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Program Information
L.A. Sound Posse
International Day of Action
Indigenous + nuclear activists
 L.A. Sound Posse  Contact Contributor
May 29, 2006, 7:01 p.m.
The Divine Strake Coalition May 28th, 2006 protest to stop the Divine Strake detonation at the Nevada Test Site.
Produced by the L.A. Sound Posse.
THIS IS SEMI -RAW AUDIO POSTED IN IT'S ENTIRETY FOR TRANSFER / SHARING PURPOSES. A shorter version will be posted soon with only good sound quality.

There are a couple speakers in the first 20 minutes with bad sound quality , the rest are fine.

Speakers include: Tom Goldtooth of Indigeonous Environmental Network as MC , Corbin Harney of Shundahai Network ( 6 minutes of prayer in his native language) , a Three Sisters statement, Andrew Lichterman of Western States Legal Foundation, , Carrie Dann ,, and Father Louis Vitale.

Thanks to the good offices of the Stop Divine Strake Coalition and others, the DOD and other governmental agencies have, supposedly, postponed indefinitely the detonation of a pit containing 700 tons of ammonia nitrate , known as Divine Strake. That is 700 times what the Oklahoma bomber used. This unnecessary insanity would release radioactive particle dust from previous nuclear testing into the atmosphere that could travel the 65 miles downwind to Las Vegas and , if it reaches high enough in the atmosphere , around the world.

Indigenous, nuclear , disarmament and other concerned peace activists gathered at the Peace Camp on Western Shoshone land across from the Nevada Test Site (NTS) for a day of information and protest. Many activists crossed the line into the NTS to be arrested and were released .

The Nevada Test Site itself, is illegally on Western Shoshone land, see

For more information :,,,,,,

This program is liscensed under a Creative Commons ShareAlike 2.5 liscense. If you air this broadcast we would very much like to know.

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Stop Divine Strake : International Day of Action Download Program Podcast
Information on and action to protest Divine Strake
01:26:18 1 May 28, 2006
Nevada Test Site
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 01:26:18  128Kbps mp3
(79.0MB) Mono
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