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Program Information
dialup \\ wtc7 //
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Commentary  Contact Contributor
April 6, 2010, 7:26 p.m.
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dialup \\ wtc7 // sun apr 4th 2010
1 01_AirCascadia_20100329m_15m37s_segueTUC_MichaelParenti_Democracy_Theocracy_44m35s_24mo22
2 02_AirCascadia_20100330t_15m00s_seque_flashpoints.net_56m50s_24mo22
3 03_AirCascadia_20100331w_TransparancyAmmo_16m09s_16mo16
4 04_AirCascadia_20100401h_15m00s_seque_flashpoints.net_55m47s_24mo22
5 05_AirCascadia_20100402f_segue_flashpoints.net_57m04s_24mo22
6 06_AlexAnsary.com_20100403a_46m35s_16mo16
7 07_CorbettReport.com_20100404u_episode124_cover_up_57m23s_16mo16
8 08_CuttingThroughTheMATRIX_20100402f_AlanWatt_47mo04s_16mo16
9 09_ELLEN_BROWN_20100328u_ProgRadioNewsHour_Lendman_59m22s_16mo16
10 10_exCIA_RAY_McGOVERN_20100329m_INNworldReport.net_TomKiley_40m11s_16mo16
11 11_FightTheEmpire_20100401h_PerFagering_29m03s_24mo22
12 12_GroundZeroMedia_Clyde_Lewis_20100404u_108m44s_16mo16
13 13_JACK_RASMUS_20100327a_ProgRadioNewsHour_Lendman_60m20s
14 14_MediaMonarchy.com_e164_1o2_60m36s-122m16s_16mo16-2010-04-02--10-00-00
15 15_MediaMonarchy.com_e164_2o2_61m41s-122m16s_16mo16-2010-04-02--10-00-00
16 16_MEL_GOODMAN_20100331w_INNworldReport_TomKiley_49m30s_16mo16
17 17_Michael_Springman_20100402f_INNworldReport_TomKiley_38m32s_16mo16
18 18_NORMAN_SOLOMAN_20100330t_INNworldReport_TomKiley_40m07s_16mo16
19 19_ProgRadioNewsHour_20090325h_Lendman_Salutes_CynthiaMcKinney_29m27s_16mo16
20 20_Quentin_Young_MD_INNworldreport.net_20100401h_TomKiley_40m27s_16mo16
21 22_WhatReallyHappened.com_20100329m_MichaelRivero_78m51s_16mo16
22 23_WhatReallyHappened.com_20100330t_MichaelRivero_78m22s_16mo16
23 24_WhatReallyHappened.com_20100331w_MichaelRivero_77m56s_16mo16
24 25_WhatReallyHappened.com_20100403a_MichaelRivero_74m04s_16mo16
25 26_world_crisis_radio_20100402f_Tarpley.net_obamacrimes.com_78m47s_16mo16
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the identifier should have been cpr20100404u ... sorry

dialup \\ wtc7 // sun apr 4th 2010
this distribution is a whole week archive

Sometimes "comment" comes closer to truth than the "news"...
---Cris Andreae, AirCascadia, kboo fm network : news and public affairs
dialup \\ wtc7 // program series
Recent radio programs, drawn from a variety of sources and processed for compact bandwidth, that take as given that 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB to benefit a global, feudalist elite whose plutocratic advance and contempt for democracy and humanity form an ongoing, accelerating agenda of eugenics, exploitation, endless war, environmental degradation, murderous censorship, decimation of human kind and enserfment for those who remain
UNDERWRITING : CascadiaPublicRadio[tm] podcast programming on and is made possible in part by a generous grant by community technology center, founded in and with world headquarters in Portland Oregon.
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An eight minute talk radio segment on WHY TO PREFER LINUX over even the latest MicroSoft[TM] version features Michael Rivero and guests on via Mon Dec 7th 2009
. . .
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Tre Arrow & Rising Tide: Raising the stakes in the 'Green' vs 'Greed' Game...
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 12:09pm
Air Cascadia
program date:
Fri, 04/02/2010

April First pushed a few buttons. And here on Air Cascadia we plan to keep right on pushing. Joining us in the effort, Tre Arrow and Samantha Chirillo with Rising Tide report on the pranks designed to chip away at the cracks in the system. Roots and water, water and roots weather Walls and Streets where the worst crimes against average citizens are committed every day. Parse that, eh...'Wall',? 'Street'? Walls and wars have always chased one anothers' tails: China, Berlin, occupied Palestine, the Mexican-American border: A million lines in the sand lost to time and wind. Walls keep nothing in, nothing out; everything in, everything out. They serve only to underline suffering. This is the human community, remember. When people feel they need protection, it is usually because they know that they themselves have in some way become a danger to others. The only difference between a 'Danger' and 'Protection' is the wall itself.

As for 'Street', there are the ones that are paved with gold, some that lead to ruin and still others have become home to the Earth's dispossessed, hearth to the Eternal Refugee.

