camp at Drax power station, after morning raids seized key infrastructure. Officers from the Metropolitan police led local forces in a raid in Yorkshire, said eye witnesses. They arrested twenty two activists, who were preparing to transport infrastructure, sanitation and accessibility equipment to the upcoming climate camp at Drax power station. Crashing sounds were heard from outside the site as vehicles and equipment were impounded. The detainees were taken to York police station, where they are being held for conspiracy charges: in this case, to interfere with key national infrastructure at Drax Power Station in Selby between 8 and 13 August. Media repeated the police’s claim they are “not against protest but against crime”. This morning’s pre-emptive arrests, ahead of a peaceful protest, contrast sharply with the State’s failure to foil recent far right violence, said Reclaim the Power. “Black and Brown communities are under attack with fire and bricks and the police have made the unfathomable decision to divert resources away from those communities to arrest 22 people taking equipment to make a peaceful climate protest safe and accessible”, said the group in a statement. The raids follow on from the draconian protest injunction granted to Drax ahead of the camp.

FASCIST AD CARTEL Global Alliance for Responsible Media – anti Trust by Elon Musk’s Twitter. Power of adverts to steer news. The news came just two days after X filed an antitrust suit in a Texas court, which alleged that GARM’s members illegally colluded to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” from Twitter, now known as X. GARM members Unilever, Mars, CVS, and Ørsted are also named defendants. Representatives for the WFA and GARM didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider. X CEO Linda Yaccarino posted to X shortly after this article was published: “No small group should be able to monopolize what gets monetized. This is an important acknowledgement and a necessary step in the right direction. I am hopeful that it means ecosystem-wide reform is coming.” Founded in 2019, GARM is a US-based initiative that created frameworks to provide common definitions around areas like hate speech, brand safety, and misinformation. Its 100-plus members include major advertisers, agency groups, and ad tech platforms. The uptake of these frameworks was voluntary ­ they don’t name or rank any specific platforms ­ and GARM’s role wasn’t to advise marketers on where to spend their budgets. Twitter’s advertising revenue plummeted after Musk’s takeover, with large advertisers among those who fled the platform after the company changed owners. Musk had fired hordes of sales and safety staff and brought back previously banned accounts to the platform now known as X. The platform’s lawsuit alleged that after Musk acquired Twitter in 2022, GARM persuaded top brands not to advertise on it.

FASCISM AND THE FIGHTBACK – Tesco profit’s up 130%!!. Zimbabwe starts new gold backed currency Zig. The ZiG started trading on April 8 at an exchange rate of 13.56 to the dollar. Banks, mobile-money platforms, retailers and other intermediaries reconfigured their systems to take account of the new currency, though the process has been a bumpy one. All holders of Zimbabwe dollar accounts had their balances converted to ZiG. The change also affected share prices on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, which rebased its 56 listed securities. In June, the International Organization for Standardization registered the unit’s code as ZWG at Zimbabwe’s request. This ensured it conformed with international standards requiring a currency code to start with the two-letter country code ­ in this case ZW ­ and to contain no lower-case letters. Where does the currency’s value come from? The central bank said the new currency would be fully backed by $100 million in cash and 2,522 kilograms of gold worth $185 million. New banknotes were released on April 30, and the central bank went on a publicity drive to raise awareness of the new currency. To foster demand, Zimbabwe has made it mandatory for companies to settle at least half of their quarterly tax obligations using the new unit. Some taxes may only be paid in ZiG.

Paul English,, on how he took the City of London on in court and what he learnt about the money system. The aim of Radio Soapbox, launched June 2024, is to provide a UK centric station that also features shows from the US and around the world.

Videos of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Aanirfan | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Russia attacked inside it’s borders by Ukraine. Russia says British Army and equipment used. Daily Mail – Ukrainian soldiers rushed across borders – UK participated – English was heard. Warren Thornton – film of young Ukrainian running away from army recruiters. Ukraine heavy losses in Kursk Pentagon Says It Supports Ukraine Using US Weapons in Russia’s Kursk Oblast Ukraine launched the offensive into Russian territory on Tuesday The Pentagon said on Thursday that Ukraine is allowed to use US weapons in its offensive in Russia’s Kursk Oblast, which began on Tuesday. Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh was asked if Ukraine’s use of US-provided weapons in Kursk was “consistent” with US policy. “It is consistent with our policy,” she said. Singh framed the attack on Kursk as a defensive operation against Russian attacks from across the border, saying the US has “supported Ukraine from the beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border.” For the first two years of the war, the US prohibited Ukraine from striking Russian territory with US-provided missiles but recently lifted that restriction in the wake of Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv. The administration claims it won’t support “long-range” strikes into Russian territory, but it’s not clear what the limit is. “I’m not going to put a specific range on it,” Singh said when pressed about the possibility of the US supporting an attack on Moscow. She added that the purpose of allowing Ukraine to use US weapons in Russia was for “cross-fire” purposes.

