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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Barristers protest in street for 1st time ever over Legal Aid proposals
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
June 7, 2013, 3:12 p.m.
Tory Kenneth Bilderberger Clarke and Tory Justice Secretary Chris Graylings attempt to change the terms of Legal Aid have brought Barristers out on the streets for the first time in British history. We ask chief barrister at Albion Chambers Michael Fitton QC if he will take the government to court over the proposals and why he and his colleagues feel so strongly. The NATO zone elite Bilderberg conference is taking place in Watford with sole arbiter of the code of Parliamentary standards Tory Prime Minister David Cameron diving in too how can we ever trust him to judge cases of MPs accountability again? We go back to Arnhem in 1944 to meet two men who were later to chair the Bilderberg meetings Captain Peter Carrington and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Former Captain in the 82nd Airborne Division T. Moffatt Burriss takes up the story. We look at the escape of Hitlers personal secretary Martin Bormann in 1945 and CBS news correspondant Paul Mannings book Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile and ask did Bormann take the loot from WW2 and use it to set up a financial power network where swastikas came of and suits went on to Nazi sympathisers? Mannings book certainly has the evidence. Idris Francis discusses on the phone his ideas about the EU and the Fourth Reich recounting a story his Uncle told him that a German officer under his guard turned to him, a Major at the time, and said you have beaten us twice now but the third time we will win and you wont know anything about it until its all over.

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