Panelists will examine the contested meanings and common abuse of the phrase "the Left" in the United States (U.S.). They will discuss steps required to create a genuinely revolutionary movement for social justice, peace, people's power (popular sovereignty), and the salvation and preservation of livable ecology. Is there a significant and real "Left" in the U.S today? What would qualify as an authentic and serious Left appropriate for the 21st century United States? How might such a Left be created and/or expanded? What will the task of creating an authentic,relevant,and powerful 21st Century U.S. Left require of activists and intellectuals going forward? Why does this task matter?
Audio recorded and edited by Wilton Vought (last name rhymes with thought) of Essential Dissent.
If you broadcast this audio, please:
1. Credit Essential Dissent and the Left Forum. 2. Notify Wilton via the Contact Contributor button, or directly: wvought at gmail dot com
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Approximate Timeline:
00:00:00 Intro by Paul Street 00:04:49 Paul Street 00:24:40 Glen Ford 00:45:33 Chris Hedges 01:04:33 Bruce Dixon 01:31:28 Q&A
On 8/26/18 I added 58:00 edits, which are Episode 9 in the OVOC series:
#2 is a radio Mp3: 192Kbps, Mono, -24 LUFS. #3 is a podcast Mp3: 64Kbps, Mono, -19 LUFS.
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