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Program Information
This Way Out
The International LGBT Radio Magazine for the wk of 12-14-15
Weekly Program
Janet Mason; David Cummer; Lucas Scheelk.
 Lucia Chappelle  Contact Contributor
Dec. 14, 2015, 6:58 p.m.
Disabilities are no handicap for "Queer Anthology" contributors; writers wrestle with U.S. Southern "inhospitality”; Remembering LGBT luminaries we lost this year in an extended "Rainbow Minute”; an activist/attorney renews the challenge to Jamaica's "buggery" law, out candidates score electoral firsts in Venezuela and Australia, the U.K. and U.S. each set out the welcome mat for LGBT Syrian refugees, a 4-year old Swiss boy demands the legal recognition of both his dads in the European Court of Human Rights, and more global LGBT news!
Hosted this week by Lucia Chappelle and produced with Greg Gordon. NewsWrap reporters: Michael LeBeau and Carole Meyers; producer: Steve Pride. Correspondents: Dixie Treichel and John Townsend; Mary Wallace, produced by Judd Proctor and Brian Burns. Addl material: Jason Proctor and Abby Dees. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Addl music: Meg Christian; TL Forsberg; Lesley Gore.
= Attempted Gentle Reminder =
=> If you’ve got the wherewithal, a year-end voluntary program acquisition donation
of $250 — or any amount your station can afford - is much needed and would be deeply appreciated!
via Paypal at,
or via postal mail to:
Overnight Productions (Inc.)/This Way Out
POB 1065
Los Angeles, CA 90078 USA
= Thank you, and Happy Holidays from our family to you and yours! =

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00:28:53 1 Dec. 14, 2015
Los Angeles, CA USA
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 00:28:53  192Kbps mp3
(41MB) Stereo
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