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Program Information
Cant Stop the Music
The overlooked & the underappreciated
P Swann
 P Swann  Contact Contributor
June 23, 2009, 5:58 p.m.
LISTEN HERE NOW. This week on Can't Stop the Music we are fully present & conscious, bringing you, dear listener, the finest in the under appreciated, overlooked, & topical. We've got what to play about domestic terrorism in the form of religiously motivated assination, right-wing disconnect with contemporary technology &, of course, the economy. Plus, as pictured above, Ram Dass is the subject of OUTSIDER ROYALTY.
Listen live on your radio in Richmond VA or on the internet at
John Doe & The Sadies - The Cold Hard Facts of Life - Country Club
Calexico - Corona - Convict Poor
Esther Ofarim - El Condor Pasa
Vu Ha - Dragostea din Tei (aka the Numa Numa song)

NO PLACE LIKE HOME or Terrorism is Where the Heart Is
Richard Thompson - Outside of the Inside - The Old Kit Bag
Judy Garland - Not in Kansas - Wizard of Oz
Roy Zimmerman - Kill a Doctor for Christ
Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman - Rep. Jerrold nadler speaking for the House Resolution condemning the murder of Dr. George Tiller - Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Eef Barzeley - Apocalypic Friend
Religion is Coming Your Way
New York Ukulele Ensemble - Bigger Better G-d
Judy Garland - We're Home - Wizard of Oz

POLITICAL ACTIONS or How the Republican Party is Trying to Wrap Their "Mind" Around Technology
Norm Coleman
Ted Stevens
Superfunky59 - Ted Stevens Series of Tubes
George W. Bush - Rumours of the Internets
Young Con Anthem
The Onion - Gay Marriage

THIS FINE ECONOMY - after all, it's the only one we've got
The Telephonics - Monster Crash
Monty Python - The Money Song
Brazzaville - IMF

and learn more at
Ram Dass - Getting Beyond the Conditioned
Ram Dass & Kriece - Stuck - Cosmix
Dr. Timothy Leary Ph.D. - LSD
Ram Dass - Going to a Pornographic Movie

Acid: The Story of LSD
Jeffrey Lewis - The Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane
Jack Webb - Alcohol v. Marijuana & LSD - Dragnet
Ralph Carmichael & Kurt Kaiser - Natural High
Art Paul Schlosser - Jesus Took Away My Drugs
Kuno & The Marihuana Brass - Marihuana Mantra - In Kraut
Cracker - Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out with Me - Sunrise in the Land of Milk & Honey

The Onion - Nation's Girlfriends Unveil New Economic Plan
Ringtone Records - Indian Story Ringtone
Vlog Brothers - 51 Jokes in 4 Minutes

Love - Alone Again Or

CSTM 2009-06-14 Download Program Podcast
04:05:22 1 June 14, 2009
WRIR 97.3FM Richmond VA
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 02:00:37  48Kbps mp3
(57MB) Stereo
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