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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
and | Michael Rivero | Alan Watt cutting through the MATRIX | and
Commentary Michael Rivero | Alan Watt MATRIX  Contact Contributor
March 5, 2010, 6:37 a.m.
thu mar 4th 2010 ::: Tre Arrow AirCascadia | NWO-AFRICA : Keith Harmon Snow on Lendman | Lance Dehaven Smith : State Crimes Against Democracy | NEW WORLD NEXT WEEK | Nora Barrows-Friedman flashpoints | Michael Rivero | Alan Watt cutting through the MATRIX
Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"... ---Cris Andreae
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanitarian concerns form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
. . . . Through UBUNTU LINUX is the installed operating system for,,, CascadiaPublicRadio[tm], CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm] and anArchive[tm]
An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
. . .
"CascadiaPublicRadio" <> 503 287 3473 landline/messages
Tre Arrow on humor, music, art and activism...Plus: "Ask me how to start a recycling program in prison."
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Thu, 03/04/2010 - 12:21pm
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Thu, 03/04/2010
Short Description: Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...

GUEST: Keith Harmon Snow is an independent journalist, war correspondent,
He's worked in 17 African countries with Survivor Rights International, Genocide Watch, and the UN, documenting and exposing genocide and crimes against humanity in Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and elsewhere on the continent.

Current African conflicts will be discussed and America's role in them.


U.N. Socialist World State Technique --
Use Peoples Against Peoples,
To Create Global Sheeples:
"For a Socialist World, Nations Must be Destroyed,
Create Welfare States, Mass Immigration Deployed,
Cultural Bonds Eliminated, All Morals Degraded,
Till Generation's Born with All Past Values Faded,
Then Will Big Brother, The U.N. World State,
Turn Loose its Real Face of Tyrannical Hate,
Gone All the Freebies, You'd Better be Healthy,
They Claim Sick have Bad Genes (Except for the Wealthy,)
The Liberal Chants Used to Bring Down Each Nation,
Replaced by 'Necessity,' Each Knowing His 'Station'
In Life is, to Obediently Serve the New World Order,
Now Where Will You Run When There is No Border?"

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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 00:46:20  16Kbps mp3
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 00:51:49  16Kbps mp3
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04:57:51 1 March 4, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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