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Program Information
 Joe Broadhurst  Contact Contributor
March 14, 2007, 9:57 a.m.
46 sec mp3 ad for Unrepentant event. Notes below
*Unrepentant* - Kevin Annett Screens Film on Canada's Genocide
7:00 p. m. - Friday, March 16th
1455 de Maisonneuve West, room H-535
Montreal, Quebec

This film screening is with the co-writer and producer.

"UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide" (December 2006)
Winner of Best Director Award, New York Independent Film and Video Festival

According to Kevin Annett, the time has come for Canadians to learn the
truth about what really happened to the aboriginal people from the start
of colonialism until today. It's not a pretty story. "Unrepentant:
Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide" documents the "deliberate and
systematic extermination" of non-Christian indigenous people within the
Indian residential school system by the Catholic, United, Presbyterian
and Anglican churches, in collusion with the federal government.

Kevin Annett is co-presented by CKUT Radio McGill in collaboration with
Concordia's University Center for Native Education.

This event is free and open to the general public. Everyone is welcome.


For Immediate Release

New Award Winning Documentary of Canada's Hidden Holocaust
Premieres in Ontario and Quebec, March 6 to 18, 2007

UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide
(Awarded Best Director of an International Documentary Film at the New
York Independent Film and Video Festival, November 2006)

"...a powerful tool to expose the genocidal racism that lies behind
the liberal smiley-face facade of Canadian society ... a veritable kick
in the groin." Larry Gambone, review of UNREPENTANT, Any Time Now,
February 2007

UNREPENTANT chronicles Canada's "dirty secret" - the planned
extermination of aboriginal people in church-run Indian Residential
Schools � and a clergyman's struggle to document and make public these
crimes. For the first time since its release in New York last November,
this ground-breaking film will be screened before audiences in central

UNREPENTANT is an intensely human story based on the first-hand
testimonies of aboriginal survivors of Canada's �residential
schools�, where more than 50,000 children died between 1890 and 1984.
Their passionate accounts are interwoven with former United Church
minister Kevin Annett's own story of how he faced firing,
"defrocking", and the loss of his family, livelihood and reputation
because of his efforts to help residential school survivors and bring
out the full truth of the murder and torture that occurred in these

UNREPENTANT is not only about a terrible past, but how the legacy of
legal genocide in Canada continues to destroy aboriginal people and the
land all Canadians occupy. Despite the continual efforts by Canadian
church and state to impede this film through a campaign of harrassment,
misinformation, blacklisting and death threats, Kevin Annett will be
bringing UNREPENTANT for public showing in Ontario and Quebec between
March 6 and 18, 2007.

Kevin will be speaking publicly and showing UNREPENTANT on these dates:

Sudbury: Tuesday, March 6
Ottawa: Thursday and Friday, March 8 and 9
Toronto-London area: Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11
Peterborough: Monday and Tuesday, March 12 and 13
Montreal: Thursday March 15 through to Sunday March 18

For more information on these showings, contact Kevin Annett at:
ph: 250-753-3345 or 1-888-265-1007 (messages)
and see this website:
UNREPENTANT Running Time: 105 minutes (colour)


Background Profile of UNREPENTANT
and its Producers

UNREPENTANT took nineteen months to film, primarily in British Columbia
and Alberta, and is based on Rev. Kevin Annett's books Hidden from
History: The Canadian Holocaust (2005) and Love and Death in the Valley
(2002). This film was an entirely self-funded, grassroots effort, which
is reflected in its earthy authenticity. It was filmed on the sites of
many of the former Indian residential schools and other places where the
crimes described in the film took place.

UNREPENTANT was written by Kevin Annett and veteran Hollywood film maker
Louie Lawless, who was part of the Production team that produced the
feature length documentary film �Manson�, which was nominated for an
Academy Award. Since then, Louie has been a member of the Producers'
Guild of America and the Directors' Guild of America. Kevin Annett is a
former minister of the United Church of Canada who was expelled without
cause or due process from that church and publicly blacklisted in 1995,
after he unearthed evidence of murder and land theft by his church's

"When I first read Kevin Annett's book, Love and Death in the Valley,
I knew this was a story that begged to be told. It has all the
ingredients of powerful drama: greed, corruption, and murder, all
involving the government and churches, and told through the eyes of a
whistle blowing minister." Louie Lawless

For more background information, see these websites:

Contact information:

Louie Lawless:
ph: 250-733-2414

Kevin Annett:
ph: 250-753-3345 / 1-888-265-1007
email: or

UNREPENTANT is released in DVD (colour) format and has a running time of
105 minutes. In November, 2006, it won the award of Best Director of an
International Documentary Film at the New York Independent Film and
Video Festival.

Copies may be ordered through Kevin Annett or Louie Lawless.
Copyright c 2007 Annett-Lawless Films. All rights reserved.

Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this
website: ... ... and on this radio program:
"Hidden from History", every Monday from 1-2 pm (PST) on CFRO 102.7 FM
( (Vancouver)

"When the desire for Truth and Virtue becomes the only bias in our mind,
only then can we know in ourselves what is right." Peter Annett, Humanist
and dissident, 1769 (jailed and persecuted by the Church of England for
his questioning of the Bible and the church)

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00:00:46 1 March 1, 2007
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