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Program Information
L.A. Sound Posse
Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Lester Brown
 L.A. Sound Posse  Contact Contributor
Dec. 14, 2005, 4:11 p.m.
Plan B is a way of sustaining economic progress worldwide, an alternative to continuing environmental deterioration and eventual economic decline.
L.A. Sound Posse
Our modern civilization is in trouble. We have created a bubble economy, one whose output is artificially inflated by overconsuming the earth's natural capital. Nowhere is the bubble economy more evident than in the food sector where the world grain harvest has been inflated by overpumping aquifers, a practice that virtually guarantees a future drop in production when aquifers are depleted. Plan B is a way of sustaining economic progress worldwide, an alternative to continuing environmental deterioration and eventual economic decline.

LESTER R. BROWN, founder and President of Earth Policy Institute, has been described by the Washington Post as "one of the world's most influential thinkers" and as "the guru of the global environmental movement" by The Telegraph of Calcutta. The author of numerous books, including Plan B: Rescuing a Planet under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble where he develops a vision for an environmentally sustainable economy, chapters, articles, etc., he helped pioneer the concept of environmentally sustainable development. His principal research areas include food, population, water, climate change, and renewable energy. The recipient of scores of awards and honorary degrees, he is widely sought as a speaker. In 1974, he founded Worldwatch Institute, of which he was President for its first 26 years. As President, he launched the World Watch Papers, the Worldwatch/Norton books, the annual State of the World report, the bimonthly magazine World Watch, the annual Vital Signs, and the Institute's News Briefs.

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Lester Brown: Plan B Download Program Podcast
Lester Brown: Plan B - 022104
01:04:18 1 Feb. 21, 2004
U. C. Santa Barbara
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 01:04:18  128Kbps mp3
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