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Program Information
Rockin' the Boat
Regular Show
Lucy Komisar, John Miller
 V-Man  Contact Contributor
Dec. 1, 2002, 11:53 a.m.
Henry Kissinger's selection to head the 911 inquiry is an outrage! I spoke with freelance journalist Lucy Komisar, & John Miller of East Timor Action Network about the documented war crimes of Henry Kissinger.
Producer: V-Man
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After more than 14 months of circumvention, it was with little fanfare on November 27th that President Bush caved in to pressure and signed legislation establishing an "independent" commission to investigate the terrorist attacks on America of Sept. 11, 2001. The man charged with investigating the failures of the US government to prevent the horrors of that day, is none other than Dr. Henry Kissinger.

As National Security Advisor to president Nixon, and Secreatary of State to both Nixon and Ford, Kissinger is no stranger to terrorism. The Council on Hemishperic Affairs wrote in a November 28 press release: "Kissinger's selection as chairman of the Sept. 11 body comes at the very time when his bona fides throughout much of his professional life are being called into question by a growing chorus of enraged voices, who fear that old age and death will catch up with this public malefactor..."

In deed, Kissinger was at least partially responsible for the prolonged war in Vietnam and he orchestrated the secret wars in Laos and Cambodia. Nonetheless, Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. He has endured heavy criticism for his role in the coup against Chile and president Salvador Allende in Sept of that year. And for backing Indonesian dictator Suharto in the bloody invasion of East Timor in 1975.

In the early 80's he founded the influential multi-million dollar consulting firm, Kissinger Associates , which represents multinational corporations, including Coca-Cola, American Express, Anheuser-Busch, and ITT. White House officials say Kissinger will not resign as chairman of the firm, and will not be required to release the names of his current clients.

With some discussion on Kissinger's record and the likelihood of a cover-up we turn now to Lucy Komisar and John Miller.

Lucy Komisar is a freelance journalist based in New York, whose area of expertise includes US foreign policy, the international banking system, and corporate secrecy. Lucy is completing work on a book titled "Heroes and Scoundrels," about U.S. foreign policy and human rights in several countries, including Chile, in the 1970s and 1980s.

John Miller co-founded East Timor Action Network in 1991. He has been ETAN's Media and Outreach Coordinator since late 1996. In addition to coordinating ETAN's New York chapter, John directs the Foreign Bases Project. He is Treasurer of the War Resisters League, author of numerous articles and pamphlets, and editor of several newsletters and magazines. He served as staff for a Parliamentarians for East Timor observer mission to the 1999 referendum in East Timor. John Miller is also a co-founder of KISSINGER WATCH , a joint project of the East-Timor Action Network, the International Campaign against Impunity and the Instituto Cono Sur.

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