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Program Information
The long retreat is over - Fight to win -
OCAP and speakers
 OCAP  Contact Contributor
June 18, 2001, 7:07 a.m.
OCAP meeting on the anniversary of the "queen's park riot" and the kickoff of a weekend of planning meetings for a campaign of economic disruption this october against the right wing provincial government in ontario, canada.
Producer: OCAP
Uploaded by:
Featuring speakers from OCAP - Organizers: Gaetan Heroux and Sue Collis
Chairs; David McNally (OCAP Allies,York university faculty association)
and Clarice Kuhling (Local 3903 CUPE)

Gaetan Heroux, OCAP
Shaun Pelltiere, Sudbury Global Justice
Diane Albrecht, CAW - Stratford CAW Flying Squad (Canadian Autoworkers)
Pierre George of the Stoney Point First Nation, brother of murdered activist Dudley George
Cindy Forman - Postal workers, Sudbury, Local 612
Jake Brant, Tyendenaga Nation
Cliff Butt, CAW - Windsor, Local 444 (Canadian Autoworkers)
Helen Hudson, Anti-Capitalist Convergence/CLAC
Sue Collis, OCAP

Online video available at the Toronto Video Activist Collective (TVAC) website:
OCAP June 12 press release
OCAP's Campaign Against Harris kicks off with the eviction of Minister of Finance,
Jim Flaherty in Whitby; police arrest activists en route back to Toronto.
OCAP website:

Performance by: The Dope Poet Society - MP3's available
Drumming, The Guerrilla Rhythm Squad

OCAP J15 Assembly Download Program Podcast
01:11:30 1 Jan. 1, 1
toronto, ontario, canada
  View Script
 00:35:45  64Kbps mp3
(16.23MB) Mono
676 Download File...
OCAP J15 Assembly Download Program Podcast
01:11:30 1 Jan. 1, 1
toronto, ontario, canada
  View Script
 00:35:45  24Kbps mp3
(6.09MB) Mono
681 Download File...