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Program Information
NYC Anarchist Book Fair
Matt Meyer, Vikki Law, Jennifer Silverman, Tomas Moniz
 dan v  Contact Contributor
Jan. 16, 2011, 4:02 a.m.
NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2010
Radical Parenting: Raising Kids and Creating Community
Saturday, April 17
Judson Memorial Church

A discussion of parenting creating community from a radical/activist perspective, including the need for parenting allies, and the importance of diversity to combat mainstream images and values towards parenting. Matt Meyer will discuss the nexus between radical parenting and radical teaching and the ways in which the current trends towards privatized education make it more difficult for parents/guardians to navigate the educational systems. Vikki Law will share stories from her survey of anarchist mamas and discuss concrete examples of how movements, groups and activists can support and have supported the families in their midst. Tomas Moniz will talk about the daily practices of radical parenting and the need for allies. Jennifer Silverman will present on raising kids with special needs in the counterculture.

Matt Meyer has spent over twenty years as a teacher and teacher trainer with the NYC Department of Education, including ten years as the Multicultural Coordinator for NYC's Alternative High Schools and Programs (chronicled in his 2007 book, Time Is Tight). His nine years as a student of his son, and three years as a student of his daughter, have 'nevertheless' taught him just as much.

Vikki Law is a writer, mother, and photographer. Since 2002, she has worked with women incarcerated nationwide to produce Tenacious: Art and Writings from Women in Prison. Her writings have appeared in Hip Mama, off our backs, make/shift magazine and Left Turn. Her new book, Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women is the culmination of eight years of research, writing and listening to the stories of women incarcerated nationwide.

Tomas Moniz is a writer for and editor of Rad Dad, a zine on radical parenting. It is comprised of writings from everyday parents and is always open to submissions. It won Utne Magazine's 2009 independent media award for zine of the year.

Jennifer Silverman is a recovering journalist, mama of two rambunctious sons, co-founder of m*a*m*a (a collective of radical mothers) and a co-editor of My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Special Needs (PM Press, 2009). Her writing about mothering her son with autism has appeared in Hip Mama, off our backs, and the 'zine version of Short Bus, among others. She resides in Queens, NY.


My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities

Rad Dad Zine

Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners

Related Media:

Jennifer Silverman: My Baby Rides the Short Bus

No Families, No Justice: Building a Family-Inclusive Left Movement

Anarchism & Supporting Parents and Children

The City From Below - Children In the City (video)

NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2010: Radical Childbirth


Don't Leave Your Friends Behind:

issue #1 of Don't Leave Your Friends Behind as a pdf download:

issue #3 of Don't Leave Your Friends Behind as a pdf:

Kidz' City (Baltimore childcare collective):

CRAP! (Child Rearing Against Patriarchy) Collective in England:

"Bringing the Next Generation Into Struggle: The Children's Social Forum"

Prison Birth Project:

Defend Hunter Childcare:

My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities

Regeneracion Childcare NYC


For info about the upcoming 2012 NYC Anarchist Bookfair see:

To contact the NYC Anarchist Book Fair organizing collective to volunteer, submit workshop and tabling applications, make a donation, or get more information, email us at info[at]anarchistbookfair[dot]net

More NYC Anarchist Book Fair archives can be found at

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02:52:22 1 April 17, 2010
Judson Memorial Church
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02:52:22 1 April 17, 2010
Judson Memorial Church
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