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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
Commentary  Contact Contributor
March 18, 2010, 4:52 a.m.
wed mar 17th 2010 ::: talk radio news Michael Rivero | EDWARD PECK : Former US Ambassador to Saddam Hussein's Iraq on | RACHAEL RUDILPH :Mideast scholar on Lendman ProgressiveNewsHour | DICK GREGORY interview
Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...
----Cris Andreae, AirCascadia, kboo fm network : news and public affairs
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanity form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
. . . . Through UBUNTU LINUX is the installed operating system for,,, CascadiaPublicRadio[tm], CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm] and anArchive[tm]
An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
. . .
"CascadiaPublicRadio" <> 503 287 3473 landline/messages
PROGRESSIVE NEWS HOUR with Stephen Lendman

Sunday, March 14 at noon US Central time: Rachael Rudolph

Rudolph is a Professor of Middle East and Islamic Studies at Emory & Henry College where her research and writing focus mainly on resistance strategies, especially Islamic movements in Algeria, Palestine, and the Philippines.

Her books include Terrorism and Politics; Mobilizing Movements, Mobilizing Contemporary Islamic Resistance; and Saudi Arabia's War on Terrorism. She's currently working on a new book about the War on Gaza.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be discussed, including the recently concluded Russell Tribunal on Palestine Barcelona session.

Progressive News Weekly - 03/10/10
03/08/2010 06:25 AM

We, have a PRN exclusive no-holds-barred interview, with internationally noted activist, comedian, humanitarian, author, presidential candidate, and health freedom proponent. Dick Gregory joins us with special guests to speak truth to power!

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03:52:46 1 March 17, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 01:19:14  16Kbps mp3
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03:52:46 1 March 17, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 00:40:19  16Kbps mp3
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Download Program Podcast
03:52:46 1 March 17, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 00:57:06  16Kbps mp3
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Download Program Podcast
03:52:46 1 March 17, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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 00:56:07  16Kbps mp3
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