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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
Commentary  Contact Contributor
March 7, 2010, 1:09 p.m.
small download ::: sun mar 7th 2010 ::: Unbought and Unbossed 911truth views Canada CHLY | Economics 101 : 120 | 10pm-midnight Sundays : Clyde Lewis GROUND ZERO on KUFO 101 FM pdx . .
Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...
----Cris Andreae, AirCascadia, kboo fm network : news and public affairs
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanitarian concerns form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
. . . . Through UBUNTU LINUX is the installed operating system for,,, CascadiaPublicRadio[tm], CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm] and anArchive[tm]
An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
. . .
"CascadiaPublicRadio" <> 503 287 3473 landline/messages
CORBETT REPORT : Episode #120 - Economics 101
Date: 2010/03/07 Sunday
Description: The real story of the last 500 years has been the struggle of humanity to wrest itself from the clutches of the bankers who create our money out of thin air, but you won't read that in the history (or economics) textbooks. Find out what else you're missing as we delve into Economics 101 with John Williams, G. Edward Griffin, F. William Engdahl and Catherine Austin Fitts.
UNBOUGHT and UNBOSSED : Canadian Political News and Views
Show #163 Mar 3, 2010.
This episode is 108 minutes and includes, in order:

-Audio Clip: Vancouver Media Co-ops Dawn Paley defends protesters non-peaceful tactics.

-In-studio interview with Jeremy from the Vancouver Anti-poverty Committee. Jeremy defends and explains the vandalism at the Feb 13th Olympic protest. Starts at 23 minutes, lasts for 69. Topics include: the Feb 13th Olympic protest in Vancouver, Black Bloc tactics and mentality, Splitting the Sky protest from Calgary last year, revolution, apathy, police state, and spirituality.

-Telephone Announcement featuring Fight HST regional organizer for the central Vancouver Island, Terry Hand. Starts at 76 minutes, lasts for 9. This movement is looking canvassers and local captains. To help, contact Terry at 250 756 9821.

-Song: NWO Blues by Deek Jackson.

-Audio: Frank Zappa interview from 1984 on the TV show Music Box where he talked about race-specific bio-weapons, AIDS, being an American and the future of humanity.

-A special thank you to the passionate callers for their excellent points tonight.

To listen live streaming, visit, every Wednesday evening 8-10 PM, PST. On-air # 250-740-1017.

Artist/Composer: Raymond Geisler
Keywords: CHLY; Nanaimo; VIU; independent media; radio show; Canada; Canadian; 9/11 Truth movement; police state; false flag; new world order; one world government; war on terror; peace; 2010 Vancouver Olympics; Vancouver Anti-Poverty Committee; Dawn Paley; Olympic protest; Black Bloc; Fight HST; Frank Zappa; Deek Jackson; Terry Hand

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02:48:47 1 March 7, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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Download Program Podcast
02:48:47 1 March 7, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 01:48:44  16Kbps mp3
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