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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
plus version2 : an extraordinary week of AIR CASCADIA reprocessed for low bandewidth
Commentary  Contact Contributor
March 30, 2010, 1:40 a.m.
sun mar 28th 2010 ::: The PORTLAND THREE : Alex Ansary, Clyde Lewis and Pilato | Tarpley and Berg : World Crisis and Obama Identity | Wayne Madsen condemns Capitalism | gROUNDzERO Healthcare Beware | | plus a week of AirCascadia with Cris Andreae
Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...
----Cris Andreae, AirCascadia, kboo fm network : news and public affairs
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanity form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
. . . . Through UBUNTU LINUX is the installed operating system for,,, CascadiaPublicRadio[tm], CascadiaPublicBroadcasting[tm] and anArchive[tm]
An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
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'A river runs through it': This week in Water with Tre Arrow, Maude Barlow
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 11:15am
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Fri, 03/26/2010

Lest we forget, the greater part of the human body is is the living earth. We know what happens when a human being goes without water for too long...We know what happens when we drink contaminated water...But happens to 'Gaia' when she is goes thirsty? What happens when her blood is fouled? Rupert Sheldrake reminds us that it's all about "sensitive dependence on initial conditions." Very small changes in natural systems are not necessarily lost in the ocean of time. More often than not, they multiply geometrically in cacades that spawn other cascades. The complexity of the proccess and sheer number of variables are beyond the farthest limits of our 'Difference Engines'; beyond the grasp of the highest mathematics. Here we are in our tiny boat, drawn downstream on invisible currents...up ahead, the faint ululation of a waterfall...
Street rights, robocop wrongs, Water Watch at Cascade Locks & Thinking Outside the Bottle
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 11:29am
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Thu, 03/25/2010

Think about it: Which Portland groups spend the most time on Portland streets? Clearly, the police and the Homeless. So it's a chancy relationship at best. On the one hand, by virtue of their circumstances the Homeless often present the visual stereotype of The Criminal. Being ragged and unwashed, in the middle American eye just makes a person look guilty of something - that and being Black. So along with African Americans, the Homeless are constantly the targets of police interest. On the other hand, life on the street is dangerous and debilitating. The Homeless frequently have no one to look to for protection other than the police. Jack Collins found himself lost in the No Mans Land between choosing life or death and clearly the man needed help. The police - Society's ultimate arbitrors of life and death - arrive on the scene and lay a heavy hand on delicately balanced scales. Collins spent ten minutes lying on the ground in a seething, roiling storm of sirens, shouts, squealing tires and his own blood. What did he wonder? Who's were the final faces he saw? The last eyes he looked into? The arrival of silence; the shimmering air; then nothing.
Swords & box knives, Nestle, water & the well-to-do soaking up the will to live...
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 11:16am
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Wed, 03/24/2010

So Nestle wants to crush Cascade Locks under its massive Carbon Footprint...The plan is First they want to trade spring water currently the habitat of fish for municipal water. I'm not making this up: the fish get the tap water and Nestle sells the fresh water right out from under the fish. Apparently it's going to take a year of 'study' to learn what is obvious to anyone who ever bought a guppie: chlorine and fish don't mix. And the hallucinogenic prospect of hot and cold running trout in the bathtub is not so far-fetched. Supposing Nestle twists all the right arms - you know, the ones attached to fists full of dollars...suppose this travesty comes into being. It will mean 200 tanker trucks a day running up and down the already deadly I-84. Who pays for the pollution? Who pays for the roadwork? Who pays when streams dry up and a town dies?

Water laws have seeped like acid throughout Western states, over the decades separating the water from the land, the land from people and the people from the wealth of their own labor. Once water is moved from place to place, money moves with it. And as potable water becomes increasingly scarce, its value as a commodity rises. No "trickle down" about it.
The Lund Report Live! Plus, activists at Bonneville Dam set up a mobile monitor to protect sealions
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 11:23am
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Wed, 03/24/2010
The Electronic Frontier Foundation weighs in on the future of FOIA
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 11:28am
program: Air Cascadia
program date: Wed, 03/24/

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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
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09:49:56 1 March 28, 2010
Compiled and edited by CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] Portland Oregon
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10   00:47:22  16Kbps mp3
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AIR CASCADIA : an extraordinary week - reprocessed for low bandwidth Download Program Podcast
see Announcer Script for text summaries by Cris Andreae
01:19:29 1 March 26, 2010
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 00:15:18  16Kbps mp3
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AIR CASCADIA : an extraordinary week - reprocessed for low bandwidth Download Program Podcast
see Announcer Script for text summaries by Cris Andreae
01:19:29 1 March 26, 2010
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 00:17:10  16Kbps mp3
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AIR CASCADIA : an extraordinary week - reprocessed for low bandwidth Download Program Podcast
see Announcer Script for text summaries by Cris Andreae
01:19:29 1 March 26, 2010
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 00:14:49  16Kbps mp3
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AIR CASCADIA : an extraordinary week - reprocessed for low bandwidth Download Program Podcast
see Announcer Script for text summaries by Cris Andreae
01:19:29 1 March 26, 2010
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 00:17:00  16Kbps mp3
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AIR CASCADIA : an extraordinary week - reprocessed for low bandwidth Download Program Podcast
see Announcer Script for text summaries by Cris Andreae
01:19:29 1 March 26, 2010
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