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Program Information
RedPill Tales
Peaceful Atom - Not So Clean Or Safe
Gerry Pollet, Christopher Busby, Arnie Gunderson, Kay Drey, Dan Hirsh, Karl Grossman, Andy Kimbrell
 Virtual Renderings  Contact Contributor
Aug. 21, 2011, 2:41 p.m.
A collage concerning the unannounced and ongoing affects of Fukushima and our own nuclear industry upon the people of North America. Its not so clean and not so safe after all and this program presents some of the recent events and facts that have come to the surface concerning this deep and very dark industry.
see program notes
Commentary by:
Radiation detected in northwest US rainwater – CH 5 (King) News Seattle (0:36.5 to 2:47)
Gov hiding Fukushima affects on America - Gerry Pollet (Heart of America Northwest) (4:20 to 6:40)
Fukushima – whats to be done - Christopher Busby (8:39 to 10:27)
Nuclear power is least efficient way to make steam – Arnie Gundersen (11:36 to 12:31)
Einstein quote on nuclear power - Arnie Gundersen (13:54 to 13:59)
Routine emissions from nuclear plants - Kay Drey (NIRS) (14:08 to 17:17)
NAS states there is no safe dose - Dan Hirsh (19:32 to 20:43)
Radiation hormesis an incredible lie - Karl Grossman (20:44 to 22:28)
Why Uranium is bad for you – Christopher Busby (23:24 to 25:13)
Nuclear technology requires totalitarian society - Andy Kimbrell (25:17 to 28:19)

Music (complete or excerpts):
Radium Rain - Bruce Cockburn
Nukular – Jay Leonhart
I Told You So – John Hall
We Don't Need Nuclear Power – Ragging Grannies

FX or short supportive segments:
St. Louis Geiger counter sampling rain 8-20-11 (Utube)
Clean, Safe Too Cheap to Meter – Harry Shearer (Le Show)
Most Americans Learn About Nuclear Power from the Simpsons (Utube)

URLs of note:

Comments, questions or suggestions? Please include - Peaceful Atom - Not So Clean Or Safe - in the subject line.

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01:00:00 1 Aug. 21, 2011
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 00:30:00  128Kbps mp3
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01:00:00 1 Aug. 21, 2011
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 00:30:00  32Kbps mp3
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