First F16 fighter jets arrived in Ukraine. Scott Ritter on how the Russian Ukraine war could develop, and also Iran Pakistan Israeli nuclear weapons in the escalation of the Gaza war. Scott Ritter : The Evil That Netanyahu Has Wrought. FBI raids home of Scott Ritter over allegations he is an unregistered foreign agent On Wednesday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided the upstate New York home of Scott Ritter, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector. Ritter’s cars were also searched. Outside of his residence in Delmar, Ritter told reporters that the FBI and New York state police presented him with a warrant that focused on a potential violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Scott Ritter in 2007 [Photo by David Shankbone / CC BY-SA 3.0] Spectrum News of Central New York reported on and published a photograph of FBI agents removing several boxes of materials from Ritter’s home. The contents of the material taken have not been disclosed. From his front lawn, Ritter said: I’m being targeted because I have made an effort to try and improve relations between the United States and Russia, try to bring about arms control, try to bring about peace. Ritter continued: The idea that you have a free speech right in America, when you execute it in a manner that the US government takes exception to, and they launch a search warrant, that is an intimidation factor. Ritter has been a vocal opponent of the US-NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. In early June, the US State Department revoked Ritter’s passport at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York as he was preparing to board a Turkish Airlines flight to Istanbul on his way to St. Petersburg, Russia to attend a conference. According to the provisions of FARA, adopted in 1938, “foreign agents,” i.e., individuals or organizations engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for a foreign government, must register as such with the US Justice Department and disclose their relationship, activities and financial compensation. FARA grew out of the Section 951 of the Espionage Act of 1917, which was used to suppress opposition to the entry of the US into World War I on the grounds that opponents of the war were foreign agents. FARA was passed in the lead-up to World War II ostensibly to counter Nazi propaganda in the US.

Iran, billboards appeared in Tehran defending Christianity and against the use of the Last Supper at the Olympics ceremony: ‘Jesus was God’s messenger’ In the days following the controversy that has arisen around the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics with many observers who saw in its becoming many references to Satanism and others who stigmatised the mockery of Christian symbolism , it is striking to see in the centre of Tehran, a large poster representing the Last Supper and bearing the words “Jesus Christ, son of Mary, was a messenger of God. – Holy Qur’an, 4:171‘, something that has not been seen in the West for decades and, should it happen, would lead to a hornet’s nest of controversy. Jesus and the Koran – In the Koran, Jesus Christ, known as Isa, is considered a prophet and a messenger of God. He is not seen as the Son of God or as a deity, as in the Christian tradition. The Qur’an recounts his miraculous birth from Mary (Maryam) without a human father, emphasising divine intervention. Jesus is recognised as one of the greatest prophets, receiving the divine revelation called Injil (the Gospel). He is described as a man capable of performing miracles, including healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and raising the dead, all with God’s permission. A significant difference from Christianity is the issue of crucifixion. The Quran states that Jesus was neither crucified nor killed, but was raised to heaven by God, with the crucifixion seen as an illusion or deception. Finally, both the Qur’an and the Hadith indicate that Jesus will return at the end of time to restore justice and defeat the Antichrist. This Islamic perspective on Jesus emphasises his importance as a prophet and spiritual figure, while maintaining a clear distinction from Christian theology.

Sharia Jewish & English Christian Church Law more similar than secular parliament law Rowan Williams – Rowan Williams, when he was Archbishop of Canterbury in 2008, on the similarities between Sharia law, Judaic law, and Christian teaching. Archbishop on Radio 4 World at One – UK law needs to find accommodation with religious law codes Thursday 7th February 2008 Sharia law in UK is ‘unavoidable’ Dr Rowan Williams says Muslims should have a choice in legal disputes The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”. An interview with Christopher Landau of the BBC Radio 4 ‘World at One’ programme, on the Temple lecture ‘Civil and religious law in England: a religious perspective.’ The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said that UK law needs to continue to find accommodation with religious legal codes such as the Islamic system of Sharia if community cohesion and development are to be achieved. Speaking to the BBC ahead of the opening lecture in a series on Islam in English Law being given tonight to legal academics, in which he calls for the legal establishment to engage with these issues, Dr Williams said that the ability of the law of the land to accommodate religious perspectives, as it had already done with the Jewish Halacha, was essential: “… certain provision of Sharia are already recognised in our society and under our law; so it’s not as if we’re bringing in an alien and rival system; we already have in this country a number of situations in which the internal law of religious communities is recognised by the law of the land as justified conscientious objections in certain circumstances in providing certain kinds of social relations.” Whilst speaking in the main about principles of Sharia law, the point applied generally to other religious principles:

