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Program Information
KBOO podcast for dialup
election pledge : unofficial archive and podcast of ALL LOCALLY PRODUCED kboo news and public affairs
Unspecified  Contact Contributor
Sept. 20, 2007, 3:39 p.m.
week at a glance schedule for month
more detail on kboo official site
Glen Owen "producer" of CascasiaPublicRadio series on as well as, on occasion, via, is a candidate for the KBOO Board of Directors election whose ballot submission closes 3pm Sunday Sept 30th

Candidate asks WHY KBOOs entrenched owner and managers cannot, or will not, deliver ALL of KBOOs news and public affairs broadcasts on the web, in a format accessible by dialup, on a prompt daily basis.

Candidate also questions the motives of a Board that wants the power to make "minor" and "technical" amendments to the bylaws without prior referendum by membership; while also appointing the Board itself to determine which amendments are "material"

Glen the Candidate pledges to continue this public service of news and public affairs availability on a timely basis via through the closing of balloting Sep 30th; and if elected to further continue this service until such time as he should assume office as a Director

At that time, if elected, he will propose that KBOO Foudation take over responsibility for this web archiving service for its listenership at large, as well as for its contributing members

That would mean that Official KBOO, with its twelve Directors, elected by a process wherein chain of custody of election ballots has historically been in doubt (viz 2005 election), with its ten paid staff, and with four hundred volunteers, should deliver complete broadcast AND PODCAST service to its potential listening community according to KBOO charter

Programming Mission

KBOO shall be a model of programming, filling needs that other media do not, providing programming to diverse communities and unserved or underserved groups. KBOO shall provide access and training to those communities.

KBOO news/public affairs programming shall place an emphasis on providing a forum for unpopular, controversial, or neglected perspectives on important local, national and international issues, reflecting KBOOs values of peace, justice, democracy, human rights, multiculturalism, environmentalism, freedom of expression, and social change.

KBOOs arts, cultural and music programming shall cover a wide spectrum of expression from traditional to experimental, and reflect the diverse cultures we serve. KBOO shall strive for spontaneity and programming excellence, both in content and technique.


Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday Sept. 30th 2-5pm
Liberty Hall - 311 N Ivy (view map)

Come and enjoy frozen treats, socialize, VOTE and join in a community forum. Members are invited to participate in a lively discussion about KBOOs community, the role of radio in the 21st century and the upcoming celebration of our 40th anniversary

Ballots cast by mail must be received by the accounting firm of Mark Eklund by Friday, Sept. 28th, at 5pm. Members may vote at the Sept. 30 meeting until 3pm. Members check your mailboxes for the ballot and voting information

VOTE! Same day complete archive and podcast for dailup of ALL kboos locally produced news and public affairs depend on it
The KBOO Morning News � (7:00 AM)

Voices From the Edge Talk Radio with Jo Ann Bowman and Dave Mazza. Their guest is media analyst Norman Solomon, author of the new book, "Made Love Got War: Close Encounters with America's Wartare State." Norman's blending of personal history and social commentary includes references to his years in Portland. Tune in for analysis of current issues as well as some local history. (7:30 AM)

Press Watch: The News You�re Not Supposed to Know with Theresa Mitchell. Her guest is Aviva Chomsky, professor of history at Salem State College and author of the new book, "They Take Our Jobs! And 20 Other Myths About Immigration." (9:00 AM)

DIY, Portland � Creative Recycling. At 10:00am, Julie Sabatier hosts DIY, Portland. This month's episode is all about creative recycling. It will focus on the Iron Artist competition put on by SCRAP to see which team can complete the most attractive sculpture out of recycled scrap materials in just three hours. Anyone who calls to pledge money to KBOO during the show will receive a free DIY, Portland zine. Podcasts, downlaods and information about past and future shows is available at the new website: (10:00 AM)

Art Focus with Julie Bernard � Julie's guest is local jeweler and KBOO volunteer Tami Dean. She'll talk about her recent trip to New Orleans for the dedication of the Elysian Trumpet, which she helped create. (10:30 AM)

Democracy Now! � Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez host. (11:00 AM)

KBOO Evening News � Tune in every weeknight for non-corporate, volunteer-produced news reports from your community! YOU can be a part of making it happen! Call in your news tips, take our volunteer trainings, and become a citizen-reporter with KBOO News! Volunteer in the KBOO news room by calling 503-231-8032 x203, or email pmnews[at] (5:00 PM)

Free Speech Radio News � An international collective of freelance reporters produces this daily newscast of news stories from around the world. Real news by real people -- hear the voices of those affected, in their own words, uncensored and straight from the source. (5:30 PM)

Proverbial Perspectives � (6:00 PM)

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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
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 00:29:49  16Kbps mp3
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
broadcast portland oregon
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 00:29:18  16Kbps mp3
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04:58:19 1 Sept. 20, 2007
broadcast portland oregon
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 00:57:44  16Kbps mp3
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