* Length: 16:00 minutes (7.32 MB)

Thinking Out of the Fox: LNG, the Bottom of the Sea & Healthcare: Insurance-Free...
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 11:04am
Air Cascadia
program date:
Thu, 04/01/2010

* Length: 13:24 minutes (12.27 MB)

Government transparancy, shortages of ammo, Middle School Cabaret...We're not making this up...
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 11:14am
Air Cascadia
program date:
Wed, 03/31/2010

Just in time: You want government transparency, you say? Well then say it. Tonight, 6 pm at the Turnbull Center, 70 NW Couch Street here in Portland you can share your thoughts with Attorney General John Kroger. Transparancy or cource is a double-edged sword. What's one individual's right to know is another's right to privacy. It comes down to the question of what we do with information once we have it. The uses of said information come in a rainbow ethical ends, some of which can only be found in the infra red/ultraviolet range of the spectrum. Take the Portland police department's contract negotiations. By law the meetings are open to the public. But now the cops want to close the doors. Makes a curious person wonder why. And it makes an investigative person want to pick the lock.

Then there's the charter school in The City of Brotherly Love that moonlights as a night club. That's an idea we haven't fully explored out here on The Left Coast. The wholesale privatization of schools presents some alarming, albeit cost-effetive, scenarios: Hugs by day; lap-dancing at night? No Child Left Behind...

Perhaps the aforementioned New Concept in Education could be incorporated into the Lake Oswego developers plans to turn the old dog-racing venue in Wood Village into a casino and staff the place with Local Talent. Many of East County's examples of American Youth could easily work as bouncers - and that's just the girls.

* Length: 16:09 minutes (14.78 MB)

Resistance: Beyond the Barricades, on the street, in your backyard: Confronting lawless Law
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 11:17am
Air Cascadia
program date:
Tue, 03/30/2010

Resistance: It's rage transcended, transformed into strategy, tactics and tenacity. What is it going to take to reconfigure the police and reconstruct public trust? Do we have to tear the existing structures down to the foundation...or can creativity save us from ourselves? There is a cold, hard core of sullen silence buried in the police department, insulated by the police union. It is that core where some kind of healing needs to happen. Many - dare I call it most - of Portland's police officers are "Everyday People". Is it possible for them to be empowered to influence the others? Or is it going to take stronger medicine? The beginning and the end of the question is Resistance: Point blank refusal to accept the absence of accountability, consequences, rule of law, responsibility among the ranks of Portland police. The quid pro status quo...

* Length: 14:28 minutes (6.62 MB)

Water, Wyden and the Biomass Bull**** and Cascadia's carrying capacity: Who's water? Our water!
Submitted by Cris Andreae on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 11:45am
Air Cascadia
program date:
Mon, 03/29/2010

Turn your back on these people for a moment and they start selling the state down the river...selling the river, for that matter. John Devoe at WaterWatch (Not to be confused with Food & Water Watch. Both organizations are forces to be contended with by corporados. But they are not the same animal. Just saying...) points out that it is perfectly possible within the constraints of state law to sell all the water in any given river. Because rivers by their nature disregard state lines, property lines, public/private battle lines, and live by the laws of nature, they have managed to keep flowing. The elaborate balancing act that keeps fish, farmers, indigenous interests, hikers, bikers and plinkers spinning occupies much legislative time and substance. Environmental law has been rallied to the cause. But here's the thing: the root of the bioregion's many-spangled woes always seems to be population. Too many people exercising 'rights' that were designed a hundred years ago when there were fewer people and "Nature red in tooth and claw" kept the people honest. Today we have too many people equipped with all the 'rights' and none of the responsibilities associated with sustainable use and serious stewardship. The Bell Curve tolls for you...

* Length: 15:40 minutes (7.17 MB)

PRN - The Progressive News Hour

The Progressive Radio News Hour - 03/28/10
03/24/2010 06:13 AM

Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney, author, and frequent writer on financial issues. A new addition of her latest book, Web of Debt, is a brilliant analysis of the private banking cartel Federal Reserve, how it usurped money creation power, and how we can take it back.

The Daily Bell "Compendium of Free-Market Thought" awarded Brown her own title, saying "in modern economic thought, (there are) now Keynsians, Austrians and Brownians.

Brown's latest writing will be discussed.

The Progressive Radio News Hour - 03/27/10
03/24/2010 06:12 AM

Jack Rasmus is a Professor of Political Economy at St. Mary's College and Santa Clara University, CA. He's also a freelance journalist, frequent speaker, a playwright and author, including his newest book now available titled, Epic Recession and Financial Crisis: Prelude to Global Depression.

Rasmus' book and economic outlook will be discussed.

The Progressive Radio News Hour - 03/25/10
03/24/2010 06:12 AM

Stephen Lendman talks broadly about what Cynthia McKinney stands for. Ms McKinney was unavailable for interview at time of broadcast.

McKinney is a former Georgia State Legislator, US Congresswoman, Green Party Presidential Candidate, and longtime civil and human rights activist.

On March 1 - 3 in Barcelona, Spain, she was one of eight prominent Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) panel members hearing expert testimony on Israeli violations of international humanitarian laws and the rules of war and occupation.

RTP's work and conditions in Occupied Palestine will be discussed as well as McKinney's recent encounter with Israeli harshness, trying to bring essential to life aid to Gazans under siege.

Identifier: cpr20110404u
Mediatype: audio
Publicdate: 2010-04-07 00:01:03
Addeddate: 2010-04-06 22:40:26
Keywords: .

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