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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
OUTSIDE THE BOX now on Cascadia Public Radio as daily feature
Commentary  Contact Contributor
March 6, 2010, 3:13 p.m.
fri mar 5th 2010 ::: AirCascadia Dead Sealions Oregon Republicans | Dan Goodin technology writer on | Ellen Brown web of debt on Lendman | 160 James Evan Pilato |Alan Watt MATRIX | Michael Rivero
Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...
----Cris Andreae, AirCascadia, kboo fm network : news and public affairs
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanitarian concerns form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
. . . . Through UBUNTU LINUX is the installed operating system for,,, CascadiaPublicRadio[tm], CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm] and anArchive[tm]
An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
. . .
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Habitat: It's what's for dinner at ODFW. And Haiti: It's where the heart is...
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 12:15pm
Air Cascadia
program date:
Fri, 03/05/2010
Short Description:
Sealions, salmon and Haiti: Life is a web

River of The Dammed
Lionel was a friendly, extrovert of a sealion who frequented the feeding grounds below Bonneville Dam that his ancestors returned to...As dirested by instinct, DNA and the imparatives of his world. This includes eating salmon. Upstream, the Columbia River, is shackled by dams, poluted by agribusiness, choked with barge traffic and generally used, abused and thrown in the bushes without any loving. But once it was prime habitat for salmon and sealion alike - as well as indigenous people who had evolved in symbiosis with the River and its creatures. The living waters couldn't be bought or sold. And habitat and animal could not be unravelled without unravelling the entire tapestry.

Now the Columbia River as habitat has been converted into The Columbia River as Revenue. There's the hydropower, the transport lanes, the drainage for run-off and finally the fish. Too many people have taxed the carrying capacity of the land beyond its limits. Salmon are heading over the falls toward the thunderous silence of extinction. So what is the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's solution? Kill the sealions...for eating "too many fish". It wouldn't be "too many" if salmon habitat were not trashed by human consuption to the point that it a hostile environment for fish - and now for sealions. So Lionel the sealion, basically "died for your sins". .

GUEST: Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney, author, and frequent writer on financial issues. Her latest book, "Web of Debt," is a brilliant analysis of the private banking cartel Federal Reserve, how it usurped money creation power, and how we can take it back.

A new "Web of Debt" edition is due out in March.

The Daily Bell "Compendium of Free-Market Thought" awarded Brown a title of her own, saying "There are in (their) opinion, in modern economic thought, now Keynsians, Austrians and Brownians."

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