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Program Information
The Final Straw
Weekly Program
 The Final Straw Radio  Contact Contributor
April 17, 2016, 1:31 p.m.
**Note that there are 2 versions of the show, the "podcast" version is slightly longer and contains updates on current prisoner struggles, the text for which is posted below.


We open with an announcement from Asheville Anti-Racism, which is a far right watch group here in Asheville. There is a benefit show tonight at the Odditorium to raise funds for an anti-fascist, anti-KKK march just outside of Atlanta, GA next Saturday the 23rd. Every year, fascists march on Stone Mountain in Georgia, and every year there is anti-fascist presence. Let's make this a year to remember!


A few prison updates from the U.S.:

Since April 4th, prisoners in at least 4 Texas prisons have been on
strike for better conditions and an end to slavery and human rights
abuses. This strike is but the latest in a nationwide mass movement
inside prisons for dignity and freedom. Minimum wage in Texas prisons is
00/hr. Access to medical care requires a $100 medical copay.

Striking prisons have been put on lockdown in an attempt to “conceal the
strike” and the battle of wills is being daily tested by the inhumanity
of the administration. No lights, two peanut butter sandwiches a day, no
phone, mail or visitation from the outside world. And likely far worse.

Since the strike’s inception, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
(TDCJ) has been trying to contain the strike and paint the strikers as
causing harm to inmates and families. Threatening additional lockdowns,
forced transfers, violence. Even a statewide lockdown.

The Incarcerated Workers Organzing Committee, IWOC, believes TDCJ’s
actions to be an intentional, routine tactic. “They are trying to change
who the enemy is,” said Nick Onwukwe, Co-Chair of IWOC and a former
prisoner. “Trying to get you believe the enemy isn’t the slave master,
it’s the slave who sits down and says - enough.”

Increasingly lockdowns are becoming reality. Already there are
additional lockdowns at Jester III, Dalhart, and Beto, partial lockdowns
at Coffield and Allred, and a confirmed order for lockdown at Michael
for this morning, April 16th. Is the strike spreading? Will TCDJ’s
tactics backfire? We may be at a tipping point.

IWOC and prisoners, family & supporters are requesting shows of
solidarity from the outside. If you hate slavery in the U.S. under the
guise of the Prison Industrial Complex there are a few suggestions on
getting involved: contact family and friends in prison and clue them in
to the strikes; organize a local group to engage folks in jail and
prison and hear their concerns; talk to your neighbors, churchmates,
schoolmates, coworkers who may have folks on the inside and talk about
what's going on; join the call in campaigns or demonstrate outside a

More info from the IWW Incarcerated Workers' Organizing Committee (IWOC)
can be found at their webpage,, and they can be reached
at : 816-866-3808 or Visit the site to find phone
numbers and addresses to direct grievances about the treatment of Texas
prisoners and continued conditions of enslavement in the U.S. prison complex


In related news, on April 9, 2016 3 prisoners at David Wade Correctional
Center in Homer, Louisiana went on hunger strike. The three were also on
what is called “extreme suicide,” which is where they place you in FULL
RESTRAINTS (chains) – that is, shackles and handcuffs attached to a
waist chain. This is done for days at a time. They are also on “strip” –
dressed only in a paper gown.

The torturous punitive conditions here at David Wade Correctional Center
have gone on long enough. The sadistic practices by security and the
administration are a violation of human rights and decency.

The administration has admitted to the infliction of corporal punishment
against prisoners on lockdown. Just now as I write, they sprayed a
prisoner while he was on his knees and struck him several times. They
also sprayed and beat another prisoner who is mentally ill and has been
on . for over a year. He has also been on food loaf for a long time.

A letter from a prisoner at DWCC in Homer suggested
"Please call if you can – just a phone call will spook them. Thank you!:
Department of Corrections Secretary James M. LeBlanc, 225-342-6740
Deputy Secretary Eugene Powers, 225-342-6744
Undersecretary Thomas Bickham, 225-342-6739"

For more information on this, you can visit


Finally, notes from 2 prisoners in the North Carolina prison system
requesting help:

Kevin Cox is a politically active prisoner struggling at the moment just
to be able to receive mail and contact from the outside. He asked that
this statement be shared with anyone who might care to help call in to
the prison. Since he wrote this, he's been transferring to Marion CI,
but is still facing the same issues.

Greetings, Shalom Aleyka, Salaam Alaykum, Amani,

My name is Kevin Cox #1217063. I'm a political prisoner who's being
housed in Bertie Correctional Institution, in Windsor, NC. Since my
incarceration I've dedicated my life to the struggle by fighting for the
rights of prisoners, human rights for all oppressed people and rights
for LGBTQ. Also I'm a dedicated member of the Black liberation movement
and a member of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party [distinct from the
New Black Panther Party], which is a legal aboveground political
organization. At Bertie Corrections, I'm being treated like a 'slave'
because of my political beliefs, my continuous activism in educating
prisoners and my refusal to be submissive to Bertie Correction's
oppressive rules and regulations, which correlates to division,
miseducation, provoking Black on Black violence, and racism.

As a result of my resistance, they [officers and staff] have stopped the
flow of mail that comes from outside support such as family, friends,
and comrades, have prevented me from recieving books, pamphlets, and
newspapers, and have even denied me my “due process right” to be
notified of the censorship of my property. The SRG [Security Risk Group]
intelligence officers read my mail, that is stamped “legal,” without my
being present, when my legal mail usually refers to my criminal case,
law suits, etc. And the SRG officers are trying to “SRG” me, after I
adamantly disavowed and denied any affiliation with any SRG group.

I'm telling you this because I need your help. I want to start a
telephone/fax campaign to the administration demanding that they quit
these egregious tactics that violate my constitutional rights.

Marion CI (Ask for Lt. Daniel Merrill and Cpt. Michael Long)

(828) 659-7810

NC Director of Prisons

George Solomon, (919) 838-4000

Jimmy Milton is an active voice in prison struggle at Bertie Ci, and has
faced repeated violation of religious rights as a Hebrew-Israelite. He
has not been provided Kosher meals, was not allowed to participate in
Passover, and has not been able to order relevant religious materials.
According to Jimmy, “I've already filed my grievance here at the
facility and my next step is my hunger strike. The people I need for you
to call and speak to are as follows:

Bertie CI Superintendant Herring or Asst. Superintendant Clark
(252) 794-8601

More info on prisoner resistance in the U.S. and how to engage it can be
found at


Also, for a first hand account by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble
who's warehoused in the Alabama prison system, on the recent riots and
ongoing struggles of prisoners there as well as organizing by the Free
Alabama Movement, check out


This week we air an interview which was recorded at the latest international anarchist radio conference in Berlin this year. This interview is with an anarchist who is very active in LGBTQI struggle in that city, and we speak about the history of feminism and trans activism in Berlin as well as the problem of trans-misogyny in feminist and queer scenes, plus many more topics. You can see more about what our guest is talking about at
This audio was made at a long standing leftist and anarchist space called Friedel 54, which is gearing up to fight an impending eviction. You can see more about this at, which is in German but gets run through a translator pretty well.

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02:06:40 1 April 17, 2016
WSFM-LP Asheville, North Carolina
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 00:59:00  128Kbps mp3
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02:06:40 1 April 17, 2016
WSFM-LP Asheville, North Carolina
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 01:07:40  128Kbps mp3
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