WHITNEY WEBB: FREEDOM IS THE BOYCOTT OF ALL DIGITAL ID: Neil Oliver interviews Whitney Webb – Transhumanism won’t work if we don’t comply with digital ID. Diplomats …organised crime, secret services, corporate power, the deep state…they’re investing massive amounts of money in manipulating us…’ This week Neil talks power & corruption with the brilliant and forensically detailed investigative journalist Whitney Webb. After decades of carefully building out the online commerce infrastructure and pay-for-click digital advertising that dominates their respective markets, the patent barons and payment processors have set their sights on the currency itself, while simultaneously nurturing the public-private partnerships that could push money from the public sector into the private capital markets for good. These same players are backing those writing legislation in congress that enforce capital requirements and neuter algorithmic alternatives to dollar instruments, while manufacturing consent within the U.S. regulatory regime to pass laws influenced by strategic lobbying efforts led by those closest to the digital dollar spigot.

Diplomatic Dispatch: A conversation between two ambassadors on NATO, Russia & relations with the West – Russian Embassy in London – dialogue between Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Andrei Kelin, and former British Ambassador to Russia, Tony Brenton. Focus on Russia’s interaction with NATO, the prospects for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, the security system in Europe, and the potential for restoring dialogue between Russia and the West. Andrei Kelin: First of all, I am of course pleased that such material has appeared. Without a doubt, this is only the first sign, although there were no further developments on the Sky News publication. It is important to mention that the channel’s journalists have done a lot of work, have received information from local police authorities that Russophobia is flourishing in the UK. Unfortunately, not all police stations have agreed to provide information, including the largest of them – Metropolitan Police – which is responsible for the whole of London. Baring this in mind, I would agree that the Sky News findings are just the tip of the iceberg. Abusive behavior towards Russians is a fact. There is evidence of heavy beatings, including of Russian children in schools, as well as of death threats.

Rowland Dye on Bristol CND, Extinction Rebellion, camp in town – nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Gathering Tuesday 6th–Friday 9th August 2024 Probably the only four-day peace gathering of its kind in the UK Join us in the Peace Glade in Castle Park BS1 3XB Behind the ruined church mid-way along the footpath and cycleway overlooking the Harbour/Finzels Reach Die-ins remembering the exact times of the bombings HIROSHIMA – 8.15am on Tuesday 6th August NAGASAKI – 11.02am on Friday 9th August Opening rally 1-2pm Tuesday 6th JOIN US FOR A FULL PROGRAM OF TALKS & WORKSHOPS Nuclear weapons Nuclear power Climate-Change Migration Militarism Colonialism Global Justice Arms industry Israel/Palestine/Gaza Genocides CND Peace Movement XR Extinction Rebellion Protest Skills Craftivism Choirs and much more… Join us Thursday evening at the ARC, 27 Broad Street BS1 2HG for screening of Live Stream performance from London THE PRIEST’S TALE (Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki) – with Michael Mears and violinist Chihiro Ono, followed by ANTONY OWEN – Peace Poet, discussing and reading from his work Bristol-CND XR-Peace-Bristol Supported by CCA Christian Climate Action Bristol, BAAT Bristol Against Arms Trade and other local groups.
INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download]
~Full interviews with...
#2 - no file
#3 - SONG Hind's Hall, Students Stand Up, Macklemore (clean mono 2024) - 00:03:00
#4 - Tony Greenstein: Tommy Robinson would like to see Israeli Apartheid in UK EDL Summer 2024 - 00:25:00
#5 - Dr Stephen Dorill: censored letter to Guardian media sensationalise EDL far right summer of rage UK-US-Israel intelligence links - 00:30:00
#6 - Archbishop Rowan Williams: Islamic Jewish Christian law more similar than UK 'official' secular law BBC Chris Landau Feb 2008 - 00:10:00
#7 - Nick Griffin: ex-BNP on What caused the Summer 2024 White Riot? - 00:40:00
#8 - Paul English: for a world without debt - meets Raymond Patrick Ibrahim Grant who schools him in time-worn economic scams - 00:50:00
#9 - Scott Ritter, The Evil That Netanyahu Has Wrought (Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom just pre FBI raid on SR) - 00:35:00
#10 - Whitney Webb on Neil Oliver, Bilderberg need Digital ID It’s us versus them - 01:20:00
#11 - Diplomatic Dispatch conversation between two ambassadors on NATO-Russia relations - 00:35:00
#12 - SONG Macklemore - Hind's Hall - Students Stand Up (clean stereo 2024) -00:03:00

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