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Program Information
The Final Straw Radio Show
Weekly Program
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
 TFSRadio  Contact Contributor
Aug. 21, 2016, 2:48 p.m.
This week a new member of The Final Straw, Gil O'Teen, spoke with LaDonna Brave Bull Allard of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, also a historian and geneologist for that tribe, and the owner of the Sacred Stones Camp. Our guest and interviewer speak about the Sacred Stones Camp, which is a group of people who are standing in active opposition to Dakota Access's attempts to build a crude oil pipeline (DAPL) whose proposed route would go from North Dakota to southern Illinois, traveling through 50 counties and 4 states. They speak about the impacts that this pipeline would have on the people who live in the area, which is also a sacred site for the Lakota folks, how the media has been portraying this issue, the media blackout which has recently been imposed on the camp, and many more topics.

But first, a few announcements:

Update on the Blocking of the DAPL in North Dakota

An update as of Friday: Governor Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota issued a restriced emergency declaration to make additional state resources available to "manage public safety at the Dakota Access Pipeline protests near Cannon Ball, ND." This executive order does not include activation of the National Guard, but does make available other state resources which have previously not been used.

You can keep up with the Sacred Stones Camp and donate to this cause by visiting their Go Fund Me site at, and you can see lots of photos and videos of this camp by going onto
facebook and searching "No Dakota Access in Treaty Territory".

To get in touch more directly with this resistance, you can call them at (701)301-2238, or write to them at:

Sacred Stones Camp
PO Box 1011
Fort Gates, ND

Hunger strikes by Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan & others at OSP

A quick update on the case of Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan, a prisoner who's been organizing with the Free Ohio Movement and towards the September 9th National Freedom Movement prisoner strike. Hasan has a long history of organizing, including being one of the main negotiators in the 1993 Lucasville Prison uprising for which he currently faces the death penalty. Hasan's been doing media work including an interview on this show about the September 9th 2016 prisoner strikes and last week had his cell raided and was put into the hole at Ohio State Penitentiary in Youngstown. He is being denied access to the email and phone kiosk, accused of some pretty ridiculous things by a competing Imam, Imam S. Ishmael.

In response, Hasan and other muslim prisoners have gone on hunger strike.

From Lucasville Amnesty

The Free Ohio Movement has come to Hasan’s aid, “It is important that we stand up to this repression and terror-baiting as soon as it rears it’s head,” says Tahiyrah Ali.

Tahiyrah and The Free Ohio Movement are requesting supporters call the director of the ODRC, Gary C. Mohr, at 614-752-1150 immediately and daily until the hunger striker’s demands are met.

“Ask to speak to the Director Mohr and demand that the bogus conduct report against Hasan be dropped and that the Muslim prisoners be allowed real faith services from an imam they can trust.”

Hasan’s attorney Rick Kerger is also investigating the matter. “Our system of locking people up has not and is not working.” He said, “To capitalize on it through what is effectively slave labor just makes matters worse.”

For More Information Contact:
Free Ohio Movement
1623 Dalton Street, #14939
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250
Twitter: @MovementOhio
Phone: 330-366-6838…/the-people-s-freedom-movement"

Sept 2nd event, Asheville

There will be a discussion at 7pm on Friday, September 2nd at Firestorm in West Asheville around solidarity with the National Freedom Movement September 9th prisoner strikes. Bring ideas. This will be followed by a 10pm Dance Party with AFM's own DJ Malinalli for a suggested donation.


Finally, The Final Straw is up on the iTunes library for easy and free download. Never want to miss an episode... ever... really..., just set your podcatcher on your mobile or immobile device to search the itunes library for The Final Straw for a weekly topical discussion of anarchist ideas and actions. If you get up on there, give us feedback, rate the podcast and share it with others.

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